Flat Earth Movement - What Gives?

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Not only was he certain it was not flat, Eratosthenes accurately calculated the radius of the Earth by putting sticks in the desert sand. He did this without the ability to look at it from space, or without the complex understanding of the laws of physics we have today. He did it all just by noticing the shadow had different lengths in different cities.

During summer solstice on the tropics, an upright stick would cast no shadow at noon – the Sun is directly above it. But on the exact same day, to the South or to the North, the same upright stick would have a shadow, as if it was no longer upright. Indeed, the stick was now standing at an angle, for it had descended down the circle of the Earth, and now it was tilted to where it stood back on the tropics.

Much surprisingly, Eratosthenes somehow also managed to calculate the distance between the Earth and the Sun. While there's some difficulty in translating his result from Ancient Greek, it either translates to a figure that's insanely off, or to a figure that's within a percent of the real distance. Since getting it with such precision by chance is a practical impossibility, it stands to reason that the latter translation is indeed correct, and he did in fact know how far away the Sun was.

Every sailor has known for ages that the Earth is round. That's how they navigate the seas without getting lost. To tell where they are, they would measure the angle between the horizon and Polaris – the North star when they are North of the equator. Or to the Southern Cross when they are South of the equator. All the time they were at sea, they knew – and saw – how their ship descended up and down the half-circles of longitude. They saw how the North star descended to a lower angle as they went South, until it disappeared, and the Southern Cross appeared from the other opposite side of their ship. If the Earth was not round, no ship would have ever reached its destination.

A man with little tools living in the desert can know, confirm and measure the curvature of the Earth on his own. A man unfairly stereotyped to be drinking, swearing and fighting for a living, can – in the middle of the endless ocean – repeat these same measurements daily to tell you exactly where they are. If a person armed only with the stars, angle-measurer and a clock can tell you exactly where you are, yet all you see is a flat ocean in every direction, they probably know a thing or two about the shape of the Earth that you might not.

I'm also pretty sure that if they can do that, it should inspire you to do better when you're armed with the Internet, all the information in the world, all the photographic evidence that you need, and more technology at your fingertips than anybody in Earth's past.
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^ Pretty flimsy isn't it ?

I have been into amateur radio since a young age, and the curvature of the earth plays a huge role in line of sight (LOS) communications. You can have good talkies that could easily transmit 100 kilometers held in the hand 1m high, and as they walk away from each other, their reception drops out once they're far enough apart that the earth is between them. You could go up on roofs and then talk much father. You can take the same radio on a mountain and talk much father. There are simple formulas based on the radius of the earth to work out range. Engineers use them when setting up radio stations. This has been a fact of life for me since I started playing around with radios since before I was a teenager.
I have been into amateur radio since a young age, and the curvature of the earth plays a huge role in line of sight (LOS) communications. You can have good talkies that could easily transmit 100 kilometers held in the hand 1m high, and as they walk away from each other, their reception drops out once they're far enough apart that the earth is between them. You could go up on roofs and then talk much father. You can take the same radio on a mountain and talk much father. There are simple formulas based on the radius of the earth to work out range. Engineers use them when setting up radio stations. This has been a fact of life for me since I started playing around with radios since before I was a teenager.

Well radio can transmit beyond line of sight but range can depend on things like atmospheric conditions. Part of my college work was radio communications though that was a number of years ago.
Well radio can transmit beyond line of sight but range can depend on things like atmospheric conditions. Part of my college work was radio communications though that was a number of years ago.
You're talking about the HF band where the signal is bounced off the stratosphere. (or maybe one of the other atmospheres) VHF and above are LOS since they don't bounce so well but penetrate earth's atmosphere. This is also the reason geostationary satellites are used; for transmission of LOS bands beyond the curve of the earth.
It gets worse though. There aren't just flat earthers... there are *concave* earthers that are convinced that we are just INSIDE the round ball, and that all of outer space is just an illusion in the center..... lmao.

the whole thing relies on NASA being a fraud and everything being CGI'd and photo shopped.
Epidemic stupidity cannot be reasoned with. Do not try to find logic in the prism of self assured dumbness that some people build into a fortress around themselves.
Out of interest, could you possibly outline which arguments you found convincing?
Well, since you asked the question instead of creaming me with videos on subjects I am fully aware of - here is what happened. While randomly looking at Youtube videos, I saw the story on the Lake Pontchartrain Causeway which is 24 miles long and doesn't show any of the curvature one would expect from that distance. That led to a excerpt from a TV appearance by Admiral Richard Byrd in the late 50s in which he described a vast area of unexplored land in the Antarctic which he claimed was rich in oil, uranium and other exploitable material. Apparently, this discovery led to a multi-nation treaty which placed the continent off limits so the resources would not be touched.

Of course, this led to videos on all types of conspiracy theories ranging from space travel beyond Earth orbit being impossible because of the Van Allen Belts and the many other ways we "are being lied to". I simply brought up the subject because its something that made me go "hmmmm". I haven't been brainwashed, and my mental health is still as rock solid as it has ever been. :wtf:

I'm not really feeling the love here, so I am bowing out of this thread. So bombs away y'all. ;)
It was just that you sounded a little desperate in your first post. Like many things, eg the Bible vs evolution/history, the evidence for the reasonable explanation is overwhelming.
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