Constitution Class Refit (High Resolution model)


Red Shirt
Hello! I've been meaning to post this here for the past week or so but I caught a nasty flu, and while I was doing work on the model, I kept forgetting to render some overall shots of it to post here. Some members here will know me from other communities :)

Anyway, goal of the project is to build a high resolution model, VFX quality, to be used in renders and maybe animations. I started with the exterior because that's what will be shown the most, but I'll build interiors for the ship to populate the windows at some point. I'm aware of missing details like windows on the bottom of the saucer and so on. There are a few things that I changed from the studio model as I wanted to build this as if it was a real ship. So things that didn't make sense got slightly altered. Nothing major. Also, no textures yet. All just basic materials. Comments and criticism are welcome :)



When it comes to the minute details of the Constitution refit, there are far more knowledgable people than I on this forum, but the model itself looks very slick, with no distortion even in the more complex areas. If I might suggest anything, it would be to make the lighting more contrasty, which would help define all the intricate shapes a lot better. :)
Thanks folks :)

That looks amazing! Well done! I assume the white texture is a WIP?

Thanks man! And yeah, once I'm finished with the modeling, I'll UV everything and do proper textures. That said, a few pieces already have UVs.

When it comes to the minute details of the Constitution refit, there are far more knowledgable people than I on this forum, but the model itself looks very slick, with no distortion even in the more complex areas. If I might suggest anything, it would be to make the lighting more contrasty, which would help define all the intricate shapes a lot better. :)

I'll render her in more dramatic lighting later. I like this HDR as it gives it a nice physical model quality ;)
Thanks man! And yeah, once I'm finished with the modeling, I'll UV everything and do proper textures. That said, a few pieces already have UVs.

Well, it looks fantastic so far. I can't fathom why you thought mine would blow yours out of the water. Mine is going to be medium-res with high-poly info baked into the texture, so if yours is aiming to be VFX quality I'm sure it'll look far superior. But enough of that! Like I said, not a competition. Thanks for sharing and I can't wait to see your progress!
Well, it looks fantastic so far. I can't fathom why you thought mine would blow yours out of the water. Mine is going to be medium-res with high-poly info baked into the texture, so if yours is aiming to be VFX quality I'm sure it'll look far superior. But enough of that! Like I said, not a competition. Thanks for sharing and I can't wait to see your progress!

Well, I didn't know your goal was to build a medium res model when I made that comment and I was really impressed with your interiors. But anyway thanks for the encouragement :)
The Enterprise looks really good even without texturing :techman:. What software are you building her with?
You should make two versions. One with the aztecing and one with the white paint. Maybe make the white version the U.S.S. Constellation NCC-1017-A.
Interesting: Both 3ds Max as well as Blender? Are there some tasks you prefer to do in one over the other?

Blender has a feature called Shrinkwrap that 3ds max doesn't have. I used it to create the panels in the secondary hull without needing to do booleans. That's why it looks so clean and smooth ;)

You should make two versions. One with the aztecing and one with the white paint. Maybe make the white version the U.S.S. Constellation NCC-1017-A.

That's not a bad idea. I'll make the textures using Photoshop and Substance Designer, so I can do that quite easily.

BTW, I have 3 versions I want to do. After I finish the base Refit, I'm definitely doing the 1701-A version. And then, I have a few personal changes I want to do. I won't butcher her though :D Just want to have a proper aft facing torpedo launcher and I'm going to move that docking port on the secondary hull to a place that makes sense. Let me know if anyone else has any small tweaks they'd like to see. I might consider them.
So, I'm actually done with the exterior of the ship. The last few details were a bit more complicated. I wanted the greebles around the shuttle bay door to look good up close and I didn't feel like the ones in the studio model would hold up. So there's a bit of creativity involved. I'll take a few days to UV map everything and then I can start texturing which should be fairly quick actually. Still a long way to go though as I plan to do interiors as well. Nothing high resolution, but enough so if the camera passes close to a window you can see there's stuff inside. Anyway, pics:


Let me know if guys want to see any particular angles or details!
It's eerie how spot on we've both modeled the bridge.

What's also weird is "Viper" has been a playful nickname of mine at work the past couple of years. My instagram account and discord name is even donnyviperversiga.


Keep up the good work, man! ;)