Changes for TNZ

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Great job.

"TLE" you make me ROTF LMAO at how you try to get your way......or just say it is what you have been tring to do all along......

"WHO de WHO"
I never said close TNZ down you goofball. Go read my posts more carefuly. I've always said it needed some moderation like this.

[This message has been edited by The Lone Ensign (edited October 17, 2000).]
Ah, but which of your personalities was that? Was it Starby's Slave, who, inspired by finally losing his cherry 3 months ago, went on a hormonal rampage of sexually themed spam or TLE the great conservative reformist (in historical as well as ideological terms)?

Here's a link that might help you come up with an answer.
Good good!

I'm actually referring to the changes in TNZ here

[This message has been edited by LH (edited October 20, 2000).]
Off you go making asumptions based on nothing and twisting what facts there are Twain.
The answer is I've always said that, from the beginning. Go read all the threads at the start of TNZ if you don't believe me.
Off you go making asumptions based on nothing and twisting what facts there are
So.....nothing=facts="unrelibable" facts that you're not going to be held accountable for because you posted them on the third Tuesday of the harvest moon in the ninth year of an off decade....?

Gotta love the....."reasoning."
Geeze, how many times do I have to tell you two? TLE, Twain, stop it, already.
Twain especially, knock it off. He's done his time and this issue doesn't really need to be dragged up over and over and over again. By doing so you're treading dangerously close to trolling. If you continue, I *will* warn you for trolling.
End of discussion
Originally posted by Lisa:

- Delete potentially illegal material -- i.e: Porn posting days are over folks. Try for that sort of thing.

Thanks Lisa, believe it or not, I was unaware of the site's existance.

You need to pay to get in and I don't have a credit card! Blllaaaah.
Originally posted by Dr. Jekyl:
Geeze, how many times do I have to tell you two? TLE, Twain, stop it, already.
Twain especially, knock it off. He's done his time and this issue doesn't really need to be dragged up over and over and over again. By doing so you're treading dangerously close to trolling. If you continue, I *will* warn you for trolling.
End of discussion

How terribly interesting for you to say. I definately see something wrong with the pic painted above.

Hmmmm...'untouchable' and 'threatened' are the two names I come up with when reading that post. Wonder which member is which?
Originally posted by doublestandards:
How terribly interesting for you to say. I definately see something wrong with the pic painted above.

Hmmmm...'untouchable' and 'threatened' are the two names I come up with when reading that post. Wonder which member is which?

Eh? You lost me there..
I believe they (breaking the rules themselves in all likelyhood being another member), are just out to cause more problems.
I thought you were going to start moving threads like

What Sports do you like.
Your first kiss.
What are you afraid of.

Out of TNZ to a more appropriate forum. So far, I haven't seen any of them moved. As a matter of fact, these kind of thread are becoming the norm in TNZ.
Yeah yeah, hold your horses... been busy. It will start happening as the admins get more time to actually get into TNZ. Be patient
Hey Lis...not to complain or anything...but since you guys are going to have a presence in TNZ now, mind getting rid of the Trolls?
The Master, Blackdragon, The Rabid Armadillo come to mind right off the top of my head.
Yeh, and don't forget those twats Reno and Twain...I mean we don't want to encourage independant thought in TNZ, do we?
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