Klingon D7's and Planets


Premium Member
After finding some tutorials on the 'net about creating planetsin photoshop I decided to combine my first few experiments with my most recently finished 3D model - a Klingon D7 ship from TOS. Here's the results:

Oh, and here's a D7 flying under Romulan colours:

Very nice, is that the flaming pear plug in? I was looking at the Galileo 7 preview over at Trekmovie last night thinking how the planet didn't much better than planets made in PS using that plug in.
Thanks guys!! :D

KirkTrekModeler said:
Very nice, is that the flaming pear plug in?

No, I didn't use that plug-in. I did try it but I did particularly care for it... it all seemed a little too quick and easy.
Instead, I found a few tutorials on the 'net on how to make planet scenes, devianART has some good ones, and created them the old-fashioned way (i.e. building them up one layer at a time). :)
Oh by the way, the pictures are good. The D7 model looks great. The planets are sort of lacking a three dimensional quality, though. If you're doing them in photoshop, maybe spherize them some more?
Thanks for the feedback Icy_Penguigo. I use Paint Shop Pro 7 which doesn't have a spherize function, though it does have something, sort of, similar. I'll have to have a play around and see if I can improve things.