Poll How likely do you think it is that Prodigy will find a new home?

Discussion in 'Star Trek: Prodigy' started by herofhyrule, Jun 28, 2023.


How likely do you think it is that Prodigy will find a new home?

  1. Very likely

    11 vote(s)
  2. Likely

    20 vote(s)
  3. Uncertain

    14 vote(s)
  4. Unlikely

    15 vote(s)
  5. Very unlikely

    5 vote(s)
  1. herofhyrule

    herofhyrule Commander Red Shirt

    Dec 19, 2021
    How likely do you think it is that the rights to stream/broadcast Seasons 1 and 2 of Prodigy will be licensed to someone else, rather than them never seeing the light of day again?
  2. Oddish

    Oddish Admiral Admiral

    Sep 7, 2020
    Kanto, Poké-World
    Season 1: Quite likely. It's Trek, it has a fanbase. Sooner or later, the price of making it available will drop enough, and someone will grab it.
    Season 2: Moderately likely. It's mostly completed, and demand for it among Trekkies is likely to be high. But still, more effort is involved in posting it.
    Season 3+: Highly unlikely. This would involve reassembling a team that's been sacked and doing more work on a project that has presumably already proved less than profitable. Barring a miracle, 40 episodes is what we get.
  3. The Wormhole

    The Wormhole Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Jul 23, 2001
    The Wormhole
    Yeah, I feel reasonable confident season 2 will eventually see the light of day. But I don't expect there to be a season 3.
  4. tomalak301

    tomalak301 Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Mar 2, 2003
    San Jose, CA
    I'm uncertain. If it didn't work out with Paramount+ (And there are many behind the scenes reasons we aren't privy to), what will make it work for another network. I hope it happens, but more than anything now, I hope for a physical media release.
    Avro Arrow and herofhyrule like this.
  5. Richard S. Ta

    Richard S. Ta Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Mar 10, 2021
    I think very unlikely. It's a Trek show that a great number of Trek fans aren't interested in and it has clearly failed to reach a wider audience.

    A pity.
  6. Timofnine

    Timofnine Saintly henchman of Santa Premium Member

    Feb 25, 2001
    North Pole
    This could be the perfect opportunity to put together a Prodigy film for the cinema. If there was a cinematic release for this spin-off (as was talked about at one point), season 2 would be snapped up by a network wanting in on the buzz, with the season being shown as a lead up to the movie being released. :bolian:
    JRob94 likes this.
  7. BillJ

    BillJ The King of Kings Premium Member

    Jan 30, 2001
    America, Fuck Yeah!!!
    I think it’s likely, just a matter of when. It’ll be cheap filler programming for someone.
  8. herofhyrule

    herofhyrule Commander Red Shirt

    Dec 19, 2021
    Yeah, what's on offer here is the exclusive rights to two completed seasons of a series, one of which has never been seen before, and out of which only a quarter is currently available on physical media. When you factor in the fact that the DVD/Blu-ray has sold out everywhere and fans are so eager to save it that they're starting petitions, I feel like there'll be someone who wants it, even if it is just someone like Tubi.
    Phaser Two and Wouter like this.
  9. Oddish

    Oddish Admiral Admiral

    Sep 7, 2020
    Kanto, Poké-World
    And it should be noticed, it was created as a "port of entry" for kids into the Star Trek franchise as a whole. Even with forty episodes, it can serve that purpose. A Trek fan could be watching a Prodigy stream, 25 years from now. Their kid walks in, is surprised that Mommy is watching a cartoon. But the characters seem cool, and how often does he find a show that he and Mom can enjoy together? So he sits and watches and there you go.

    I would have enjoyed watching the adventures of Rok-Tahk and Pog and Murf and even Dal (who took some time to grow on me) and especially Janeway (either version) for 60 or 100 or 140 episodes. But if we can get the two seasons we have a good home or a physical release, Prodigy will have a place of honor in the Trek franchise.
    herofhyrule likes this.
  10. cal888

    cal888 Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Mar 8, 2006
    I'm hoping it's a *Paramount+* write-down, and not a *CBS Television Studios* one. They likely needed to come up with an end of quarter number, and the actuaries said PRODIGY was over the line. But, emphasis on having season 2 complete post production. You don't do that if its being sent to the Batgirl vault.

