First look at Klingons in 'Star Trek: Discovery'?

They finally look like aliens, and managing to keep something of the combined TNG/Into Darkness redesigns. Can't wait to see how this looks in motion, properly lit.
Those look horrible. No one would even guess they were Klingon's unless they were told. Those actually look like Klingon's from a horror movie, its like Pinhead from Hellraiser formed a army of mutated Klingons. I can't wait until we see Discovery's version of Vulcan's, they'll probably have red skin, hooves for feet and a tail :rolleyes: Also, its informative to know that they were just BSing about this being "Prime" Universe. I didn't even really mind what universe it was at this point, but making a third universe (which is what this is, unless they want to pretend there is a third version of the klingons in the universe) is a bit excessive.
Those look horrible. No one would even guess they were Klingon's unless they were told. Those actually look like Klingon's from a horror movie, its like Pinhead from Hellraiser formed a army of mutated Klingons. I can't wait until we see Discovery's version of Vulcan's, they'll probably have red skin, hooves for feet and a tail :rolleyes: Also, its informative to know that they were just BSing about this being "Prime" Universe. I didn't even really mind what universe it was at this point, but making a third universe (which is what this is, unless they want to pretend there is a third version of the klingons in the universe) is a bit excessive.

Yup, you were the type of fanboy I was talking about earlier......
Yup, you were the type of fanboy I was talking about earlier......

:rolleyes: I'm pretty forgiving about stuff like this. I could even handle a klingon redesign, if they didn't look like reptile mutants from a horror movie. At this point its just changing things to be different. I doubt anyone was clamoring for a klingon redesign, and now they're not even recognizable as the iconic Star Trek aliens they were. So it will annoy a lot of hardcore fans, and a general audience, who have probably at least seen a klingon before because they've fairly well known, won't know what the hell those are. Its just a poor decision from every angle.
I'm ecstatic that they will annoy fans and shake them out of complacency. Go Discovery!

:rolleyes: I'm pretty forgiving about stuff like this. I could even handle a klingon redesign, if they didn't look like reptile mutants from a horror movie. At this point its just changing things to be different. I doubt anyone was clamoring for a klingon redesign, and now they're not even recognizable as the iconic Star Trek aliens they were. So it will annoy a lot of hardcore fans, and a general audience, who have probably at least seen a klingon before because they've fairly well known, won't know what the hell those are. Its just a poor decision from every angle.
:rolleyes: I'm pretty forgiving about stuff like this. I could even handle a klingon redesign, if they didn't look like reptile mutants from a horror movie. At this point its just changing things to be different. I doubt anyone was clamoring for a klingon redesign, and now they're not even recognizable as the iconic Star Trek aliens they were. So it will annoy a lot of hardcore fans, and a general audience, who have probably at least seen a klingon before because they've fairly well known, won't know what the hell those are. Its just a poor decision from every angle.

Or, you could just wait until you actually see the show before making snap judgments like this.
:rolleyes: I'm pretty forgiving about stuff like this.
No you are not. You aren't open minded to see what their role in the story are. Maybe the rumor about the old Klingons on the sarcophagus ships are true, and those are some variation of the Klingon race that were away for thousands of years from Qo'nos and they developed differently under different environment. If we have several variation of Vulcans on the Star Trek Universe (like Romulans don't look like Vulcans, they are just similar, we also have the Mintakans) of Humans maybe they are several variations to the Klingons too. Until we don't know the story I think we should reserve judgment.
:rolleyes: I'm pretty forgiving about stuff like this. I could even handle a klingon redesign, if they didn't look like reptile mutants from a horror movie. At this point its just changing things to be different. I doubt anyone was clamoring for a klingon redesign, and now they're not even recognizable as the iconic Star Trek aliens they were. So it will annoy a lot of hardcore fans, and a general audience, who have probably at least seen a klingon before because they've fairly well known, won't know what the hell those are. Its just a poor decision from every angle.

Forgiving?? Nearly every post you make is about how things are not as good as they used to be in whatever fandom you are talking about, be it Marvel, Star Wars, Star Trek, Doctor Who.... It's always not as good as what was.
After the video last week and this, we know the show is going to strive for it's own unique look, we might be getting a total aesthetic reboot. But it'll have seasons on air to develop it instead of a few hours of film, it should be interesting to see how far they can take it.

Really want to see one of the phasers at this point.
It's hard to tell how much I'll really like it until I see it properly lit and in motion, but as an Empire there really should be more variety to the Klingons than what we've seen to date. I think it would be cool if over the course of the series we saw some Klingons that look like this, some that look like the TNG era, some that look like TOS era all at the same time.
Forgiving?? Nearly every post you make is about how things are not as good as they used to be in whatever fandom you are talking about, be it Marvel, Star Wars, Star Trek, Doctor Who.... It's always not as good as what was.

:lol: I've literally never said that about Star Wars (outside of the books) or Doctor Who (outside of criticizing Series 8, which was pretty much the majority opinion), and with Marvel the Netflix shows are really the only thing I've said anything similar. If you're going to make insinuations/insult someone, at least don't make things up. I don't like the reptile klingons, if you don't like that I really don't care.

Or, you could just wait until you actually see the show before making snap judgments like this.

I don't need to wait, because my judgement is about their appearance which we've now seen. they are the worst looking alien design I've ever seen in Star Trek (that's from a design standpoint, ignoring things that looked bad because of budget restrictions). For me, there is no justification for it, and you know the only excuse is going to be because they want to be "different". Its fine if it doesn't bother other people, but I think it looks terrible and sets an unfortunate precedent for the show. Now, it has my interest because its Star Trek, but I'm certainly not feeling positive about the show anymore.

It certainly is a weird feeling to see the show stumble after Beyond restored my faith in modern Trek. I never thought I'd be more hopeful for a possible sequel to the reboot movies then a ST TV show.
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:lol: I've literally never said that about Star Wars (outside of the books) or Doctor Who (outside of criticizing Series 8, which was pretty much the majority opinion), and with Marvel the Netflix shows are really the only thing I've said anything similar. If you're going to make insinuations/insult someone, at least don't make things up. I don't like the reptile klingons, if you don't like that I really don't care.

You're funny. I like that. But yeah, no. You've been whiney about everything on this forum. How I know this? I can read.
Look to the left in the photo. There is a light colored, possibly diplomatic uniform on one of them.
Btw, the original Fletcher idea behind the klingons in sttmp were that they were evolved from reptiles. Go look up a Starlog from 1980.

:lol: I've literally never said that about Star Wars (outside of the books) or Doctor Who (outside of criticizing Series 8, which was pretty much the majority opinion), and with Marvel the Netflix shows are really the only thing I've said anything similar. If you're going to make insinuations/insult someone, at least don't make things up. I don't like the reptile klingons, if you don't like that I really don't care.

I don't need to wait, because my judgement is about their appearance which we've now seen. they are the worst looking alien design I've ever seen in Star Trek (that's from a design standpoint, ignoring things that looked bad because of budget restrictions). For me, there is no justification for it, and you know the only excuse is going to be because they want to be "different". Its fine if it doesn't bother other people, but I think it looks terrible and sets an unfortunate precedent for the show. Now, it has my interest because its Star Trek, but I'm certainly not feeling positive about the show anymore.