Here It Is! The Round Up Annoncement You've all Been Waiting For!!

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I'm told that some of the members here at TrekBBS are observant and perceptive. I'm sure those prized individuals will have noticed a few changes on the main page of the board -- we've been shuffling personnel around.

So without further ado, allow me to extend a warm welcome (and commiserations) to:

4GOM who takes up moderator duties in the Science Fiction Forum

wheresSaavik?, T'Bonz & label who take over in Future of Trek.

Thank you very much for agreeing to take these positions guys. I'm sure you'll do a fantastic job.

In other news Caillan has quit the mod circuit, for exactly the same reason I was about to. Until yesterday evening, when some shenannigans in QSF made me roll up my sleeves and jump in... and I might just decide to stay. But I digress. Caillan and I take over for Dr Jekyll as Trek Today and SlipstreamWeb editors. As a result we can't be worrying about the BBS every five minutes and have to cut down on our responsibilities here.

The board grows ever larger. A matter of days ago there were calls for more moderators to be able to deal with board emergencies. So with me refusing to worry about the place constantly any more (actually being forced by the Boss not to, but still) we thought another admin was needed. Introducing the latest admin, Lizard Laugh. (If this doesnt stop that meteoric popularity rise nothing will) The board is in safe paws.

As a result of the Trek Today thing, I actually now have server access! Hooray! What this means to you lot, is that I can edit the BBS Policy document. >=)

It has been updated with a few changes. The TNZ description has been updated and reflects recent rulings on porn. Repeatedly refusing to post spoiler warnings in threads is now a warnable offence. The biggie however, is the inclusion of a paragraph on Trolling. Please not that because this is such a subjective area, only admins will be able to warn a member for "trolling."

Oh yeah. There's also a teeny tiny paragraph at the bottom. But no one needs to worry about that. It is intended to cover areas like a certain ban carried out by the board owner a little while back. It will NOT be used on a frequent basis, but only in "states of emmergency."

There are still a few more mod positions to be shuffled around and decided on, but I'm sure they will be aded to this thread in due course. I hope everyone will support out new mods and admin... and of course, be on their best behaviour for them....

I think that covers everything. If not, do let me know and I'll cover that too.


Hirogen: Get lost!
Janeway: Last time I checked, we already were

The J Team




and LizardLaugh

Oh and Adm Will I seem to recall you telling me a couple of months ago that you wouldn't want a promotion.
asking for one is the chief way of insuring you dont get one.

if you want one, then just keep outta trouble so to speak, post a lot of good stuff and they will ask you when they need one.

As for now I think they have all the bases covered and probably wont be adding anymore unless more mods drop.

My hats off to them, I have no desire to take up that responsibility personally (and after the next few weeks wont have the time anyways with the bar this summer).

congrats to all.
I knew it. I knew it!!!! In the last few days (week?), I noticed LL's posting style had slightly differed. I could not exactly exlain it and still can't but it sounded as if she felt that she was a bigger, more important and more intergral part of the board.

Of course you can shoot down that theory by saying that LL learned of her candidature only today or yesterday...

I am an individual; just like everyone else.
Originally posted by plm135:
asking for one is the chief way of insuring you dont get one.

if you want one, then just keep outta trouble so to speak, post a lot of good stuff and they will ask you when they need one.

As for now I think they have all the bases covered and probably wont be adding anymore unless more mods drop.

My hats off to them, I have no desire to take up that responsibility personally (and after the next few weeks wont have the time anyways with the bar this summer).

congrats to all.

I want the promotion, not the responsibility of moderating the board.
Hmmmm. More victi... I mean Mods and Admins to pic... I mean respect and admire.

There! Yes that's what I meant.

Seriously, congrats to all! Haven't I done this before?

Originally posted by Adm.Will:
I want the promotion, not the responsibility of moderating the board.

Well, um, then you just want to be an Adm.? Why be a Mod then? With a little patientience you'll be a Rear Adm in no time.

[This message has been edited by Hope (edited May 01, 2001).]
All good changes I think.

Does Future of Trek need 3 mods? I know its been getting busy there, but once the series V forum is created, traffic in FofT would undoubtedly be reduced considerably.
Why did Caillan quit Gen Sci-Fi? He did a fine job in that forum, and I'm surprised he left at this time, when the forum has just been enlarged due to the closure of the Star Wars forum.

The new mods/admin were all good choices, and I can't really think of anyone else more deserving of a mod/admin status than those who were chosen.
Congratulations to everyone! I'm sure you will all do a great job.

Q: "Picard would never have hit me...!"
Sisko: "I'm not Picard."

I'm still waiting to be named MOD of the Star
Wars Forum!

well SCOURGE I have been secretly informed by TBPTB that I am first in line to get the mod position for the Series XX forum, so I will try and put a good word in for you!
Originally posted by Captain Kash:
Does Future of Trek need 3 mods? I know its been getting busy there, but once the series V forum is created, traffic in FofT would undoubtedly be reduced considerably.

That's the point. Some Moderators will be moved from there when it's all officially announced. I'm of course not at liberty to say why, because we've not decided yet...

This way, having Moderators that are committed and accepted, we can simply move them when the time comes, especially since they're already here, and Series V will be a groundbreaking announcement for the Trek BBS. We're prepared...

Why did Caillan quit Gen Sci-Fi? He did a fine job in that forum, and I'm surprised he left at this time, when the forum has just been enlarged due to the closure of the Star Wars forum.

Promoted is actually a better term.. Co-Editor of TrekToday is a promotion, and Christian is moving up the best people he has.

It's certainly something I don't have the experience in doing. I'm not a reporter, just a BBS guy..

  • There are no words to describe it's perfection, so I'm forced to make one up..
    DEAverification :P
originally posted by Camren: Why did Caillan quit Gen Sci-Fi?
Because he could not dedicate the time to being moderator of general sci fi and editor of trektoday.

Congratulations guys and gals.
Thanks for the replies Starman, Dea.
Looks like a rosy future in store for the BBS...

[This message has been edited by Camren (edited May 01, 2001).]
This all sounds positive to me. LL has always struck me as a very level headed individual.

SF&F is my main haunt. It's generally pretty sleepy there and two mods is fine. Except sometimes there's no mod; not fine.

With malice towards none-
And charity for all
-Abraham Lincoln
LizardLaugh second to only Lisa is one of the few people around here that keep me under control..

  • I am their leader..
    DEAverification :P
Congrats (or condolences) everyone!

LL, I'm sure you'll do a great job! I've always been impressed!

Random Insult of the Day:
“You are a badly installed, distorted, stupid, pendulous, ruthless, block of rust!”
tshrike, it's precisely becaus of SF&F's non-controversial nature that the mods there can be more relaxed and hands-off. We don't have to constantly monitor the goins on for fear of flame wars, etc. You all handle yourselves with a generous portion of maturity, so we don't need to hover over you.

Overall a most impressive change in leadership. Not a thing to complain about!

[This message has been edited by Neroon (edited May 02, 2001).]
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