NP... got any more? I'd like to fill this thread with more than her.
Working on digging out my books from moving but here's an excerpt from "Between Planets" and describes a "Venerian Dragon."
Beside the queue was sprawled the big, ungainly saurian form of a Venerian
"dragon." When Don progressed in line until he was beside it, he politely
whistled a greeting.
The dragon swiveled one fluttering eyestalk in his direction. Strapped to the
"chest" of the creature, between its forelegs and immediately below and in
reach of its handling tendrils, was a small box, a voder. The tendrils writhed
over the keys and the Venerian answered him, via mechanical voder speech,
rather than by whistling in his own language. "Greetings to you also, young
sir. It is pleasant indeed, among strangers, to hear the sounds one heard in
the egg." Don noted with delight that the outlander had a distinctly Cockney
accent in the use of his machine.
He whistled his thanks and a hope that the dragon might die pleasantly.
The Venerian thanked him, again with the voder, and added, "Charming as is
your accent, will you do me the favor of using your own speech that I may
practice it?"
Don suspected that his modulation was so atrocious that the Venerian could
hardly understand it; he lapsed at once into human words. "My name is Don
Harvey," he replied and whistled once more-but just to give his own Venerian
name, "Mist on the Waters"; it had been selected by his mother and he saw
nothing funny about it.
Nor did the dragon. He whistled for the first time, naming himself, and added
via voder, "I am called `Sir Isaac Newton.' " Don understood that the
Venerian, in so tagging himself, was following the common dragon custom of
borrowing as a name of convenience the name of some earthhuman admired by the
Don wanted to ask "Sir Isaac Newton" if by chance he knew Don's mother's
family, but the queue was moving up and the dragon was lying still; he was
forced to move along to keep from losing his place in line. The Venerian
followed him with one oscillating eye and whistled that he hoped that Don,
too, might die pleasantly.
Except 2:
flatbed truck drew up and let down a ramp. The dragon reared up on six sturdy
legs and climbed aboard.
ETA: further reading is that the dragons have six pairs of eyestalks and armored plates over or as their skin