    My concern now is CTV/Bell/Crave in Canada potentially dropping most of their Star Trek content. That leaves RTL in Germany as one of the major markets that might continue to have rights to season 2. Still, 80% chance season 2 sees (legally) the light of day somewhere in the world by the end of 2024.
    Phaser Two, Wouter and herofhyrule like this.
  11. valkyrie013

    valkyrie013 Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jun 15, 2009
    s1 and s2 since its basically in the can? Yes, it'll get shown somewhere.
    Now, If I was Netflix, I would buy it since it is realitivly cheap, and ask for 2nd run of the newer stuff, maybe all the old Berman/tos catalogue as a sweetener.
    herofhyrule, Wouter and Oddish like this.
  12. Oddish

    Oddish Admiral Admiral

    Sep 7, 2020
    Kanto, Poké-World
    I could see that happening... but it would mean I would have to subscribe to... :mad:... GAG... :barf:... N-N-NETFLIX!! :wah:

    In any case, if the series doesn't get put up somewhere, I could see a crack team of angry Trek fans might stage a commando raid on whatever archive Prodigy is hidden in, and liberate their lost Trek series!

    Hmmm... there might be a fanfiction in that. :hugegrin:
    Phaser Two likes this.
  13. UssGlenn

    UssGlenn Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Mar 5, 2003
    New Orleans, LA
    Remember Paramount+ is a separate entity from Paramount Studios. And we don't know exactly how they work together behind the scenes. But if Prodigy is popular, but not a driving force behind subscriptions, then it make sense to show it somewhere else.
  14. F. King Daniel

    F. King Daniel Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Nov 5, 2008
    A type 13 planet in it's final stage
    Paramount will likely put an massive price on it and it'll never see the light of day. I sincerely hope I'm wrong.
  15. Wouter

    Wouter Captain Captain

    Sep 7, 2015
    I disagree here. Season 1 has already been shown, the unaired season 2 would be the far greater draw as it comes with a built-in audience while CBS will have to offer it a reduced price. CBS is continuing production, they want to be able to sell both seasons as one package.

    If someone takes it over and wants to continue production, that is still possible if it happens quickly, as production is still continuing so the team isn't fired yet.

    However, this party would have to cover all the costs of creating S3, and outside Apple who has that kind of pockets to put in a series like Prodigy (which is not expected to be an enormous hit with viewers, even if it does respectably with critics and audiences)?

    That seems like the most likely outcome, and with the current Zaslav methods I would already be happy with that now...

    While I agree that many Star Trek fans couldn't care less about Prodigy, on a streamer like Netflix (which already carries very similar content and has an build in audience, including children) it could do quite a bit better as part of their portfolio. Though I doubt Netflix would fund an S3, taking over S1 + S2 for a decent price could be a tempting offer.
  16. Avro Arrow

    Avro Arrow Okie dokie! Moderator

    Jan 10, 2003
    The Wasteland
    I've been wondering if Roku might try to grab the Prodigy episodes? They seem to like to collect odds and ends. They bought all the showlets from Quibi after it failed, didn't they?
  17. Oddish

    Oddish Admiral Admiral

    Sep 7, 2020
    Kanto, Poké-World
    Maybe the PRO fanbase should consider creating petitions for assorted networks or streaming services who (1) like stuff like Prodigy and (2) could find it an audience.
    herofhyrule likes this.
  18. StarMan

    StarMan Vice Admiral Admiral

    Jul 5, 2005
    I presume a prospective buyer would be granted access to some of that top secret viewer data in order to make an informed purchase. If Paramount put a hefty price tag on it, I'd want to see strong numbers. If the numbers underwhelm, then I'm not paying top dollar.

    Wouldn't rule it out, but wouldn't get my hopes up.

  19. fireproof78

    fireproof78 Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Apr 11, 2014
    Journeying onwards
    Yes, send them screenshots of the BBS threads and say, "All this audience could be yours."
    herofhyrule likes this.
  20. tomalak301

    tomalak301 Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Mar 2, 2003
    San Jose, CA
    I keep forgetting that Roku has an actual channel. I really just want to own all the episodes now, mainly because if it can't find a home, I want to have the evidence that it did exist and I can go back and watch it whenever I want. Like my signature says, it doesn't deserve to be faded into obscurity.
    Phaser Two and Avro Arrow like this.