not surprising, nuBSG was seemingly Peters' other favorite show, the script aped a lot of its terminology, which had never been previously used in Star Trek.I did like the idea of using enemy wreckage as a weapon but whoever is controlling the camera needs to decide what to look at and stop swimming it around, it's worse than trying to watch a NuBSG space battle.
Narcissism is unending.That motherfucker won't stop until he wrecks fan films for everyone.
I'm hoping that CBS/Paramount see what Peters is - an argumentative troll that doesn't represent anyone in the larger fan community - and sue him into the sun with impunity, while saying to everyone else not involved with these shenanigans "y'all are good, keep doing what you're doing."
They're all the kind of people who buy online without checking the seller's review scores. Peters' toxicity is all over the internet (with the exception of Twitter, because he knows how badly Community Notes would ream him), it's the ultimate case of Did Not Do Research.The concerning thing is the number of others that Peters keeps pulling into his orbit. If he continues to reel in various others in this community, then it could give them the impression that the whole community is just as messed up.
I really don't get why people fall for Peters' BS, though. I was skeptical of him due to his documented history in the props arena before it all exploded, hence why I never donated. Why do others keep falling into this, given how much documentation there is?
I don't follow this closely enough anymore to know who the Icarus Factor guy even is -- but I question his sanity for getting involved with Axanar at all, even by association. That fruit is poisoned, and this is beyond well known by now.
Why, people?
And that’s why the likes of Axamonitor is so important. Especially when Carlos was running it during the lawsuit, it’s needed to make this stuff as public as possible so anyone Googling Alec’s name knows to avoid donating anything.
Axamonitor on FB got weird. They're almost as aggrieved as Garth and Axanar themselves.