Creative Writing, Poetry, Arts & Crafts, and Other Creations Thread

Thank you. :)

I've pushed on and have gone a decent number of words past my goal.

Of course this isn't the end of the story by any means. I write some every day, but ramp it up during the NaNoWriMo months. November's the big one - you don't get that winner's badge unless you log at least 50,000 words in 30 days. I took it easy this time around because the April and July events let you set your own goal.
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“Soft Self-Portrait of Salvador Dalí” [1970]
Narrated by Orson Welles
Director: Jean-Christophe Averty
Stars: Gala Dalí, Donyale Luna, Tony Kina

^this movie is on facebook I would post the link but it probably isn't allowed or won't work --- search for it to see the movie Orson Welles is great Dali also talks alot -

I have made an error or mistake with my video creation automation I was trying for 2 hour videos and let it go figuring about 10 or so videos and yeah forgot to reset the default value for video length creation and it was set to 1 minute ... I set it up and walked away now I have 927 one minute videos this will get my number of uploaded videos well beyond the 10,000 mark but I did not want to cheat like this.--- still I can only upload 100 videos everyday,..

^one one minute video of 927 videos the playlist will grow as I upload but this is the playlist,..

right now the playlist has 361 videos but I think 60 of them are going to be doubled in the uploads and playlist as I did not move 60 videos from the not uploaded folder to the uploaded folder as the uploaded folder has 301 videos in it ,.. almost an impossible fault to fix but whatever.
I haven't done art in a while..... I plan to do more in the future, maybe off one of my photo shoots.
Hey did you like the air vent photo? Looked neat hey, I really did feel it had that whole jurassic park kind of vibe.

yes the air vent was something I never saw before it is neat --- or it must of been neat to be there.
Not my picture, from the FB Cyberpunk Pictures page, but I saw it and was compelled to write, not sure why. Only took ten minutes.


The machine ate her, but it didn’t kill her. It swarmed up her legs, turned the flesh into jelly and sucked it away, replaced by complicated metal springs and tendons with woven carbon, and sheathed the bones in chromed tungsten, It roared up through the body, classifying organs and functions before inserting a high powered substitute made of soft plastics and rare earths, then mulching the former biological components. She could feel it happening, but a device at the stem of her brain diverted the screaming pain away, and it became a gentle buzz. Her lungs were eviscerated and replaced with air pumps and filters, the heart with an engine designed to never break down, driving blood and oil around the body. She retained the female form, but it was directed into different functions, her gender now was indifferent yet more flexible than ever. And finally the head, with probing needles that reached deep into her brain, but allowed her to access a range of databases, manuals and libraries no human could have absorbed in five lifetimes, so she could be the perfect tool. Under the surface the slender neck had carbon mesh and titanium rods to strengthen it, each vertebrae now a flexible steel that protected a spinal cord toughened with more carbon fibre. There was a flicker in her vision as her eyes were painlessly destroyed and cameras inserted, several of them that could rotate as required, behind a veneer of what her old eyes used to look like. The face and mouth were little touched, to give her that human look and taste, though now there were a host of tiny pumps that oxygenated a spoonful of blood to give her cheeks that rosy bloom and keep intact the appearance of humanity. And how she looked at the world turned on a hinge, and everything had changed.

She was eaten alive.

She died and was brought to life.
I made 29 of these images this is like the first 9 or so... just from this weekend --- just passing time by doing something I like .. to watch myself do.

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