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CBS/Paramount sues to stop Axanar 2 - Electric Boogaloo-Fanboys gone WILD-too many hyphens

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I did like the idea of using enemy wreckage as a weapon but whoever is controlling the camera needs to decide what to look at and stop swimming it around, it's worse than trying to watch a NuBSG space battle.
not surprising, nuBSG was seemingly Peters' other favorite show, the script aped a lot of its terminology, which had never been previously used in Star Trek.
It gets wonderfully personal at the end there which does invite a reply explaining the concept of “rights holder” I suspect.

Really my worry is that eventually CBS will have enough of this nonsense, retract the guidelines and issue takedown notices to all the fan film creators.

At this point it’s blatantly obvious that Alec has blown any remaining chances or goodwill he had with them. The lengthy list of breach notices he’s received shows how long they’ve let him carry on his antics. Anyone dumb enough to get involved with Axanar better not be hoping to stay in CBS’ good graces.
I'm hoping that CBS/Paramount see what Peters is - an argumentative troll that doesn't represent anyone in the larger fan community - and sue him into the sun with impunity, while saying to everyone else not involved with these shenanigans "y'all are good, keep doing what you're doing."
I'm hoping that CBS/Paramount see what Peters is - an argumentative troll that doesn't represent anyone in the larger fan community - and sue him into the sun with impunity, while saying to everyone else not involved with these shenanigans "y'all are good, keep doing what you're doing."

The concerning thing is the number of others that Peters keeps pulling into his orbit. If he continues to reel in various others in this community, then it could give them the impression that the whole community is just as messed up.

I really don't get why people fall for Peters' BS, though. I was skeptical of him due to his documented history in the props arena before it all exploded, hence why I never donated. Why do others keep falling into this, given how much documentation there is?

I don't follow this closely enough anymore to know who the Icarus Factor guy even is -- but I question his sanity for getting involved with Axanar at all, even by association. That fruit is poisoned, and this is beyond well known by now.

Why, people?


The concerning thing is the number of others that Peters keeps pulling into his orbit. If he continues to reel in various others in this community, then it could give them the impression that the whole community is just as messed up.

I really don't get why people fall for Peters' BS, though. I was skeptical of him due to his documented history in the props arena before it all exploded, hence why I never donated. Why do others keep falling into this, given how much documentation there is?

I don't follow this closely enough anymore to know who the Icarus Factor guy even is -- but I question his sanity for getting involved with Axanar at all, even by association. That fruit is poisoned, and this is beyond well known by now.

Why, people?


They're all the kind of people who buy online without checking the seller's review scores. Peters' toxicity is all over the internet (with the exception of Twitter, because he knows how badly Community Notes would ream him), it's the ultimate case of Did Not Do Research.
I’ll happily admit I got sucked into the Axanar hype. Backed Prelude, loved it and was all in for the feature even though there were some red flags already popping up (I’ll always remember Alec’s shitty response to people asking when Prelude would be available to everyone when he was going on about the SDCC Premier).

It was only later on I discovered about all the props stuff and I wish I’d known about that sooner as there’s no way I’d have given Alec the money I did.

And that’s why the likes of Axamonitor is so important. Especially when Carlos was running it during the lawsuit, it’s needed to make this stuff as public as possible so anyone Googling Alec’s name knows to avoid donating anything.

I’ll never understand how Paul Jenkins got involved. He seems a decent guy, but everything was very publicly out there after the lawsuit and he clearly got caught up in helping the local fan film maker without checking exactly what he was getting into. God love him for trying to take Alec all the way into court over it.
I did too, back in 2014. I found the History channel-like "documentary style" to be a refreshingly different take on the fan film model, with all the talented actors and artists AP initially collected to work on the project. I was hopeful it might take fan film making to the next level.

I contributed $25 back then and, yes, bought patches on the Axanar store, because they are tangible things that exist and I'm a sucker for patch collections like that. I have the complete set (with the single exception of the filming crew patch) - they are of a surprisingly good quality and might actually be worth something someday, long after the Axanar project has flamed out and drifted away. Outside those things, meh.
And that’s why the likes of Axamonitor is so important. Especially when Carlos was running it during the lawsuit, it’s needed to make this stuff as public as possible so anyone Googling Alec’s name knows to avoid donating anything.

If they stuck to rational facts I'd be more inclined to agree, and I'm sure that was their intention in the beginning. But the people there can be pretty petty with some of the things they post, let alone their attempts at memes.

If you're going to be the better group than Alec and his cohorts, resorting to the same childish name calling and body shaming as him aint the way to go.
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Axamonitor on FB got weird. They're almost as aggrieved as Garth and Axanar themselves.

The whole thing has really become nothing more than a pissing match between the Axafaithful and the Axahaters. If there wasn't the occasional entertaining or interesting thing in Axamonitor, I'd be done with the whole thing.
Yeah. I’m still in the group and it can be a great source of info, but there’s definitely some in the group who aren’t helping matters.

There’s also a tendency sometimes to play the “Oo, we know something you don’t know” game with some of the more vocal members who obviously are in more in the know than others, but rather than sharing they dangle the fact they’re in some special inner circle. It’s tedious.

I miss Carlos maintaining the site as a great source of info, but I totally understand why he drifted away after the lawsuit.
Literally all they needed to do was crowdfund for a couple of days with the actors from Prelude to produce other segments of the pseudo-documentary, and there wouldn’t have been a problem for anyone.

It’s hilarious that Peters still thinks he has the inalienable right to make Star Trek, provided he pays lip service to the guidelines and tries to pass it off as someone else’s work. Those guidelines are granted entirely by the goodwill of CBS and can be withdrawn at any point. This scenario is approaching very quickly if he continues down this route. I hope CBS take him to the cleaners.

that's pretty wild, also I would so live in fear if i had an article and an url on my webpage that literally reads:

h t t p s : / / a x a nar.com/cbs-conspires-with-convicted-stalker-to-attack-axanar-filmmaker/

wouldnt people come through my door and drag me to a courtroom and tell me that's a bit wonky and not great for their reputation and that I now owe them money?