Contest: VOTE January Art Challenge - Vote for Your Theme!

VOTE for FOUR!!!! VOTE for FOUR!!!!

  • Specific Show -- Prodigy

    Votes: 3 27.3%
  • Transporter Malfunctions

    Votes: 5 45.5%
  • The More Things Change

    Votes: 2 18.2%
  • The New Next Generation

    Votes: 2 18.2%
  • Beginnings

    Votes: 1 9.1%
  • Tall Tales

    Votes: 2 18.2%
  • Timekeeping

    Votes: 2 18.2%
  • Not Good Enough

    Votes: 3 27.3%
  • Today Is A Good Day to Die-o-rama

    Votes: 3 27.3%
  • Wrong Episode Posters

    Votes: 4 36.4%
  • Thrillin' Villain!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • BackTreking

    Votes: 2 18.2%
  • Cold Comfort

    Votes: 2 18.2%
  • Insert Spock Here

    Votes: 2 18.2%
  • Rules To Live By

    Votes: 2 18.2%
  • Bones of Contention

    Votes: 1 9.1%
  • Black and White...and Grey

    Votes: 1 9.1%
  • Back to School

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Premium Member
December's Festive Art Challenge, Aliens Stole My Reindeer!, is well underway with only ~ 2 weeks to finalise those entries. And with the end of 2023 fast approaching we need to look forward to a new year of art challenges, and the first Theme of 2024 will be chosen right here.

Please feel free to vote whether you intend to create an entry or not, we want to generate as much interest and participation as possible. And let us know how you've voted below and why: what piques your interest about each theme, what you think we might see. You never know, your thoughts could just be the spark that lights someone's imagination and leads to a new piece of Star Trek Art.

THE NEUTRAL ZONE has returned and the Themes within it, which scored the lowest averages in recent polls, are in danger of being eliminated from future votes.

We have Eighteen Themes suggested by BBS members for you to choose from and you have until the poll closes on the 1st January to vote for your FOUR favourites.

Details for each Theme are as follows:

Specific Show -- Prodigy

Dedicated to art inspired by one specific Star Trek show or era. Each month you have the opportunity to vote for a different era cycling through: TOS/TAS --> TNG --> DS9 --> VOY --> ENT --> MOVIES --> DSC --> PIC --> LDS --> PRO --> SNW --> TOS/TAS --> ...

Transporter Malfunctions
Duplicates, amalgamations and transmogrifications. Oh my! Kirkvix! Tendivix! DATAVIX! Tuvix your favorite characters... then draw them running in terror from Janeway!

The More Things Change

Time may move at warp speed, but not everything does. Show us how something Trek has changed over the years - landscapes, buildings, ships, people, beliefs.

The New Next Generation
What's next for Star Trek? Show us what could follow your favorite incarnation of Star Trek or the future of fandom itself: the Next Generation of Star Trek fans.

A New Year is here so taking inspiration from that show us some Trek Art related to new Beginnings. It could be inspired by something from the start of your favourite series or show us the beginning of a new mission, the introduction of a new character, ship or family member.

Tall Tales
Or, a funny thing happened on the way to Delta Vega. Dedicated to those adventures that are the most bizarre and unbelievable, the ones where if you described them to someone they'd reckon you'd done a little too much LDS - Abraham Lincoln floating in space, holograms taking over the Enterprise, being shrunk to the size of a toy, evolving into a lizard?! Or perhaps you can think of something even weirder than those we've seen on the show.

We know our Starfleet crews get themselves into all sorts of temporal scrapes, but how do they (and other galactic citizens) tell the time wherever they are? Apart from stardates, the odd PADD/viewscreen display, Sisko's Saltah'na clock, and a couple of "antique" 20th century watches, what do contemporary timepieces look like in the Star Trek time periods? Especially those from worlds other than Earth? After all, not everywhere has a 24 hour day...

Not Good Enough
Art inspired by unpopular episodes.

Today Is A Good Day to Die-o-rama
Release your inner child with a diorama demonstrating anything Trek - landscapes, ships, historical moments. Make it or draw it, if you prefer. Mixed media - use any material you want.

