Changes for TNZ

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Heya. We, the Evil admins have been thinking about TNZ. Actually, we've been thinking about it a lot. Our collective brain has been practically overworked thinking about it.

Board regulars will have been aware of several recent incidents that cast doubt on the effectivness of the current admin policy towards TNZ. It simply isn't working out as effectivley as we'd hoped guys. Whilst the majority of the membership is able to act in a mature and self moderating manner within the forum, there seems to be a certain element thats spoiling it for the rest of us.
Also, there often seems to be some misconception of what the forum should actually be used for. Lets make it clear: its a forum with slacker rules than the rest of the board for sensitive issues.
We're well aware that TNZ has its own seperate "community" than the rest of the board, but you must admit, a significant number of threads in there really belong in misc.

So, what we're going to do, is give the four admins a little control in the forum. Don't panic, only a little. Admins will be able to:

- Move threads to a more suitable are of the board

- Control spamming in TNZ

- Delete potentially illegal material -- i.e: Porn posting days are over folks. Try for that sort of thing.

- Stop reposting of threads in seperate forums -- if its a TNZ thread it doesn't need another in MISC to emphasise yout point.

Thats it. The admins won't stop *ahem* "Heated Arguments" so don't lean on us to do so. The phrase "If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen" will be as relavent in TNZ as ever. The admins won't touch content per se -- as long as its not something the BBS could get sued over.

Now before you jump up and tell me how this goes against the "Deny the Official Existance of TNZ" policy: hang on a minute. TNZ isn't a part of the board. TNZ isn't watched over by a moderator, and it still isn't an official componant of the BBS. But, if some admin happens to notice that some idiot is being annoying in there... you can't blame them if they close a few threads in the interests of being neighbourly.

Lets make it clear. TNZ is NOT a flameboard, and it is NOT a dumping grounds for unwanted threads.

TNZ is still an "Area 51." Its a weird part of the BBs universe where the laws of physics don't apply.
About time you guys listened to me and started doing a little housecleaning.

If you close the masturbation thread or delete it though, you will die a long painful, horrible death.

[This message has been edited by The Lone Ensign (edited October 16, 2000).]
Originally posted by Lisa:
- Delete potentially illegal material -- i.e: Porn posting days are over folks. Try for that sort of thing.

Lisa, I'm afraid I'm going to have to issue you an official warning for posting a link to offensive and inappropriate material on the BBS.

Seriously, I totally agree with what you said. By making the four admins collectively responsible for TNZ, as far as "housekeeping" goes, this is exactly what we needed there.
As I recall, DEA was the last to post any porn in there a few week ago (meaning that huge chick he was using).

Stuff Posing As Meat
No but there was so much, uh extra flesh you wouldn't be able to. Besides something like that would be classified under what the BBS would define as "porn" from the content of the pic.

[This message has been edited by The Lone Ensign (edited October 16, 2000).]
Sounds similar to that 'overseer' idea I came up with when all this got heated up. Sounds great to me.

And I dare one of ya to close the masterbation thread at 999 posts
Originally posted by The Lone Ensign:
About time you guys listened to me and started doing a little housecleaning.

Well, Mr. Vice President... I'm beginning to wonder that you not only created the Misc forum, but the Trek BBS too..
Wait, can I still post up my thread on the Royal Navy Strategic Planning Report for 2000-2015 in Misc? (Once I get around to reading it, that is!
) Or is it going to get moved to TNZ or something?
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