News CBS Making new animated shorts for the 50th Anniversary of TAS

I would say that we have shows with the words “Star Trek” in them, which is not the same thing. The subsequent iterations have contributed the following (this is only a sampling): completely changed the character of Kirk from a well-read man into a guy who hangs out at bars with no direction in life; a Spock who kisses women in public; rewritten scripts because they had nothing original to contribute; turned the future into a mostly dystopian one; and emasculated Spock. I could go on, but we now have people making Trek who think they know what Trek is about. They just are not the kind of people who can sit still and read beyond what they see in terms of 1960s costumes, props, and special effects. How many times did JJ Abrams tell us that he never even liked Trek? That he never got it? It’s better to go out on a high note while the characters still have some shred of dignity. At least, until someone comes along who actually “gets it.”

None of this is actually true.
"Holiday Party" was quite a bit funnier than "Skin a Cat," and I thought "Skin a Cat" was funny.

Even the selection of the sound of the screen lowering was hilarious.

Peck is absolutely nailing pretty much all performances of Spock.
he subsequent iterations have contributed the following (this is only a sampling): completely changed the character of Kirk from a well-read man into a guy who hangs out at bars with no direction in life;
Huh? That might apply to Kirk at the beginning of Trek XI, but even that's a bit of a simplification and he'd gotten direction in life by the end of that movie. But that description is not applicable to Paul Wesley's Kirk on SNW at all.
The thing to remember here is, these things are parodies of Trek old and new.

If they make you laugh, great. If they make you a little uncomfortable, so much the better. :techman:
I think many Trek fans are open to parodies - Galaxy Quest, Redshirts and the like share a fair portion of their audience with Trek.

I'm just not sure these are particularly good parodies. Both feel like a single joke stretched very thin.
Fans can be open to parodies if not titled Star Trek.

If official it's a steeper hill to climb.
LDS has a lot of parody in it, yet it’s doing extremely well among the fans.

it’s just that personally I didn’t find these two skits funny at all, them being official or not has nothing to do with it.
LDS has a lot of parody in it, yet it’s doing extremely well among the fans.

it’s just that personally I didn’t find these two skits funny at all, them being official or not has nothing to do with it.
LDS had to fight for that place.

I'm not saying it's impossible; only that the standard is different.
I've rewatched these and the second one in particular I really like.

TAS was bizarre and utterly, utterly bonkers. I do wish they'd do proper nuTAS episodes instead but these are fun for what they are.
Well, we're halfway through and, uh, I can respect their apparent decision to start strong. Relatively.
That was…terrible. At this point I’m wondering if they are intentionally trying to make these bad.
That was…terrible. At this point I’m wondering if they are intentionally trying to make these bad.

No, that’s not what they are doing. They are using the TAS animated format to make what they think are funny SNL-type skits. The humor being entirely subjective, of course. But they are not trying to make an intentionally bad product, because nobody does that.

I just can’t believe they’re going to completely waste Connor Trineer with one of these, unless it has something to do with his death in TATV, which was a million times worse than any Very Short Trek.