Wrong Episode Posters
Have you ever read a synopsis for an episode or movie that only vaguely resembles what you eventually watched? Well, your challenge is to badly interpret the plot of a Star Trek episode or movie and create a promotional poster to advertise it. Maybe you could shift the emphasis of the episode/movie to that of a side-plot or have the main protaganist to be the villain or a minor character. Perhaps, you could swap the genre of the episode entirely: Duet as a musical? The Trouble with Tribbles as a horror?

Thrillin' Villain!
SNW needs another villain species! Pick an irredeemable cultural feature (just as for the Cardassians it was fascism, or for the Ferengi it was capitalist greed) and design a new enemy race that embodies it!

A temporal agent is tasked with confiscating artwork, photographs, and objects inspired by accidental (Trek) alien contact with Earth. Design an artifact that might raise a few eyebrows if it was allowed to remain behind. (Think something man of that era might have designed, not the object that inspired it - e.g. a painting of a phaser, not the phaser itself.)

Cold Comfort
How is everybody staying warm this winter? Show us your favorite characters cozying up to a fire, enjoying warm beverages, huddling together, etc. Alternately, show us something that can also be described as cold, whether it's Spock's (lack of?) emotions, Deanna's favorite ice cream treat, or a frozen locale.

Insert Spock Here
What would Spock be doing at any given moment in Star Trek shows and movies, were he present for an incident? Put our favorite Vulcan in the picture where he was originally not, whether he would have been lurking in the shadows or actively involved in the action. Alternately, if he was elsewhere at the same moment, show us where and what he was doing.

Rules To Live By
Rules of Acquisition, Lefler's Laws, and more! Illustrate a principle espoused by a character or species and how it might play out in real life, in the Trek universe. (Bonus points if you use an actual episode/film scenario to prove the rule.)

Bones of Contention
What are your favorite Trek characters fighting about? Show us a good-natured squabble, or a knock-down, drag-out brawl...but most importantly, tell us WHY!

Black and White...and Grey
Illustrate something Trek without color. Prove to everyone that Trek looks good, no matter what.

Back to School
It's that time of year again! Show us what Trek characters use in the classroom to learn. Design the cover of a textbook. Depict your favorite characters going back to school, or through training, to learn something new.

Remember you can choose FOUR!!

Thanks for voting, have fun! :bolian:
We have an even spread of votes this month with, as yet, no clear winner. If you haven't voted yet you have two days left to do so... your choice could make all the difference. :)
Thanks to the last few voters we have our new Theme for January's Challenge and it is our longest surviving idea. First suggested back in September '22, it's been cycling through the pattern buffer since and has finally materialised:

Transporter Malfunctions
Duplicates, amalgamations and transmogrifications. Oh my! Kirkvix! Tendivix! DATAVIX! Tuvix your favorite characters... then draw them running in terror from Janeway!

We seen lots of transporter mishaps in Star Trek over the years: characters duplicated, split in two, or merged. Will you take inspiration from those or can you imagine some new transporter dilemma for your favourite characters to face? Or perhaps, you might like to consider the pitfalls of teleporting something as large as a Starship?

Looking forward to seeing your entries.

Have Fun! :bolian:

P.S. There's still a few days left to enter December's Aliens Stole My Reindeer Challenge.
Hooray! I've been voting for Transporter Malfunctions for ages - albeit without any particular idea for it in mind (I think I did have one originally, but I've long since forgotten it) :D
I'm running a little behind with the Theme Suggestion Thread, I should get it up later today.

If anyone does have a Theme idea during the voting period, you can post it in the poll thread and I'll add it to the Suggestions thread when it goes up. :bolian:
Signs and Symbols
Every good organization has a logo, a banner, or insignia. Design a variation on an already-seen icon, such as the Starfleet Delta or the IDIC (perhaps an earlier version, or a different race's take on it). Or create a flag, symbol, or emblem for a race that currently doesn't have one. Your fanon design might just become canon someday!