gay related movies

Discussion in 'TV & Media' started by Nick086, Feb 7, 2010.

  1. trekkiebaggio

    trekkiebaggio Vice Admiral Admiral

    Jul 20, 2004
    Dancing to the Jailhouse Rock
    The Object of My Affection, with Jennifer Aniston and Paul Rudd. They're friends and he's gay, but she ends up falling for him. I thought it was a pretty good film.
  2. JacksonArcher

    JacksonArcher Vice Admiral Admiral

    Aug 16, 2001
    I think the OP is just creating a thread listing and discussing gay-themed movies. It would be no different if someone posted a thread discussing movies with a subject matter that pertains to Judaism and/or the Holocaust (The Pianist, Schindler's List) or films dealing with apartheid (District 9, Invictus) or films dealing with racism (Do The Right Thing, Amistad) and the list continues.

    This isn't a derogatory discussion where we're blacklisting such films, but to deny that some have a thematic overtone would be to ignore the point of such films that individually focus on such issues.
  3. MikeS

    MikeS Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Sep 6, 2008
    Liverpool, UK
    Fair enough. Just getting a bit tired of all the "was Picard gay", "was Kirk gay" style threads. Live-and-let-live, people! IDIC.
  4. JacksonArcher

    JacksonArcher Vice Admiral Admiral

    Aug 16, 2001
    I would tend to agree. It is sad that as a society we're not past categorizing and labeling, but that's the society we're in. However that's an entirely different discussion.
  5. Spot's Meow

    Spot's Meow Vice Admiral Admiral

    Jul 1, 2004
    Hotel California
    Hmm, I just realized that three of my favorite movies in high school were all related to some central themes...Hedwig and the Angry Inch, Rocky Horror Picture Show, and But I'm a Cheerleader...I wonder what that says about me.
  6. Joy

    Joy Commodore Commodore

    Oct 22, 2004
    Springfield, MO, USA
    The movie Rites of Passage starring Dean Stockwell is a pretty intense film with an interesting plot surrounding Stockwell's character and his gay son.
  7. Nick086

    Nick086 Captain Captain

    Aug 15, 2007
    Movies and books are catgorise for viewers and readers to find what they want. I'm not really the type that would post stupid threads like what if Picard is gay. The man was cleary into his work exploring the galaxy. He did have a fling here and there with a woman. If you don't like this topic you don't have to post your comments about it. I'm not on here to start any trouble. ;):)
  8. D Man

    D Man Commodore Commodore

    Apr 14, 2004
    Tropical Wisconsin
    V For Vendetta had a great subplot about homosexuals being rounded up into what amounted to concentration camps in the hyper-conservative not-so-distant-future England. It also had the 1812 Overture :D.
  9. DevilEyes

    DevilEyes Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jun 9, 2009
    basking in the warmth of the Fire Caves
    I also forgot to mention - if you aren't limiting yourself just to fiction, be sure to see the excellent documentary A Jihad for Love about gay Muslims throughout the world, and the coexistence of Islam and homosexuality in general (and by "Muslims" I mean people who are really deeply religious - one of the people in the film is actually an openly gay imam). The title is certainly striking and might sound strange or controversial, but that's only because so many people identify the word jihad in a different meaning from the one that it's used in this film (jihad meaning a personal religious struggle, not anything to do with war or terrorism).
  10. Nick086

    Nick086 Captain Captain

    Aug 15, 2007

    I know a gay muslim, I've asked him do your parents know your gay? He said, yeah, but they think I'm going through a phase in my life. I've told him, I'm sure they want you to be a good muslim marry a muslim woman and have many kids. Its not easy being gay in the Muslim world, some countries like Iran will hang gay men if they are outed. I think by thirty most men and women know what they want. There were gays in the SA in Germany. What ever made them joined up is something I've questioned.
  11. Arpy

    Arpy Vice Admiral Admiral

    Apr 22, 2001
  12. IndyJones

    IndyJones Vice Admiral Admiral

    Aug 26, 2002
    I enjoyed Trick, mostly only because Christian Campbell was adorable in it.
  13. Alidar Jarok

    Alidar Jarok Everything in moderation but moderation Moderator

    Apr 14, 2003
    Norfolk, VA
    I have no idea why have a thread like this, I'm just posting within the rules established. However, if we had a straight-related movies thread, it would be a lot of fucking movies. Movies about gay people or staring gay people are still relatively rare.
  14. Nick086

    Nick086 Captain Captain

    Aug 15, 2007
    We do have our own channel called Logo. I just wanted to see how many gay theme movies you folks have seen in the last few years. I thought maybe we could talk about anyone of them.
  15. Ceridwen

    Ceridwen Commodore Commodore

    Dec 29, 2002
    Or perhaps more accurately, a child born a girl, whose parents mistakenly believe to be a boy until she begins to assert herself.

    It is a great film, though. <3
  16. trekkiedane

    trekkiedane Admiral Admiral

    Jan 12, 2005
    Getting there -but slowly.
    ^Yeah, Beautiful Thing is a very nice 'coming out' film :bolian:

    Fassbinder's Querelle comes to mind as one of the first 'gay themed' films I ever saw, and liked tremendously.
    (Speaking of Jean Genet; do watch Un Chant D'Amour, it's on Google videos here!)

    The Mostly Unfabulous Social Life of Ethan Green is a gay themed comic-strip that also is a funny film.

    Third Man Out is a reasonable gay-themed detective story -made for TV- with a gay detective!

    I seem to remember liking Like It Is, O Fantasma and 300 too.

    Being gay and into SciFi certainly has had me watching a lot of weird films over the years -some horrible and then some way better than your average Hollywood blockbuster...
  17. Arpy

    Arpy Vice Admiral Admiral

    Apr 22, 2001
    You say you've seen French and German movies so you may have seen Summer Storm

    I hesitate to suggest this because it is just so gay but I recently enjoyed Were the World Mine. A teen musical adaptation of A Midsummer Night's Dream. I' very sorry.
  18. Nick086

    Nick086 Captain Captain

    Aug 15, 2007
    Wild Reeds is another great gay theme film its in French
  19. Gryffindorian

    Gryffindorian Vice Admiral Admiral

    Jan 9, 2002
    DonIago gave a lot of good examples.

    What's "gay themed"? Is the OP referring mostly to movies that have LGBT characters in the lead role? I don't think there's a movie that focuses so much on the subject of homosexuality. Even Brokeback Mountain, with its lead characters, isn't so much about being gay as it's about a loving relationship between two people, which can be said about other romantic/drama films.

    The ones I saw were a bunch of low-budget comedies like Eating Out, etc.
  20. DonIago

    DonIago Vice Admiral Admiral

    Mar 22, 2001
    Burlington, VT, USA
    Speak his name... :)

    Just saw Shortbus, which AFAIK is the only non-porn movie I've ever see that has real sex in it.


    Definitely worth checking out, but it is -very- explicit...I sure as hell wouldn't show it to my parents, and I'm not even sure I could show it to my friends. I was watching it with 3 other people in a gay group I'm in, and one of them left after the opening sequence...kind of an innocent guy, the movie was probably too much for him.