Donny’s Late TOS Movie Era Interiors

Discussion in 'Fan Art' started by Donny, Jan 25, 2017.

  1. cardinal biggles

    cardinal biggles I AM A GODDAMN DELIGHT Moderator

    Sep 7, 2001
    You and everyone else who worked on that fleet deserve major kudos. It was nice to see updated versions of old classics, and overall was a huge improvement over Captain Riker's copypasta fleet from "Et in Arcadia Ego."
    scifieric likes this.
  2. Richard Baker

    Richard Baker Commodore Commodore

    Nov 11, 2008
    Warrior, AL
    Those are some of the nicest Federation ships I have seen on screen!
    The only one,I do care that much is the new Reliant. The Miranda class had a hunkered down mean look to it, the new one looks much smaller and friendlier if that makes sense...
    scifieric and publiusr like this.
  3. danellis

    danellis Captain Captain

    Mar 15, 2010
    I did wonder if you were involved in any of them, Donny, congratulations (does this make you canon now? lol)

    scifieric and Commander Troi like this.
  4. Scott Einolf

    Scott Einolf Cadet Newbie

    Mar 8, 2022

    I know you have heard this before, but your work is AMAZING. I love the detail work on all of the bridges. I didn't see if any schematics were ever produced from your renderings. Would you be able to provide specific dimensions for TUC work stations. Specifically, Science, Communication, the tactical stations next to each of those and a turbolift? I am working on a fan film and we are hoping to build a bridge set based on TUC E-A bridge, but with modifications. Like the turbolift directly behind the Captain's chair (like the Reliant bridge from TWOK). So it is kind of a hybrid. Also, what are the dimensions of the floor pie wedges (length, width, height). Obviously wide where the station consoles go.
    I would love to discuss further if you are willing.

    scifieric and publiusr like this.
  5. OhCaptainMyCaptain

    OhCaptainMyCaptain Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Dec 26, 2002
    Hell in a hand basket
    A little late to the party (even though I've been following this thread avidly), but congratulations! This is very, very well deserved!:techman::techman::techman::techman::techman::techman::techman:
    scifieric and Commander Troi like this.
  6. Donny

    Donny Commodore Commodore

    Mar 13, 2008
    Los Gatos, CA
    Hey peeps!

    We at the Roddenberry Archive had a major release today, including some documentary videos and a website in which you can stream an interactive 3D experience of almost all of the Enterprise bridges! Much of the bridge work that I showcased here and other threads has made it into this release, albeit all of it was remastered at some point.

    Check it out here:
    I recommend viewing it on a desktop computer. Currently, the 3D interactive streams aren't loadable on Firefox, so I suggest using Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, or another browser to view the interactive streams. Each timeline entry will bring up a ship image and a bridge panorama. But hitting the "Enable Navigation" button will start the stream loading process. Please give it a few minutes to load. Once in, you can press "O" to adjust things like camera height, field of view to your liking. (Our default field of view is 60, but I recommend something higher like 90, especially if you're used to 3D games). Use your mouse to move the camera and WASD keys to move your "character". Right-click to zoom in. Have a go at it!

    A couple of things that are relevant to this thread are the TFF Enterprise-A bridge, the TUC Enterprise-A bridge, and my brand-spanking new work on the Enterprise-B bridge which was often requested here, and thanks to the Archive, I was finally able to bring that bridge to life!

    But even still, there's tons of other rad stuff on the timeline that I and other created for this experience.

    I hope you all enjoy the work we've done.
    Here are links to some videos we've released today as well.

    Last edited: Apr 27, 2023
  7. Workbee

    Workbee Commander Red Shirt

    Sep 9, 2004
    Donny - this is astounding!

    You sneaky fox - didn’t mention you also did the TVH bridge. OMG it is gorgeous! I can’t believe I am seeing this. I had become convinced that it was never going to happen. Even with the limited views, just knowing that this version of this set exists somewhere (if only digitally) had just made my day. It is a wonderful sliver of trek history that until now was only on the screen for about 5 seconds, and IRL likely only stood a few weeks before being demoed to convert it to the Battle bridge for TNG. Well done Donny, and thank you!

    edit - looking at the TVH bridge, I am struck by how much of the controls and displays is labeled with seemingly random of numbers instead of descriptive words. Perfectly understandable - they were under incredible time pressure to create something that would just be on screen for 5 seconds, and none of it would have been readable. I feel bad for the flak Lora Johnson took for her alterations to the original graphics (such as references to transwarp drive) for her reproductions of these graphics in MSGTTE. I never minded the changes, but I hadn't realized how many details she had to fill in for her reproductions.
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2023
    GeorgeKirk likes this.
  8. Richard Baker

    Richard Baker Commodore Commodore

    Nov 11, 2008
    Warrior, AL

    Just spent a lot of quality time with your creations, two nice surprises. The Planet of the Titans bridge and the Enterprise J with what appears to be a transparent upper hull.
    Jedman67 and ConstitutionNCC1700 like this.

    TOMFAN Lieutenant Commander Red Shirt

    Apr 18, 2016
    I am loving this, it's absolutely spectacular! (although I am worried that I am not going to get any work done at all today!)
    blssdwlf likes this.
  10. K1productions

    K1productions Commander Red Shirt

    May 18, 2020
    Santa Clarita, CA
    I'm just glad all those consoles and graphics are there at all. I thought they were lost to time forever, yet here they all are in high definition glory <3
    Now if only we can eventually get the HMS Bounty too
  11. Jedman67

    Jedman67 Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jun 18, 2015
  12. Francis Tonay

    Francis Tonay Lieutenant Junior Grade Red Shirt

    Apr 9, 2020
    I was wondering what happened to the TUC thread. Yippy!
  13. penguin44

    penguin44 Captain Captain

    Feb 19, 2019
    Wish it was permanent and not a limited time archive viewing!
    DEWLine and scifieric like this.
  14. Nightowl1701

    Nightowl1701 Commodore Commodore

    Oct 29, 2011
    Orlando, FL
    I was under the impression it was eventually coming back (December 2024?) with far more, that what we briefly got was just a demo.
    Commander Troi likes this.
  15. penguin44

    penguin44 Captain Captain

    Feb 19, 2019
    Ooh I hope so!
    publiusr likes this.
  16. Uxi

    Uxi Commander Red Shirt

    Aug 17, 2011
    Southern California
    I missed it. Any chance of them coming back? I need the TVH bridge.
    STEPhon IT likes this.
  17. STEPhon IT

    STEPhon IT Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jan 27, 2010
    Sunny California
    It's some great work. I wonder will the archives allow Donny to present the interiors from the movie Trek projects and the tremendous material done for TOS - which is my favorite of his work.
    Uxi and IronWaffle like this.
  18. Uxi

    Uxi Commander Red Shirt

    Aug 17, 2011
    Southern California
    I'll settle for a screenshot of weapons & defense from the TVH bridge.
  19. UssGlenn

    UssGlenn Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Mar 5, 2003
    New Orleans, LA
    your best bet is finding someone who recorded it and uploaded to YouTube

    these guys do TVH at about :57

    didn't look further
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2023
    StarCruiser, Uxi, blssdwlf and 3 others like this.
  20. Uxi

    Uxi Commander Red Shirt

    Aug 17, 2011
    Southern California
    A good look around the bridge but that was the one console they didn't look at.

    I would love a Bridge Commander (more of a Mr Scott's Guide maybe) type game with customization (at least colors). The STIV bridge wiith some VI colors (red doors, darker floor, footwell lighting, red padding, seats, slightly dimmer lighting would go a long way.
    publiusr likes this.