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Does anyone outside of hard core Trek fans even know of its existence?

Trek fans know of incels? HIYOOOOO!!!! :guffaw:

Involuntary celibate and incel aren’t the same thing. An involuntary celibate is anyone who suffers from the condition. An incel is someone who adheres to a vile misogynistic philosophy.

Awesome distinctions, thank you! :techman: "Incel" may have started as the concatenated abbreviation of "involuntary" and "celibate", but both since have become their own distinct terms.

To make things even more interesting, there are also the voluntarily celibates. With all the cooties going around nowadays and as more of them are becoming harder to treat...
I dunno. It gets points because its depiction of a matriarchal society pisses off incels.

But...the thing is...Angel One is like the depiction of a matriarchal society as written by incels.
I mean, look at it. A world full of statuesque, supposedly stunning, and dominant women...who all fall to their knees the moment an even slightly rugged man comes around.
So I wouldn't give points for that.
I should mention that while I consider incel philosophy to be vile, I am not totally without sympathy for its adherents. Involuntary celibacy is an extremely painful condition to live with. That kind of pain, over time, inevitably generates anger. You can either direct that anger outward, becoming an incel or misotheist, or direct it inward and become a self-hating depressive. The condition is simply incompatible with being psychologically healthy.
I should mention that while I consider incel philosophy to be vile, I am not totally without sympathy for its adherents. Involuntary celibacy is an extremely painful condition to live with. That kind of pain, over time, inevitably generates anger. You can either direct that anger outward, becoming an incel or misotheist, or direct it inward and become a self-hating depressive. The condition is simply incompatible with being psychologically healthy.

Or one can be self-reflective and try to figure out how they came to that point in their lives.
Or one can be self-reflective and try to figure out how they came to that point in their lives.
Doesn’t work that way. I know a lot of people think that incel philosophy is the cause (rather than result) of involuntary celibacy and that they can cure the condition simply by giving up the philosophy, but that’s just not reality.
Doesn’t work that way. I know a lot of people think that incel philosophy is the cause (rather than result) of involuntary celibacy and that they can cure the condition simply by giving up the philosophy, but that’s just not reality.

If one isn't willing to be, at least, a little self-reflective, then a lot of the problems they simply aren't going to be able to escape.
Incels tend to be the kind of people who people don't find attractive for reasons other than the incel philosophy.
If one isn't willing to be, at least, a little self-reflective, then a lot of the problems they simply aren't going to be able to escape.
So if they just reflect a little and rethink the philosophy, the problems go away? Is that what you think?
So if they just reflect a little and rethink the philosophy, the problems go away? Is that what you think?

No. "Why am I the way I am?" is usually a good place to start, though.

Kinda like having to admit one has an alcohol problem before help can be helpful.
Charlie Brown, upon reflection, realized that the best course going forward was to stop trying to kick the football. Success no longer outweighed the crushed hopes and humiliation.