HBO's "Westworld", starring Anthony Hopkins/produced by J.J. Abrams

^ I'm not going to transcribe the featureette or find interviews that are easily accessible online.

Moving on to other topics, I've been seeing a lot of chatter online about transcendence as if it's some big mystery to be solved, but the show already demonstrated what it is: trading a humaniform Host body for a 'drone Host' body.
^ I'm not going to transcribe the featureette or find interviews that are easily accessible online.

Moving on to other topics, I've been seeing a lot of chatter online about transcendence as if it's some big mystery to be solved, but the show already demonstrated what it is: trading a humaniform Host body for a 'drone Host' body.
Of course you’re not. :lol:
FWIW I did check out that featurette and it was pretty easy to find by just looking for Evan to start talking at 3:50.
The quote is "Christina is a ... human."

EDIT: And Ben Kenobi would probably agree ... from her POV :)
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Who did Jay see when going up the stairs?
He can't be a host as he "shot" host MIB on the roof rescuing the human outliner lady just afterwards

So Episode 6 (of 8)
Liked the episode a lot - especially because it primarily featured the characters I find interesting (only missed

I am a confused. If Jay was replaced by a host right there and then in the staircase, why was he able to shoot host MIB on the roof afterwards? Always thought the weapons would not work on their own kind?

ironic that version 270-something Caleb was able to finally get a message out to Frankie - only for her not to hear the whole broadcast and potentially make her believe he's still alive (as a human).

Maeve is back and still badass :techman:

Host Caleb hot under Halores skin :lol:.
Still too damn many of him. Was kinda hoping that was the end of his story - but no version 278...
I don't watch the show but I've seen a lot of comments today that the most recent episode ripped off "Heaven Sent" which is quite possibly the most acclaimed Doctor Who episode ever. Did it?
So Episode 6 (of 8)
Liked the episode a lot - especially because it primarily featured the characters I find interesting (only missed

I am a confused. If Jay was replaced by a host right there and then in the staircase, why was he able to shoot host MIB on the roof afterwards? Always thought the weapons would not work on their own kind?
You're thinking of the weapons in the park, they can't kill humans. They're using ordinary guns in the city, can kill anybody. And Halores had made it clear she no longer trusts the MIBot, and sent him to where he could be infected, so it's not surprising she'd sacrifice him to plant a host among the rebels

The pacing of this season is way off... It feels like we're still at the start of the story, but there are only 2 episodes left.
With Discovery taking over, and rumors that ALL scripted shows on HBO will be cancelled (even GOT spinoffs), is the final season of westworld in jeopardy? TV ratings for this season are way down, but that is most likely because most are now watching this show on Max.
With Discovery taking over, and rumors that ALL scripted shows on HBO will be cancelled (even GOT spinoffs), is the final season of westworld in jeopardy? TV ratings for this season are way down, but that is most likely because most are now watching this show on Max.

People keep saying this about HBO but I've seen no actual reports about HBO killing scripted, just the Turner stations
I spoiled myself on tonight's episode, and now I'm thinking about waiting until after the last episode airs to actually watch it so that I'll get to get to the resolution of the story immediately instead of going crazy having to wait a week.
If I understand correctly, Bernard knew he couldn’t save the world, and there was only a small number of people he had any chance to save, so he did all that strictly to give the resistance and Caleb a shot to survive robo-William’s nihilistic endgame.
fun episode.

  • Maeve to Halores: heard you had lost your mind, didn't think it was that literally (paraphrased) :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
  • Akecheta cameo :adore:
  • wonderful visuals and a fun two-way water battle became a three-way for a short bit (Halores vs Maeve vs MIB) leaving out the short lived "hostroid".
  • the MIB vs MIB host scenes were excellent.
  • Bernard was alluding to Stubbs that he won't make it, when in fact Bernard knew he himself wasn't going to make it and didn't want Stubbs - who had orders to protect him - to come with him and/or fell guilty and do "whatever thing" is required for the outcome - Stubbs just asumed wrong, funny smirk on his face when he got away at the train station.

  • why didn't Chekovs Bernards gun go off (yet), which he hid in one of the entrance attempts with Maeve in the tunnel?
  • host Caleb will sacrifice himself in some way/form so Frankie lives in the finale
Bernard basically blew up the world to the specific end of getting Caleb out of there.

It’s unclear if that Caleb has the time limit of the other Calebs. But Bernard also specifically left the gate open, so I would not be surprised if Caleb spends his dying breath to jump off Hoover Dam.