First look at Klingons in 'Star Trek: Discovery'?

Yeah, one has a much more elaborate gold armour with a lot more teeth and ridges, almost wing like projections on the back. The others are more titanium and striped. Rank structure denoted by alloy and amount of armour plates, makes sense for Klingons.
You're funny. I like that. But yeah, no. You've been whiney about everything on this forum. How I know this? I can read.

Oh, so you're not trying to discuss Klingons, you have a personal grudge. Well, I won't be getting into an argument with you. I you can't handle someone having a different opinion, I don't know what to say :shrug:

Btw, the original Fletcher idea behind the klingons in sttmp were that they were evolved from reptiles. Go look up a Starlog from 1989.

ST:TMP was a boring pile of junk and probably the worst of the TOS movies, so anything it had the idea for would be suspect even if it wasn't stupid.
Oh, so you're not trying to discuss Klingons, you have a personal grudge. Well, I won't be getting into an argument with you. I you can't handle someone having a different opinion, I don't know what to say :shrug:

ST:TMP was a boring pile of junk and probably the worst of the TOS movies, so anything it had the idea for would be suspect even if it wasn't stupid.

There's nothing to discuss. If these are Klingons, they are Klingons. End of story. If you have issues with them, that's fine. But they're still Klingons. You not liking them means two things to the showrunners; Jack and Shit.

As for personal grudge.... Let's say it's neither personal, or a grudge. But I will be honest that when I see you post, it's about complaining. And I'm kinda done with people being fans of something, but in the mean time only find time to post negative things about said fandom. And sofar, yeah, you're one of those fans. But personal implies you mean something to me. And I think you and I can both agree we mean nothing to each other. ;)

I hope the difference in appearance is explained, and we see a mix of Ridged, Smooth, and these "Sharp" Klingons. Change for the sake of change, is not always good IMO
Oh God. No more 'explanations.' 'We don't discuss it with outsiders' had it covered the first time.

Star Trek's need to have alien species be near-uniform in appearance was ridiculous anyway. Why the hell wouldn't a single species have a variety of bone structures, eye and skin colours, amounts and colour of 'fur', etc?
:rolleyes: I'm pretty forgiving about stuff like this. I could even handle a klingon redesign, if they didn't look like reptile mutants from a horror movie. At this point its just changing things to be different. I doubt anyone was clamoring for a klingon redesign, and now they're not even recognizable as the iconic Star Trek aliens they were. So it will annoy a lot of hardcore fans, and a general audience, who have probably at least seen a klingon before because they've fairly well known, won't know what the hell those are. Its just a poor decision from every angle.
Also true of the Motion Picture Klingons, they looked nothing at all like the iconic characters fans loved. We got over it.
There's nothing to discuss. If these are Klingons, they are Klingons. End of story. If you have issues with them, that's fine. But they're still Klingons. You not liking them means two things to the showrunners; Jack and Shit.

As for personal grudge.... Let's say it's neither personal, or a grudge. But I will be honest that when I see you post, it's about complaining. And I'm kinda done with people being fans of something, but in the mean time only find time to post negative things about said fandom.
Well said @Mage! Agreed.
You know what actually worries me?

Not the appearance, although it is an extreme change - but the armor.

I mean, after all that has been said here on TrekBBS about how Klingons became a bad stereotype after "Heart of Glory" - do we want to entrench the space samurai thing further - do we really want them running around in some kind of artisan antique-shop armor? I was hoping for a move away from all that and toward Kor in "Errant of Mercy".


Yes, I'm hoping there is another explanation for this, either not being Klingons or being some kind of proto-Klingon from before the Hur'q invasion, to do with the rumored sarcophagus ship. Maybe Klingons indeed have inter-bred with other species over the following centuries. Maybe that will even be a plot point - a race that thinks of itself as pure, is, like all others, mulatto.

I still think this was a move in the right direction for Klingons:

Interesting. I really like the look, though it does make me wish modern Trek incarnations would drop the pretense of being anything other than a hard reboot. It's well past the point where a wink and a nod can allow me to pretend this is all part of a single coherent reality.

Anyway, the uniforms look great as does the makeup. Interesting that they put a literal spin on the design by moving the ridges to the back of the head. My only concern is the way the heads are designed makes them more interesting (and more identifiably Klingon) from the back than from the front. Maybe we'll be starting at the backs of a lot of heads in this one, if the rumors about Klingon diplomacy are correct?