Favorite Captain?

Your favorite Captain?

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Let me tell you: I really like Sisko.

I also like his relationship with Jake.

Jake has got to be one of the best child characters ever. Cirroc comes off perfectly natural in the role. Even when he's going through some growing pains normal for his age, he doesn't come off annoyingly over the top or overly whiney like a lot of actors his age.
Here's a loaded question:

Is there a captain you hate or dislike???

Hate or dislike? No. But I don't think that the Picard character has aged very well. If it wasn't for Stewart's acting chops, Picard would probably rank behind Archer.
Let me tell you: I really like Sisko.

I also like his relationship with Jake.

Jake has got to be one of the best child characters ever. Cirroc comes off perfectly natural in the role. Even when he's going through some growing pains normal for his age, he doesn't come off annoyingly over the top or overly whiney like a lot of actors his age.

Agreed! Ive seen a lot of inexplicable Jake bashing on the internet (is it the Wesley Crusher effect?)- but the Ben/Jake relationship was a strength of DS9--well played by both actors! Gave Ben Sisko a lot of his likeability.

Voted for Kirk...TV Kirk, that is. There is a huge difference between "TV Kirk" and "Movie Kirk"--its almost an entirely different character-from energy to appearance.
Let me tell you: I really like Sisko.

I also like his relationship with Jake.

Jake has got to be one of the best child characters ever. Cirroc comes off perfectly natural in the role. Even when he's going through some growing pains normal for his age, he doesn't come off annoyingly over the top or overly whiney like a lot of actors his age.

Agreed! Ive seen a lot of inexplicable Jake bashing on the internet (is it the Wesley Crusher effect?)- but the Ben/Jake relationship was a strength of DS9--well played by both actors! Gave Ben Sisko a lot of his likeability.

Voted for Kirk...TV Kirk, that is. There is a huge difference between "TV Kirk" and "Movie Kirk"--its almost an entirely different character-from energy to appearance.

Great username, man!
Wait...I just realized you can vote for more than one in this poll!?!? Well now I have to go and vote for the rest of them!
Wait...I just realized you can vote for more than one in this poll!?!? Well now I have to go and vote for the rest of them!

I knew it was multiple votes, and even though I enjoyed every series, I only voted for Picard. I have my gripes with Kirk because sometimes he doesn't take thing seriously enough (especially those "laugh at the end" episodes, regardless if someone was lost) and NuKirk is no different, Sisko (though the most realistic) lost my vote when he caused the Romulans to enter the Federations war, Janeway had fits of righteousness and unethical decisions, and Archer wasn't as strong as the Captains that followed (and/or preceded) him.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed all of the series, I just have a few gripes with the other Captains. Picard knew when to take things seriously and when not to, he followed the Prime Directive regardless if it wasn't what he wanted, and his actions backed his righteousness. He was the "best captain", at least to me.
Picard knew when to take things seriously and when not to, he followed the Prime Directive regardless if it wasn't what he wanted, and his actions backed his righteousness. He was the "best captain", at least to me.

Not even close...

The Drumhead said:
SATIE: Captain, do you believe in the Prime Directive?
PICARD: Of course.
SATIE: In fact, it's Starfleet General Order Number One, is it not?
PICARD: Your point, Admiral?
SATIE: Would it surprise you to learn that you have violated the Prime Directive a total of nine times since you took command of the Enterprise? I must say, Captain, it surprised the hell out of me.
PICARD: My reports to Starfleet document the circumstances in each of those instances

He violated it quite a bit. Including rescuing Wesley Crusher from the Edo death penalty.
Picard knew when to take things seriously and when not to, he followed the Prime Directive regardless if it wasn't what he wanted, and his actions backed his righteousness. He was the "best captain", at least to me.

Not even close...

The Drumhead said:
SATIE: Captain, do you believe in the Prime Directive?
PICARD: Of course.
SATIE: In fact, it's Starfleet General Order Number One, is it not?
PICARD: Your point, Admiral?
SATIE: Would it surprise you to learn that you have violated the Prime Directive a total of nine times since you took command of the Enterprise? I must say, Captain, it surprised the hell out of me.
PICARD: My reports to Starfleet document the circumstances in each of those instances

He violated it quite a bit. Including rescuing Wesley Crusher from the Edo death penalty.

I'm sure if you listed Kirk's and the Prime Directive breaking masters Sisko and Janeway's discrepancies, Picard's nine is nothing compared to them.
Picard knew when to take things seriously and when not to, he followed the Prime Directive regardless if it wasn't what he wanted, and his actions backed his righteousness. He was the "best captain", at least to me.

Not even close...

The Drumhead said:
SATIE: Captain, do you believe in the Prime Directive?
PICARD: Of course.
SATIE: In fact, it's Starfleet General Order Number One, is it not?
PICARD: Your point, Admiral?
SATIE: Would it surprise you to learn that you have violated the Prime Directive a total of nine times since you took command of the Enterprise? I must say, Captain, it surprised the hell out of me.
PICARD: My reports to Starfleet document the circumstances in each of those instances

He violated it quite a bit. Including rescuing Wesley Crusher from the Edo death penalty.

I'm sure if you listed Kirk's and the Prime Directive breaking masters Sisko and Janeway's discrepancies, Picard's nine is nothing compared to them.

One, that wasn't what you said and two, that is only through three-and-a-half seasons of TNG.
I don't dislike any of the captains in STAR TREK, but I do feel that some are sometimes over-hyped and over-rated, but that doesn't mean I hate them or think they suck. These series are all centered around the captains, pretty much, so it's kind of mandatory, almost, that they be likeable. They can have flaws and make mistakes, like marooning ships in a deserted part of space, or torturing people to get information, or even being assimilated by the Borg to kill and destroy ... these things happen. But they are always on the side of the angels.
good gosh...why did you put nukirk on the list. you knew what the answer will be, HE WILL GET NO VOTES. nu kirk is not on an even plain field with the rest who had dozens of seasons. nu kirk is only in 2 films.

if its down to the top 5...easy for me. its Picard.
Cool, TOS Kirk is "winning". I guess the fanboys won't slit their wrists this time around. :lol:

I can't stop watching this! :guffaw:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

the meme is a classic. wont be bad to see 50 cent in trek now.:lol:
The Sisko. A man willing to do what was necessary to protect the Federation and the Alpha Quadrant, making decisions that neither Picard nor Kirk would ever have made.

After Sisko, it's probably Picard, Janeway, Archer and then Kirk. I like Kirk, but he didn't interest me as much as the others, perhaps because he was overshadowed by Spock for me.
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