Godzilla, Kong, Gamera & Co.: The Kaiju Mega-Thread

Wow, never thought we'd possibly have two American Kaiju series going.
Not happy that it's the same director. GvK was by far the worst, dumbest, most incoherently plotted film in the series, and the most obnoxiously cavalier in its treatment of a city-destroying kaiju fight as nothing more than an empty CGI spectacle rather than a terrifying, tragic disaster.
If it's another Kong movie, I would have liked Jordan Vogt-Roberts to come back, but I assume he's too busy with the Gundam movie. It's actually kinda odd that K:SI and G2014 were the two highest-grossing entries in the Monsterverse and neither of their directors has returned to do any of the sequels.
Not happy that it's the same director. GvK was by far the worst, dumbest, most incoherently plotted film in the series, and the most obnoxiously cavalier in its treatment of a city-destroying kaiju fight as nothing more than an empty CGI spectacle rather than a terrifying, tragic disaster.

I wasn't pleased with it either. They really jumped the shark from the 2014 movie.

-Hollow earth
-Hovering vehicles
-A large holographic environment for Kong to live in
-Secret underground tunnel system to various locations
-A can of pop fizzling out Mecha Godzilla

I didn't really care/connect with the Ghidora Skull being used to control MechaGodzilla.
I mean the Hollow Earth thing was established way earlier than GvK. It's just part of that world, like the Infinity Stones are part of the MCU or Kryptonians are part of DC.

But I agree GvK was easily the worst film in the series. Unfortunately, it was also surprisingly popular, so I guess the studio figures that's what the audience likes.
-Hollow earth
-Hovering vehicles
-A large holographic environment for Kong to live in
-Secret underground tunnel system to various locations
-A can of pop fizzling out Mecha Godzilla

My problems were more systemic, with the incoherence of the plot and the poor handling of the characters. Like, the whole reason for involving Kong is supposedly that he's the only one who can possibly lead them to his secret homeland in the Hollow Earth, but then the location conveniently turns out to have been directly underneath the bad guy's Hong Kong base the entire time? That's incredibly dumb writing, like having a detective spend the whole movie leading a manhunt for the elusive serial killer, only to find out by accident that the guy was his next-door neighbor the whole time.

And the Hollow Earth was accessed by some weird 2001-Stargate dimensional warp the first time, but now Kong gets back to the surface just by climbing out of a deep hole? Wha? Not to mention that they go there to obtain some amazing new power source, but all the bad guy needs is a scan of the power source and he's able to instantly recreate it? It's all just lazy writing to get from one action beat to another, with no concern for whether it makes sense.

And why bother bringing back Millie Bobby Brown at all if Madison's entire role was just going to consist of tagging along and watching while Brian Tyree Henry and the nerdy not-boyfriend did all the work? And then there's the Mechagodzilla pilot Ren Serizawa, who was supposed to be the son of Dr. Serizawa from the first two films, but had that relationship completely cut out so that he's just a non-entity.
Rather they did aliens next. The 70th is coming up and so I would have liked a Destroy all Monsters remake.
Deadline| 'Godzilla vs. Kong 2': Dan Stevens reunites with 'The Guest' director Adam Wingard on Legendary sequel

So. Godzilla vs. Kong 2. And Adam Wingard is the first director to get to make to installments of the MonsterVerse. Well, I guess we're in for more stupid fun kaiju action.

Oh, and Stevens gets to be the next great actor to have nothing to do but look awed and deliver bad dialogue.

GvK was the single best movie in the Monsterverse, and the best American made Kaiju film, so I'm glad to see people involved with it back. GvK had the best monster action in the Monsterverse, the best story and it knew what humans to focus on (after King of the Monsters was almost ruined by MBB and Norma Bates stupid crap I was beyond happy to see the stranger Things girl be downgraded to a role barely above a cameo in GvK).

Hopefully this means another film that focuses its story around the monsters, and not on a pointless boring married couple trying to reunite or a random girl and her Final Fantasy villain of a mother or whatever the hell Skull Island was about (I watched that movie once and almost fell asleep, it had the best human cast of the Monsterverse but the most boring plot and just tolerable action). GvK even made me care about King kong, which is impressive because I'm not a big fan of his (I still like Godzilla better, but I actually cared about Kong in GvK).

GvK proved to me that a country outside of Japan can do a legitimately great Godzilla film, so they should continue to go with what works.
I enjoyed GvK, but not as much as the other Monsterverse movies. I don't mind the director coming back, but given the choice, I would have rather seen one of the other movies' directors get a second chance.
It really shows how everyone can have completely different opinions, because while I also think KOTM was the best, I also think its first trailer is one of the best trailers in the last decade.
That Man of Steel Zod trailer is still my favourite recently.

So has anyone tried the Operation Monarch event in Call of Duty. It’s pretty good. The Titans don’t actually fight each other but it is pretty fun making them attack other people. I also feel very manly going right up to Godzilla and shooting him with a pistol. That’ll show him. :)
That Man of Steel Zod trailer is still my favourite recently.

So has anyone tried the Operation Monarch event in Call of Duty. It’s pretty good. The Titans don’t actually fight each other but it is pretty fun making them attack other people. I also feel very manly going right up to Godzilla and shooting him with a pistol. That’ll show him. :)
I've played it a little, but I'm so bad at battle royale games that it isn't super enjoyable. If it was a single-player shooter where you're a soldier suddenly finding yourself caught in the middle of a kaiju fight, I'd like it a lot more.
Yeah, I've been wanting a game like that for a while. Kaiju fighting is cool and all, but more of a survival kind of game where you're a human caught in the middle of a Kaiju attack and or battle could be fun too.
I enjoyed GvK, but not as much as the other Monsterverse movies. I don't mind the director coming back, but given the choice, I would have rather seen one of the other movies' directors get a second chance.

Eh, the other directors consisted of a guy who purposefully had as little Godzilla as possible in his film (and made sure you knew he was actively hiding Godzilla scenes), a guy who focused his film on being a Millie Bobby Brown star vehicle over being a Godzilla movie and a guy who somehow made a movie with Samuel L Jackson/Brie Larson/Tom Hiddleston/John Goodman boring and lifeless. Honestly, outside of Roland Emmerich, Michael Bay or Zack Snyder there are few (well known) directors I want to see do a Monsterverse movie less then the people who directed Godzilla 2014/KOTM/Skull Island.
A Zack Snyder one would look amazing. it would never happen though.

Well, it would be hilarious to see Godzilla and Kong fight in terrible slow motion, and there isn't much color for Snyder to desaturate so that is some time saved. But I'd hate to see Kong step on the girl that talks to him so that he can learn not to step on people (because how can he know to not step on people he likes if he doesn't do it once?). Also, Godzilla and Kong having mothers with the same name when they don't even produce the same noises would just be ridiculous.
He wouldn’t use slow motion. He only does that in his comic book inspired movies. I agree about the Colour saturation but that’s only a minor thing.
I can’t believe people are still moaning about the Martha thing. There have been way more ridiculous things in comic movies than that. :)