General thoughts?

General thoughts on Enterprise ?

hmmm... It was a series set in the 22nd century; I believe it was supposed to be a 'prequel' of sorts. Judging by its name, an "enterprise" of sorts must be involved. Come to think about it, I believe I've seen a ship bearing that name several times on screen when watching the series.

There you have it, those are my most general thoughts on the subject.
I wanted to know, why Trip obsessed with the pecan pie and I have my answer. Well, it is reasonable and not a mode taste which will be totally out in next year.
I brought the leftover of pie to my bureau today and ask a US colleague (from Pittsburgh) to test it. He looked to me very upset and said "Why you have to bake a pecan pie, if you want to try US cuisine you could begin with another pie" then he tried a piece of chunk and ate whole the piece. :D He thanked himself more than once and said "it tasted definitely very American and I nailed it" . So, I am very happy with my experiment .
My favorite Treekie sister, who lives 650 kilometers ( ca. 400 miles) away from me, will get my second pecan pie at her birthday via post courier at the end of Mai. :angel:
Enterprise was the first Star Trek series I was able to watch from the beginning live. I always enjoyed it, even though some episodes, especially in the first two seasons, were subpar. I really enjoyed season 3 and the whole Xindi arc. Season 4 is one of the best seasons in all of Star Trek IMHO, and contains many of my favorite episodes. I wish we'd gotten more, but I'm glad the show ended on a high note (minus the final episode) and revealed how compelling it could be. I also really connected with some of the characters, with Trip being one of my all time faves in Star Trek.
Ohh, thank you HopefulRomantic :adore: However my pecan pie is not visible, but my favorite ST couple with probably the most interesting/believable love story of Trek though. A very good motive for an avatar.
The old one was a snapshot from the Star Trek Destination of last year; Jeffrey Combs with Andorian hair band. He looked so lost in thought for a second. (Hey, why don't we have an Andorian smiley?) I noticed later we weren't only ones who caught the moment. I loved the photo so much.
Awesome vintage radio and pecan pie! Trip must be in the Nexus.

Not to forget his favorite Vulcan..They had enough hard times, at least we fans should let them spoil.:D

(It is my kitchen radio, Siemens 22BW Riesenskala from 1930 and functions perfect. Speaker is Grawor Berlin type Melodia from 1927, need my care and a spare part to function.)
Like Voyager, Enterprise was a good concept badly executed. It's a pity it was made coming at a time when the writers were clearly exhausted by Star Trek and out of ideas. Made today it would have been a lot better.
At the time it was on I was too interested only watching it occasionally. However having since watched it all I found it very enjoyable and far superior to STD. THOUGHTS?
I had a similar experience. When it first came on, the initial episodes did not grab my attention so much, and I though "meh". But, years later I binge-watched it all on streaming-video and thought it was outstanding. I can't compare it to STD since I only saw a couple of those episodes. I wasn't impressed with what little I saw on STD (other than the effects which were very good), but who knows, maybe in the future I will like that too.
I just finished Enterprise a few minutes ago.

1. The opening theme grew on me, and perhaps that's because they toned it down in later seasons. The Mirror Universe version of it was hilarious.

2. Speaking of the Mirror Universe, those two episodes were some of my favorites from that theme. The actors always seem to be having fun when they do these.

3. I never really liked the Temporal Cold War and it ended on a lame note. If they ever do a Trek series that features temporal operatives they should make an inside joke or something like have a specific World War II division tasked with preventing errant time travelers from trying to help the Nazis win.

4. Season two was perhaps the weakest, but there weren't any episodes that I hated. I just forgot several of them. However, it had some great ones like "Minefield" and "Cogenitor."

5. Season four was my favorite. Yes, it had a fair amount of fan service but all of the episodes that feature the Andorians are strong and it was amusing to see how they explained the origin of human-looking Klingons.

6. The Xindi war was good but they dragged it on a bit too much with filler episodes such as "Hatchery" and "Exile."

7. Yes, the last episode was bad but I still think the finale for TOS was worse. I just hated Dr. Janice Lester so much that I still consider it to be the worst of them all so far. Maybe Discovery will beat it, but I doubt it will.

Overall, I enjoy this series a great deal. I wish it had continued because then we would have probably seen the war with the Romulans. There weren't any episodes that I outright hated but there weren't any that topped some of the episodes I saw in DS9, which is my favorite series. Given a chance, it would have probably surpassed Voyager, which was all over the place in terms of its goals, but we will never know since it was cut short.
I am currently rewatching Enterprise on Netflix after having watched the abdomination called Discovery (the fourth season of the series wasn't aired by public service here in Sweden). Aside from a few poor and formulaic episodes, I really like the show. The characters were mostly likeable, the designs of for example the Vulcan ships were great and I found the human-Vulcan conflict interesting. I remember that was an element of the show that was criticized when the show originally aired, but I think it makes sense that the Vulcans would view the humans with suspicion and consider them rash for quite some time. I also think the theme song (which I like) is a fitting expression of that.
