Founders and Solids living in Peace?

The Federation may not believe in capital punishment but the Female Changeling was basically Hitler for the Cardassians and she was responsible for all Starfleet, Klingon and Romulan deaths during the war. I don't see how she can walk away from that.

She isn't walking away. She's going to prison. Who do you think is going to execute her?

The Federation doesn't execute people. They didn't execute any Maquis. They didn't execute Khan. They didn't execute Dukat. They actually allied themselves with Damar. They will even actively try to save their enemies' lives in some situations (if they can do so without risking themselves).

The Romulans wouldn't want her executed, either, they'd be far more interested in her being interrogated for information about the Gamma Quadrant. Which could be a diplomatic issue if the Romulans decided the Federation wasn't interrogating her hard enough or sharing enough info, but it wouldn't lead to any calls for execution.

And as far as the Klingons are concerned, a good death is the highest honor. Now, if she were the changeling who impersonated General Martok, that might be worth an execution. But she was just an enemy general, doing what every general does. It was probably 'dishonorable' of her to surrender alive, but the Klingons are more than used to accepting the Federation's habit of taking prisoners even if they prefer not to themselves. There's no reason whatsoever for them to push for her execution.

The only people who would actually push for it would be the Cardassians, and exactly how much influence do you think they'll really have, considering it was their jingoistic alliance that allowed the Female Changeling to wreak havok in the first place?
The Federation may not believe in capital punishment but the Female Changeling was basically Hitler for the Cardassians and she was responsible for all Starfleet, Klingon and Romulan deaths during the war. I don't see how she can walk away from that.

She isn't walking away. She's going to prison. Who do you think is going to execute her?

The Federation doesn't execute people. They didn't execute any Maquis. They didn't execute Khan. They didn't execute Dukat. They actually allied themselves with Damar. They will even actively try to save their enemies' lives in some situations (if they can do so without risking themselves).

The Romulans wouldn't want her executed, either, they'd be far more interested in her being interrogated for information about the Gamma Quadrant. Which could be a diplomatic issue if the Romulans decided the Federation wasn't interrogating her hard enough or sharing enough info, but it wouldn't lead to any calls for execution.

And as far as the Klingons are concerned, a good death is the highest honor. Now, if she were the changeling who impersonated General Martok, that might be worth an execution. But she was just an enemy general, doing what every general does. It was probably 'dishonorable' of her to surrender alive, but the Klingons are more than used to accepting the Federation's habit of taking prisoners even if they prefer not to themselves. There's no reason whatsoever for them to push for her execution.

The only people who would actually push for it would be the Cardassians, and exactly how much influence do you think they'll really have, considering it was their jingoistic alliance that allowed the Female Changeling to wreak havok in the first place?

Good points.

Section 31 it is then:rommie:
I bet the Tal Shiar insisted on conducting and/or observing all of the interrogation sessions as they happened. They would not be satisfied with Starfleet or Section 31's reports afterwards.

And the Federation owes them, big time, for bringing Romulus into the war under false pretenses. And using the Defiant's cloaking device in the Alpha Quadrant.
How long will she stay arrested?

Another point: The Dominion knew about the feds long before the discovery of the wormhole. Sure they knew about their peaceful intensions. It didn't change anything. Same with Changeling Bashir and the other Changeling Infiltrators who got insight about living among the people of the Federation. I would have thought getting to know them would make them more friendly towards them somehow.
How long will she stay arrested?

Another point: The Dominion knew about the feds long before the discovery of the wormhole. Sure they knew about their peaceful intensions. It didn't change anything. Same with Changeling Bashir and the other Changeling Infiltrators who got insight about living among the people of the Federation. I would have thought getting to know them would make them more friendly towards them somehow.

The Changelings were irredeemable. I completely understood how they'd been mistreated by humanoids but it was high time to build a bridge and get over it. Whatever was done to them was done a billion times worse by the Dominion to other races. In the end there was nothing noble about this race. Just a hate filled, racist and ignorant species who were so set in their ways they felt no compassion for anyone other than themselves.

Odo has a giant task on his hands changing their views about solids. If he doesn't succeed the chances are war will break out again once the Dominion are back on their feet. I love how the writers didn't wimp out by redeeming The Founders and having them turn nice. There's still a long way to go.
Things will be difficult inside the Great Link as long as Odo and Laas don't agree upon the attitude towards solids. It's currently a "leave us alone and we leave you alone" situation between the Dominion and the Federation.

One may ask what would happen if the Female Founder escaped her imprisonment.
Things will be difficult inside the Great Link as long as Odo and Laas don't agree upon the attitude towards solids. It's currently a "leave us alone and we leave you alone" situation between the Dominion and the Federation.

One may ask what would happen if the Female Founder escaped her imprisonment.

This is exactly what I was getting at earlier in the thread. Even if she's sentenced to hundreds of years in maximum captivity there's every chance she could still be alive and well when her sentence ends. What happens then? Back to the Great Link? I wish Deep Space Nine could return like The X-Files and other shows:rommie:
Things will be difficult inside the Great Link as long as Odo and Laas don't agree upon the attitude towards solids. It's currently a "leave us alone and we leave you alone" situation between the Dominion and the Federation.

One may ask what would happen if the Female Founder escaped her imprisonment.

This is exactly what I was getting at earlier in the thread. Even if she's sentenced to hundreds of years in maximum captivity there's every chance she could still be alive and well when her sentence ends. What happens then? Back to the Great Link? I wish Deep Space Nine could return like The X-Files and other shows:rommie:

I don't think the female changeling's presence or absence from the great link really makes that much of a difference in what the Dominion will do. Odds are high Odo won't be able to talk them down anyway, but if he does somehow manage to succeed, I doubt her experiences will bring anything particularly game changing back to the link. Unless the Federation actually did allow the Romulans to torture her. Or Section 31 managed to get their hands on her and decided to experiment.

If she were to escape, then that could have diplomatic consequences as it would naturally put the AQ on edge, but if she were to simply wait her sentence out, I don't think anything would change at all.
Whether she's imprisoned at all remains canonically unknown. She agreed to be judged for her actions - perhaps this already took place before anything was signed, and the sentence delivered was "go and sin no more"?

The "victors" of the war better tread really carefully lest they anger the "losers" who can crush them in a heartbeat. Even though that heartbeat can come about 75 years after the events at the earliest, unless the Dominion discovers transwarp...

Timo Saloniemi