Futurama Fan Film -- Wow!

:shrug:I can't wait until they redo the STNG episode.... would this be "Art imitating life, imitating art, imitating.... wait a minute, will Rod Sterling do the intor" :guffaw:
:shrug:I can't wait until they redo the STNG episode.... would this be "Art imitating life, imitating art, imitating.... wait a minute, will Rod Sterling do the intor" :guffaw:
dont they just do the Star Trek Continues version? they are both fan films after all.
They already have pretty strict guidelines.

Generally they go like this:
None of the Firefly fan films seemed to run into any trouble. I'd guess FOX is like most places, "Don't annoy us or bring to much attention to yourself and we'll leave you alone."
None of the Firefly fan films seemed to run into any trouble. I'd guess FOX is like most places, "Don't annoy us or bring to much attention to yourself and we'll leave you alone."

They tend to operate their legal strategy as such. They don't care as long as it isn't something they are currently making huge money on.

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Hmm, okay. The story wasn't all that coherent and the jokes weren't that funny, but I guess I shouldn't have expected much. It's certainly a technically impressive production, and the acting isn't bad for a fan film. I'm surprised they actually got Rich Little to play Richard Nixon's Head. I think Billy West's Nixon was based more on Little's Nixon impression than on Nixon himself.
If these scenes were in a Star Trek fan production... :biggrin:



...would they be in violation of the CBS guidelines?
Hmm, okay. The story wasn't all that coherent and the jokes weren't that funny, but I guess I shouldn't have expected much. It's certainly a technically impressive production, and the acting isn't bad for a fan film. I'm surprised they actually got Rich Little to play Richard Nixon's Head. I think Billy West's Nixon was based more on Little's Nixon impression than on Nixon himself.
Well after watching that frog for the whole ten minutes he told me to tell you that this is the best fan film ever.
He also told me to send him all my money.
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Technically well done. It was nice to see model work alongside practical makeup and prop effects, but the jokes don't land at all. Overall, I found it boring.
Visuals impressive. Script meh. Acting okay. Favorite parts were the 10-minute Hypnotoad and Vic Mignogna hamming it up. I wish they'd taken more time to make the thing funnier; the wow factor of the production only goes so far.
The fanfilm itself is only around 20 minutes long, about the length of an episode of Futurama. The hypnotoad is an extra.

Actually the story proper is only about 15 minutes and 40 seconds long, cutting off at an unresolved cliffhanger followed by a 2-minute scene of Zapp saying they ran out of money before they could finish, followed by a 3-minute end credit sequence and nearly 11 minutes of Everybody Loves Hypnotoad. With tighter writing, they could've gotten a complete story in.

Although maybe they didn't want to? This was just supposed to be a fan film, so maybe they didn't want to seem like they were competing with the professionals by doing a complete and coherent story.
Actually the story proper is only about 15 minutes and 40 seconds long, cutting off at an unresolved cliffhanger followed by a 2-minute scene of Zapp saying they ran out of money before they could finish, followed by a 3-minute end credit sequence and nearly 11 minutes of Everybody Loves Hypnotoad. With tighter writing, they could've gotten a complete story in.

So, the story plus credits - what typically constitutes an episode of television - is approximately 19 minutes, which is around 20 minutes, like I said. I'm not sure what you were trying to say here, Christopher?
So, the story plus credits - what typically constitutes an episode of television - is approximately 19 minutes, which is around 20 minutes, like I said. I'm not sure what you were trying to say here, Christopher?

No, the story is 15:40 -- or actually 15:25 minus the opening titles. The rest is padding. No actual TV show has three whole minutes of end credits. Futurama had a 30-second opening title sequence and a 30-second end-title sequence out of 22:30 total run time -- that's 21:30 of story, six minutes more than this had. And the stories actually finished. They didn't cut off 2/3 of the way through and spend two minutes telling us how they ran out of money.