Chris Pine appreciation thread

Thanks, you guys! I'm feeling good. :D

I have "Confession," too; I haven't seen it, except for some clips. So I am getting curious by your descriptions, and maybe I will watch that next.

From the commotion, where Mia chases a chicken through the throne room. Everybody laughed -- not just Nick and his uncle.



Nick consoles Mia in the tack room, after her public horseback debacle.




Thank you. Only three more weeks til I have mine. Counting down the days.

Found this on-line from today's

"Chris Pine’s agent tells me that she has so many offers for his appearance that she can’t keep up with them.

Meanwhile, Chris goes merrily on making pictures, enjoying his popularity and staying the sweet, courteous young man he was before he became a big, big star."

Thought this was really nice.
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Thank you, Salvor; so many pleasant memories from last summer...

...Chris goes merrily on making pictures...
So much more Chris on screen to come! :D

Nick can cook.



Individual chocolate mousse? Qu'est-ce que c'est? Whatever it is, it must be sweet with that hand serving it.

So cute!! I should have my copy of this movie from Netflix waiting in my mailbox when I get home, along with Blind Dating. Woo hoo. Need to watch the Scream Awards and see J J Abrams accept for Star Trek and for best director and then it's one of the movies. Don't know which yet.
So cute!! I should have my copy of this movie from Netflix waiting in my mailbox when I get home, along with Blind Dating. Woo hoo. Need to watch the Scream Awards and see J J Abrams accept for Star Trek and for best director and then it's one of the movies. Don't know which yet.
Sorry about the double posts. There was a glitch when I hit Post Quick Reply and I had to close out of the board. Don't think I did it twice. Weird.
^ ^ Once you reach a certain number of posts, you will be able to edit and delete your posts. That's a handy thing.

So, there is a televised ceremony for the Scream Awards...?
They are televised tonight on Spike TV but I don't know what time. I'd like to see it if I get the channel to see the awards for Star Trek and Johnny Depp give an award to Keith Richards. Plus the Best Actor in a Science Fiction Movie award if they televise that one. Not sure since he wasn't there.
Maybe we can find it on You Tube tomorrow. Thanks for the heads up!

i like the pics of Chris wearing his captain Kirk jumper do you
Of course. :cool: He's looking ship shape. He looks great in the red cadet uniform and the black outfit they give him, too. The red one is more revealing, since it's a lighter color.

Nice pants.


"I loathe you!"


"No, I loathe you!"


First kiss.


This is going to end badly.


I know! You have to see it; her hat gets knocked off, and she puts it back on, wet.

Ya just had to know that was going to happen. There was the fountain; she tripped around it a couple times before they fell in. It was destiny.
Oh my. Jeri! Those pictures! The pants! And the hand on the neck. Pulling her in..... the look of determination on his face!!!!!!

GAH!!!!!!!!!! I feel like a silly schoolgirl with a very VERY dirty mind!
Me, too; in fact, the pants made me wonder how many takes they'd done (sans water) before that scene. Get the mind soap!

Studious Nicholas.



Seeing him with the glasses reminds me of something I read and I hope it wasn't on this board so that I'm repeating what someone else already posted. <crosses fingers> The reason he's wearing glasses is because he was having trouble with his eyes as he had his contacts in for too long. I think he looks great with or without glasses, btw. Thanks, Jeri, for these and all of the other screen caps. They are gorgeous. Makes me even more eager to see the ST screen caps.