Godzilla, Kong, Gamera & Co.: The Kaiju Mega-Thread

Thanks , guys for the clarification.... the casting of Randa.... seems more RANDAM (yes, i am sorryNOTsorry)

wheras "Uncle"/Lt. Lee is excellent (of course, being related helps a whole lot). i think they kinda hinted that we will see why Lee looks really good for age 90+, so i look forward to something, however small ... i mean, with radiation acting "unnatural", i am sure there is something....

My 18 year old, who usually isn't into monster stuff, is actually into this show, as is my wife, so that makes me happy. I honestly was gonna pass on this, but because they wanted to, i am now fully in.
I checked my local theater listing to see where Gojira Minus One will be playing and, unfortunately, it looks like it's playing exclusively at only a few theaters and they're not local. I'm not driving into Seattle to watch a movie. I guess I'm going to have to wait until it comes to streaming.
Had a similar experience, as the film won't get a wide release in Germany, either. For quite a while I thought I'd have to miss it, or spend a day in a trip to another town half-way to Stuttgart to see it. Luckily for me, the list of theaters has grown since it was first released online, and a local theater is showing it. Have to see it in a late showing after work, though.
Saw Godzilla Minus One on Wednesday and it was awesome. Great visuals, Godzilla was genuinely scary, ditto for the atomic breath, and we finally got a compelling and engaging story for the human characters. Their story would’ve made a good movie even without Godzilla in it. Part “Jaws”, part Godzilla movie with great drama and cinematography. This film wasn’t the bug nuts crazy stuff of the Legendary films, but it’s the first Godzilla where I experienced a sense dread when Godzilla showed up . Usually I’m ready to watch some destruction, but not this time. Will still be in one of the local theaters this weekend, so I’m gonna see it again in the large auditorium. This one really needs to be seen on a big screen so I feel for anyone who doesn’t get to experience that.
Anyway, it’s an amazing movie, on a whole different level than any other Godzilla movie except maybe the first one.
Sadly I don't think there are any theaters in my whole country that are showing Minus One. I'll have to try and avoid all spoilers until it's out digitally.
Yeah like 1000 theatres nationwide wide are showing it so might have to make a trip to a bigger city.
Was an awesome movie and any Zilla fan should partake.
Oh.. it's not dubbed so habe to read subtitles.
Well, it was dubbed in German when I saw it earlier tonight. Just came home, and it really is a great movie. Thinking of going again if it still plays in Stuttgart next weekend, try and get my brother and his wife to come, too.
No theaters playing Minus One anywhere near me, so I'll have to wait for a wide home video release. Still, I'm glad that it seems to be getting such good reviews, it gives me something Godzilla related to look forward to while waiting for next years Godzilla X Kong (assuming that Minus One comes out on home video before that movie releases in theaters).
Trailer for New Empire is out
I don't care what the 'official name' is or becomes. That little Kong is DIDDY KONG in my canon lol.

Also I find it so amusing to see some of a 'certain crowd' reacting so negatively to Godzilla having pinkish hued crystals as having gone 'woke' lol.
I don't care what the 'official name' is or becomes. That little Kong is DIDDY KONG in my canon lol.

Also I find it so amusing to see some of a 'certain crowd' reacting so negatively to Godzilla having pinkish hued crystals as having gone 'woke' lol.
Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire looks pretty cool to me. All of the stuff with Hollow Earth and the history of the Titans was one of my favorite parts of King of The Monster and Godzilla vs Kong, so I like that they're diving deeper into all of that with The New Empire. Definitely curious what's going on with the Big G's new look.
No theaters playing Minus One anywhere near me, so I'll have to wait for a wide home video release. Still, I'm glad that it seems to be getting such good reviews, it gives me something Godzilla related to look forward to while waiting for next years Godzilla X Kong (assuming that Minus One comes out on home video before that movie releases in theaters).
Have you been watching Monarch: Legacy of Monsters? It's been great so far.
Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire looks pretty cool to me. All of the stuff with Hollow Earth and the history of the Titans was one of my favorite parts of King of The Monster and Godzilla vs Kong, so I like that they're diving deeper into all of that with The New Empire. Definitely curious what's going on with the Big G's new look.

I'm wary. I disliked Godzilla vs. Kong, so I'm not encouraged that they're bringing back the same director -- although in his defense, a lot of GvK's problems were the result of studio-imposed edits and reshoots. Also, the Hollow Earth stuff in GvK was really silly. Although I guess it's potentially good that they're exploring that setting in more depth, depending on what they do with it.
Have you been watching Monarch: Legacy of Monsters? It's been great so far.

Apple TV+ isn't on the current streaming service cycle my family is on right now, it just doesn't have enough shows for the whole family to have month to month, but if we come back around to it I'll give it a try, although I'm not a big fan of the human stories in the Monsterverse as it is.
Saw Godzilla Minus One on Wednesday and it was awesome. Great visuals, Godzilla was genuinely scary, ditto for the atomic breath, and we finally got a compelling and engaging story for the human characters. Their story would’ve made a good movie even without Godzilla in it. Part “Jaws”, part Godzilla movie with great drama and cinematography. This film wasn’t the bug nuts crazy stuff of the Legendary films, but it’s the first Godzilla where I experienced a sense dread when Godzilla showed up . Usually I’m ready to watch some destruction, but not this time. Will still be in one of the local theaters this weekend, so I’m gonna see it again in the large auditorium. This one really needs to be seen on a big screen so I feel for anyone who doesn’t get to experience that.
Anyway, it’s an amazing movie, on a whole different level than any other Godzilla movie except maybe the first one.
Saw it yesterday and completely agree. This is the first Godzilla movie since the original where he seemed legitimately scary.
Saw it this morning and while the fx weren't quite as mind-blowingly good as I expected based on the trailers and reviews (still better than half of Hollywood at 2% of the price) it is definitely the best Godzilla movie in existence. For that matter, it's the best movie I've seen this year and better than any movie I've seen since EEAAO.