I hope Strange New Worlds brings back Ash Tyler every now and then.

I thought Ash's arc in the first season was compelling and felt it resolved nicely at the conclusion of that season. He was forced into season two when he didn't need to be and because of that, his character just didn't work, in my opinion. Plus I don't think Shazaad is that good of an actor.

The show really needs to carve out its own path and shouldn't have to clean up the mess Discovery left behind. HOWEVER, I would very much like to see, at some point down the line, how the Kelpians are fairing.
I thought Ash's arc in the first season was compelling and felt it resolved nicely at the conclusion of that season. He was forced into season two when he didn't need to be and because of that, his character just didn't work, in my opinion. Plus I don't think Shazaad is that good of an actor.

I actually liked Tyler in the third episode of the second season, when he was playing off against L'Rell instead of against Michael. I haven't seen him in much else, but I feel like Latif's role was compromised because he and SMG have absolutely no onscreen chemistry (Latif gave off more sexual tension in that fight scene with Wilson Cruz in the mess hall). The writing for why he joined Section 31 and "trusted them" was really, really poorly done as well.
It's true. Spock is the secret keeper king.

He can't talk about his sister
Can't talk about Talos
Can't talk about Mudd if he shows up
Won't talk about Pon Far until he basically has no choice
Won't talk about Sybok
Won't talk to his dad about where he would go as a kid which he then made a connection with a Setlat
Won't talk about Red Angel visions
Won't talk about the singing and secrets of Number 1 from the Short Trek
Won't tell Starfleet where he is going when he heads off to Romulus to help bring Unifaction
Years later in another universe he...
Won't tell Starfleet about any of the future stuff he experienced which is okay for the most part since you got a divergent timeline but some of that info could still be handy like warning them about the Borg,V'Ger, Whale Aliens, Trelane and the Q and the Gorn's territory claims and the various medical cures he must have from diseases still existing.

This is why he went into politics and became an Ambassador. It was a good fit, so it was logical.
Remember that Sarek has to not speak to Spock as a son until TOS to remain in continuity. Just doesn't seem worth it IMHO.

If they have the right story, then they shouldn't let canon/continuity stand in the way. They haven't to this point.
It's true. Spock is the secret keeper king.

He can't talk about his sister
Can't talk about Talos
Can't talk about Mudd if he shows up
Won't talk about Pon Far until he basically has no choice
Won't talk about Sybok
Won't talk to his dad about where he would go as a kid which he then made a connection with a Setlat
Won't talk about Red Angel visions
Won't talk about the singing and secrets of Number 1 from the Short Trek
Won't tell Starfleet where he is going when he heads off to Romulus to help bring Unifaction
Years later in another universe he...
Won't tell Starfleet about any of the future stuff he experienced which is okay for the most part since you got a divergent timeline but some of that info could still be handy like warning them about the Borg,V'Ger, Whale Aliens, Trelane and the Q and the Gorn's territory claims and the various medical cures he must have from diseases still existing.

You forgot his inner eyelid. :p
I can do without Ash Tyler in SNW. Unless it's some Big Epic Crossover Event Story, what Section 31 would be doing at home (while Tyler reforms it) would seem pretty far removed from whatever the Enterprise will do when it encounters Strange New Worlds.

And we already had that Big Epic anyway. "Such Sweet Sorrow" filled that niche.
But then the show would be called Familiar Old Worlds.

I'm nodding in agreement with several of the rebuttals in my own thread here, but while that's cute as heck, I really sort of doubt that having a couple of appearances from a single Discovery character would undermine things that much. lol
I say limit the the number to 3 episodes of familiar characters. Also nothing stopping them from introducing new aliens in those same episode. My idea for example would be..

1 Captain Killy has enslaved a Federation colony with mind control to build a wormhole that will get her back to her universe. Most of the people on the aliens though are new and we get to see some aliens from the 100 or so Federation worlds we have never seen before.

