Complimentary episodes from other series


Fleet Captain
Fleet Captain

I like to watch Disco with my wife - we've not yet watched season 3. What I've found in the past couple of seasons is that I get a buzz from seeing Easter eggs that link to other Star Trek series whereas it goes over my wife's head - she's not as 'fully versed' in Trek lore as I am. There used to be a show in the UK called 'After Trek' which would be a good source of information for episodes to fill in backstory.

So my question is, what episodes from other series compliment season 3? I already know of TNG Unification and TOS City on the Edge of Forever.

Many thanks.
After Trek with Matt Mira? That was here to.

Besides Unification and City on the Edge of Forever...maybe the episodes of Enterprise dealing with the temporal cold war (Cold Front, Shockwave 1 & 2, Future Tense, Azati Prime [part of the season long arc of season 3] and Storm Front 1 & 2 )...or some Orion Syndicate stuff (Borderland, Cold Station 12, The Augments, Bound, The Cage, Lolani, The Ascent, Honor Among Thieves...), or Equilibrium for the Trill backstory, or The Host for the first human to host a Trill (fortunately there've been medical advancements since then), or The Price for the first appearance of the Barzan...
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Really not that many. Maybe TNG The Host and DS9 Equilibrium to go with Forget Me Not. TNG Unification I and II and Picard Absolute Candor tie in with Unification III. TOS The City on the Edge of Forever and Mirror, Mirror for the Terra Firma story. Die Trying makes a reference to Enterprise's In a Mirror Darkly.
I understand that, in America, the after show became The Ready Room, and the host was replaced by Wil Wheaton (Matt Mira was a terrible host). Unlike After Trek, I don't think the ready room was ever available to UK viewers on Netflix.

Actually, the 'cadet training' list of linked episodes from earlier shows was not entirely new to After Trek. In the two episode VHS releases of Voyager, some episodes got a write-up in the video inserts, with one or two older linked episodes. For instance, Elogium (VOY) was linked to Amok Time (TOS). Does The Ready Room still do the list of linked episodes? If so, maybe some American uses could check it out and post them here.
There was a shoutout to the Kelvin timeline that the movies are in.
While I'd say the tiny Kelvin nod wasn't worth including them in complimentary viewing in the same way "Unification" parts I and II go with part III in Discovery, the cadet-to-captain promotion in 2009 Star Trek does kinda prepare you for something big that happens in Disco S3.