Here It Is! The Round Up Annoncement You've all Been Waiting For!!

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he's currently number 4,473 on the list... right ahead of merlomo and behind my 3 year old neice

Blonde Borgs have the same fun.
The sad side to all of this is that it coincides with the departure of Amy. Her personality and "Perthy" musings added flavor to the TrekToday postings. I will miss her. The rest of you down in the British Penal Colony will have to take up the slack.

Amy, the BIFOM wishes you well!

I'm not saying what I'm thinking; I'm not even thinking what I'm thinking. - John Sheridan

Woo-HOO?? - Lennier
Thanks Mutai Sho-Rin and no, Camren
, I'm not exactly leaving - I'm scaling back. I'll be more visible on the BBS though.
Originally posted by label:
have I mentioned how much I love Holiday lately ?

I have to echo that! You've got a GREAT sense of humor!

And, no offense, tshrike, but even you have to admit that was pretty funny!

Random Insult of the Day:
“You are a foul, low-budget, repulsive, musty, EGA monitor refreshing at 43hz (interlaced)!”
HOLI's not a man baby, shes a WO-man

and CIRRUS, I really think your niece is slightly in the lead at this point.
Shes got my vote anyways.
Hats off to the new mods and kudos to the revisions! May the the trolls and spammers be few and far between; may the threads be less than one hundred posts; may the posters be kind; may the sun shine apon you....well, you get the general idea!

...."check your baggage at the the door".... OFFSPRING
Are we having fun yet?!?!
Oh no. Not more evil admins and their foul undelings known as moderators. Quick, we must rally our troops, and make our counterstrike immediatley.

Seriously, congratulations guys and gals.

'Figures. All my life I've fought against imperialism. Now, suddenly, I am the expanding Russian frontier.' - Ivanova

'But with very nice borders.' - Dr Frankiln
More like sticking out your neck I should think

I find your lack of faith disturbing.
But seriously folks.....

I do understand what you're saying Sector and even agree up to a point. It is an honor in that it means the owner of the BBS trusts you to do an important job, detractors not withstanding. It means that you are capable, experienced and trustworthy. So in that sense it IS an honor.

It's just not quite the honor that several others seem to think it is, me thinks.
It's because of all the supervision, isn't it? If you abuse your power, everyone jumps on you and the admins clip your wings.
Originally posted by phoenixfire:
It's because of all the supervision, isn't it? If you abuse your power, everyone jumps on you and the admins clip your wings.

No, it's because we have to read through every thread in the forum and that can become tedious.....especially considering the quality (or lack thereof) of some the posters (read *spammers*) on this board.

"I went to this restaurant last night that was set up like a big buffet in the shape of an Ouija board. You'd think about what kind of food you want, and the table would move across the floor to it. "

"It's a good thing we have gravity or else when birds died they'd just stay right up there. Hunters would be all confused."
Originally posted by Colonel Worf:
If you're looking for a good Series V moderator, I know where to find one...

...this coming from someone who changed the password on their ex-girlfriend's user name b/c he was "mad" at her......
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