2 A flashforward episode were a Pike and Vina living on Talos find a Robot Spock. They activate him and he flashbacks to how Harry Mudd invented him for some crime capper and things went south and was stopped by Number One as Captain of her own ship so this adventure takes place post TOS or during TOS.

3 A bunch of alien teenagers are found adrift around Vulcan and Amanda pushes hard with the help of the Enterprise crew to get Vulcan to basically let them live on Vulcan. Spock feels this is important because he understands Vulcans can be racist. Sarek refuses to speak to Spock but we also see he stands up for him by telling the Vulcan HIgh Command he will resign if they don't allow the aliens teens live their and they relucantly allow it.

3 A bunch of alien teenagers are found adrift around Vulcan and Amanda pushes hard with the help of the Enterprise crew to get Vulcan to basically let them live on Vulcan. Spock feels this is important because he understands Vulcans can be racist. Sarek refuses to speak to Spock but we also see he stands up for him by telling the Vulcan HIgh Command he will resign if they don't allow the aliens teens live their and they relucantly allow it.
"Way to Eden" prequel! "Way to Eden" prequel!
I'm fine with Ash dying in a transporter accident.

Thankfully for me, he's

An easy way to transition the Discovery Klingons in to TOS would be to just put Ash/Voq in a gold and black outfit and have him become the leader of a group of fellow human looking Klingons.

Hell, he was almost there in "Point of Light."
An easy way to transition the Discovery Klingons in to TOS would be to just put Ash/Voq in a gold and black outfit and have him become the leader of a group of fellow human looking Klingons.

Hell, he was almost there in "Point of Light."
Honestly, I half-expected that to happen if L'Rell died and Ash decided to find support from the Augments due to his appearance.
I think the character is ok but I am on the fence on this one.

A lot is going to depend on the when/if/how of the S31 show.

Its been so long since it was announced and seems to be constantly put back in the development order although the events of this year haven't helped either.

That could be due to story/plot requirements such as having to wait for Georgiou to return from the future or that CBS prefers to move forward with projects which resonate more with the fans, I think it is pretty fair to say that SNW is definitely ahead on that front.

It wouldn't surprise me if they decide to keep Georgiou in the future with Discovery but they can't then have a S31 show with both Georgiou and Tyler together as he is currently in the same era as SNW.

If they do keep Georgiou in the future then there is a good chance we will see Tyler in SNW instead, perhaps stationed on the Enterprise itself with only Pike/Spock/Una being aware that he is S31.

I do get the feeling that the positive reaction to the Enterprise/Pike/Spock/Una on Discovery made the powers that be rethink their plans, not just in fast tracking SNW but also in how they approach the S31 show, as I have said before I am all for a S31 show but I would understand if they decide not to move forward with it and instead keep Tyler and Georgiou where they are.
An easy way to transition the Discovery Klingons in to TOS would be to just put Ash/Voq in a gold and black outfit and have him become the leader of a group of fellow human looking Klingons.

Hell, he was almost there in "Point of Light."

This might be a little "besides the point", but I've felt for awhile that the Ash Tyler/Voq Klingon-to-human procedure would be a better way to introduce the TOS Klingons into SNW than the augment virus. Maybe the procedure was streamlined a little, like lasers or something more high-tech were used to speed up the process. And there was some neurological re-ordering to pass as human but the Klingon personality wasn't suppressed. And maybe they don't alter the anatomy to be human, or at least not to the extent that was done with Tyler, just enough to not be recognized as Klingon. And they recruited Klingons from middle-to-lower Houses, or disgraced Houses (like Kor) to go through the procedure, and serve the Empire as infiltrators into the Federation. And when they're identified by the Federation, they then rejoin the Klingon fleet, with many keeping their human appearance and neurological re-ordering with the idea that it gives them a tactical advantage over the Federation ("to beat your enemy, you must think like your enemy").

Just some unsolicited head canon for everyone! ;)