Jenna Mitchell - hey, wait a second...


Rear Admiral
Rear Admiral
Ok, so I'm dense, but I just now realized that Jenna Mitchell, the navigator... is she supposed to be the new Gary Mitchell from TOS? The one who ended up with crazy powers and tried to kill James R. Kirk?
Or is it just someone with the same name?
Garys origin was that he was schoolfriends with Jim Kirk. Jenna either doesn't know him, or she is pretending hard as she can that she doesn't know him, for a very good reason.
It's entirely possible she's a sibling or cousin.
We really don't know anything about Gary Mitchell's family and very little about his past.

(why should Spock be the only one with popup relatives)
(it wasn't until the Wrath of Khan that we found out Scotty had a sister and nephew)
It's entirely possible she's a sibling or cousin.
We really don't know anything about Gary Mitchell's family and very little about his past.

(why should Spock be the only one with popup relatives)
(it wasn't until the Wrath of Khan that we found out Scotty had a sister and nephew)
The Eastern Coalition is suspected to be "partially" China.

China may have been nuked harder in one timeline.

Less Chinese Refugees flooding America in the other.

The wrong people get married a hundred years ago in one timeline and suddenly you have Chinese Americans descendants where their used to be Irish Catholic American descendants.

Gary seemed like a dick.

I think Jenna will look real pretty with silver eye balls.
I hope Jenna Mitchell is more of a relative (Like a Sister) to Gary Mitchell. To make her the new Gary Mitchell would be a little disappointing.
See out often growing Asian name thread...

As aposed to already established characters like Chapel, Uhura, people like MBenga and even Mitchell, I wouldn't have a problem with them being on and them getting more fleshed out, so do hope they introduce Him.