CBS/Paramount sues to stop Axanar 2 - Electric Boogaloo-Fanboys gone WILD-too many hyphens

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The Icarus Maneuver is out, short 6 minute video.
I did like the idea of using enemy wreckage as a weapon but whoever is controlling the camera needs to decide what to look at and stop swimming it around, it's worse than trying to watch a NuBSG space battle.

Clipped the two minutes of credits also
As fan films go, this was on balance middle of the road.

Too much of shields down to X %, and way too many recycled TOS film musical motifs.

On the plus side, they have a set, costumes, apparently a collection of characters, and a production pipeline, and all of that is more than adequate: let's see the main Axanar, already.
I have to wonder.... how hard would it have been to film a few shots of actors dressed up as Klingons? See a Klingon Captain on one of the other ships, or a gunner manning weapons? All this short film does is show CGI Klingon battle cruisers in battle. It dehumanizes the enemy, and gives no real sense of the stakes at hand. Pew! Pew! Bang! Bang!
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I didn't have a problem with the scene/short film. It looked good and the acting/writing was fine for a fan film.
If that’s what TruFans want, then I’m not sure they understand Star Trek. I think Trek is different things to different people and if what you’re really in it for the starships, that’s fine. But people complain about Discovery because in their eyes, it’s all about war. I think Disco is a lot more than that, but if that’s your viewpoint, I just don’t get it.
And that's all Axanar is about. Figure this one out.
The production values are better than most fan films, but it's just a space battle scene without any other context than "Klingon War". It's fine for what it is, but the people saying this is "real" Star Trek are the same clowns who think that TOS was never "woke".
I wonder how many of those people know or care that Axanar is funded by a weird creepy cult?
They probably keep that little tidbit under the radar, for the most part. Don't confuse the issue with facts, dammit!
An impressive amount of money appears to have been spent, but other than possibly the CG it's simply bad on every level.
The CGI isn't new for this vignette, it was originally created for the never-produced feature film
One thing I laugh about with Axanar, and I'm sure this has been mentioned before, is that the whole premise of making this stupid thing was that "WE THE FANS KNOW BETTER ABOUT TREK THEN THE DAMN CBS AND PARAMOUNT SUITS! THIS TREK IS REAL TREK!" And all of their supporters parroted this line every time they released something new. So in watching this clip, its hilarious to see that someone just watched the opening to Star Trek '09, and just tried to copy the same style in terms of the camerawork, editing, sound design, and overall feel. Except they did it all poorly. It made me rewatch the opening to 09 again, and while that movie isn't perfect (and I still love it), the opening 5 minutes pretty much are. Its a dynamic, tension filled scene. So what does Axanar just does a shotty ripoff. From the people who scream about how anything post Enterprise or Nemesis isn't real Trek, they sure like stealing from it.

Edit: Another thing I noticed....Garth calling everyone by their first name on the bridge. Someone watched Strange New Worlds and how Pike does that to his crew. The difference is Anson Mount is incredibly charismatic, and Alec Peters is Alec Peters.
The CGI isn't new for this vignette, it was originally created for the never-produced feature film

The explains the mismatch over the concept of "up."

Edit: Another thing I noticed....Garth calling everyone by their first name on the bridge. Someone watched Strange New Worlds and how Pike does that to his crew. The difference is Anson Mount is incredibly charismatic, and Alec Peters is Alec Peters.

That was an Archer quirk, first.
One thing I laugh about with Axanar, and I'm sure this has been mentioned before, is that the whole premise of making this stupid thing was that "WE THE FANS KNOW BETTER ABOUT TREK THEN THE DAMN CBS AND PARAMOUNT SUITS! THIS TREK IS REAL TREK!" And all of their supporters parroted this line every time they released something new. So in watching this clip, its hilarious to see that someone just watched the opening to Star Trek '09, and just tried to copy the same style in terms of the camerawork, editing, sound design, and overall feel. Except they did it all poorly. It made me rewatch the opening to 09 again, and while that movie isn't perfect (and I still love it), the opening 5 minutes pretty much are. Its a dynamic, tension filled scene. So what does Axanar just does a shotty ripoff. From the people who scream about how anything post Enterprise or Nemesis isn't real Trek, they sure like stealing from it.
In the recently released Podcast#75 the director (Mark Edward Lewis) revealed that the opening from Star Trek 2009 was one of his stronger inspirations, along with Hunt For Red October.

That was an Archer quirk, first.
True, and also something Alec used in the earliest versions of the Axanar Feature Film script.