For the Imperium...

Me Likey!
has that long Vulcan primary hull influence. Awesome!

Never been a fan of Fighters in Trek, Only caveat is that they be like a "torpedo Bombers" of old, carrying full sized photon/quantum torpedo's. Only full sized weapons could do any damage, a fighter sized powerplant phasers wouldn't be anything to a capital ship.
I like it, feels very aggresive. I think I'd remove the forward support and move it (or only have one) at the back though, so that maybe that surface can be used as a staging point for smaller attack craft. I mean, if we're moving away from the 'only impulse' notion (totally a fan of) then we need something else where the Romulans are "known" for. Might as well be the use of attack craft instead of ship-to-ship combat...
Thanks brother! That's an intriguing idea... I may have to explore it ;)

Me Likey!
has that long Vulcan primary hull influence. Awesome!

Never been a fan of Fighters in Trek, Only caveat is that they be like a "torpedo Bombers" of old, carrying full sized photon/quantum torpedo's. Only full sized weapons could do any damage, a fighter sized powerplant phasers wouldn't be anything to a capital ship.
Thanks. I too am not generally a fighter guy in Trek, but I cannot deny that there are versions of Trek with their presence....So I

Oeh! now that's a real little thunderchicken.. lovely shape, love the tail fin. :mallory::techman:
Thank you Sir!
Here is a 22nd Century Warbird to go with that BoP:

Direct Link:
Nice ship! It also fits Romulan design seen in FASA’s Nova Class and the Romulan ship in Pacific-201.

It could be 22nd century or even a civilian or other contemporary design. Not all ships have to be from the same company.

I’ll echo what others have said about the forward support being unnecessary. The alien strangeness of the D’Deridex is part of what makes it interesting, and I feel like this support strut would be like placing one in the middle of that design like an unnecessary support beam.

Interesting idea about putting another craft there. I was thinking of a hook or forward protrusion that went up and jutted forward but, maybe giving the ship an open beak appearance.
I actually really like that support beam, building materials would not have been as advanced as in the later designs so you need some strength to keep the hull together. :mallory:
Nice ship! It also fits Romulan design seen in FASA’s Nova Class and the Romulan ship in Pacific-201.

It could be 22nd century or even a civilian or other contemporary design. Not all ships have to be from the same company.

I’ll echo what others have said about the forward support being unnecessary. The alien strangeness of the D’Deridex is part of what makes it interesting, and I feel like this support strut would be like placing one in the middle of that design like an unnecessary support beam.

Interesting idea about putting another craft there. I was thinking of a hook or forward protrusion that went up and jutted forward but, maybe giving the ship an open beak appearance.
Thanks Bro! The reason for the support beam in its current configuation is that in the side view of the ship it looks like a diving pelican, which was the inspiration for the ship ;)

I actually really like that support beam, building materials would not have been as advanced as in the later designs so you need some strength to keep the hull together. :mallory:
Aye, Thanks bro for fielding that.
I like sturdy looking ships, also that beam just looks the part so defend it I will!

If I were to design a ship it would probaby be some kind of flying bunker.. with extra armor on top.. and uh..more armor. .;)
Ah, the Romulan designer strikes again, I mean, beak full open, yeah that's fashionable.. ;) but it might bite off something too big to chew.. but awesome design. :mallory::techman:
You have outdone yourself again with that screaming eagle. Just the fan-tail and the nacelles they connect too would make for a nice squid ship all by themselves---so much detail!
Ah, the Romulan designer strikes again, I mean, beak full open, yeah that's fashionable.. ;) but it might bite off something too big to chew.. but awesome design. :mallory::techman:
Thanks...Thought they needed another ship. Very under-represented Species those Romulans are you know.

You have outdone yourself again with that screaming eagle. Just the fan-tail and the nacelles they connect too would make for a nice squid ship all by themselves---so much detail!
Thanks! And that is an intriguing concept :)
I said over on Brad Torgersens' STSTCS forum how this would have a cooler TNG Romulan scout from the episode "The Defector", but @Atolm says its bigger than that.

Love though how it invokes that design, but with a bird like head ala some FASA designs.

Amazing work again, as always, @Atolm