News CBS Making new animated shorts for the 50th Anniversary of TAS

I guess the funny (so to speak) thing is that they're kind of piggy backing Lower Decks as being the "new Animated Star Trek". One thing LD excels at is 1) Star Trek as workplace comedy (with a definite TNG flavor) and 2) loving Star Trek.

This doesn't really manage to do either. Or be funny.

This might be off the topic but other than "Hey, the animation looks like limited 1970's Saturday morning on a budget" and maybe "All of the voices are James Doohan" what are the tropes of TAS? To me making those the tropes would be like looking at TOS (or TNG) and coming away with "Hey, the ROCKS look fake". Accurate but boring.

Maybe someone can come up with something distinctive, but really the tropes of TAS are almost the same as the tropes of TOS. Right? Which is why when people make "TNG TAS" and such they flat out take a TNG episode and give it limited animation.
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Jessie approaches their media criticism from a very specific perspective, so it isn't surprising to see these remarks.

Jessie, and others, are overthinking this...the short is based on the very basic comedic principle of escalation. It just keeps getting more absurd and over the top and that is what drives the humor. If people don't find it funny then that's ok, but it is a huge stretch to read anything into it regarding a sociopolitical commentary or orientation.
If you have to explain a joke:
A. The joke isn't funny.
B. The audience has no sense of humor.
C. You're on a fan forum and you shouldn't have wasted your time.
D. It's the Mirror Universe and you should have gone for the morbid, gross, really offensive line instead.
E. Cancel the internet, move to the mountains, and live off grid until the Apocalypse.
If you have to explain a joke:
A. The joke isn't funny.
B. The audience has no sense of humor.
C. You're on a fan forum and you shouldn't have wasted your time.
D. It's the Mirror Universe and you should have gone for the morbid, gross, really offensive line instead.
E. Cancel the internet, move to the mountains, and live off grid until the Apocalypse.

F. The joke’s humor is so astoundingly great that mere mortals cannot begin to process its hilarity.

(This would not be the correct answer in this instance. The correct answer would probably be A.)
Go to the Subspace Rhapsody thread and see the back and forth about if someone should or should not be able to "just not like musicals".

But suddenly humor is objective. (If it is then it must be true: This wasn't funny.)
I pick this one.

Honestly I think it isn't so much that the audience has no sense of humor, it's that some of the the audience has a very narrow vision of how Trek and its characters should look, feel, and behave, and irreverent semi or fully absurd 21st century humor doesn't fit with this conception. My guess is there is a nearly circular Venn diagram of "people who didn't like this short thing" and "people who didn't like the LD crossover, the musical, etc....).
G. Different people find different things funny.

Go to the Subspace Rhapsody thread and see the back and forth about if someone should or should not be able to "just not like musicals".

But suddenly humor is objective. (If it is then it must be true: This wasn't funny.)
Thank you for proving the point.

Honestly I think it isn't so much that the audience has no sense of humor, it's that some of the the audience has a very narrow vision of how Trek and its characters should look, feel, and behave, and irreverent semi or fully absurd 21st century humor doesn't fit with this conception. My guess is there is a nearly circular Venn diagram of "people who didn't like this short thing" and "people who didn't like the LD crossover, the musical, etc....).
Probably closer to the truth and that humor is subjective. I think Star Trek gets defined rather narrowly as being a form of high art that should be almost Shakespearean in it's elevated reality. Except, even Shakespeare had humor ;)
Honestly I think it isn't so much that the audience has no sense of humor, it's that some of the the audience has a very narrow vision of how Trek and its characters should look, feel, and behave, and irreverent semi or fully absurd 21st century humor doesn't fit with this conception. My guess is there is a nearly circular Venn diagram of "people who didn't like this short thing" and "people who didn't like the LD crossover, the musical, etc....).
is there? I didn’t like this skit at all (I liked how they recreated the TAS feel in animation and even sound design, but found the humor childish and unfunny) but loved the LDS-SNW crossover and the musical episode is one of my favourites in recent trek.

It's unbelievable how funny all of this is.

Multiple jokes about death, mutilations, farting, and pooping.



Just like old Trek, remember? So campy.

Why is Saru in the 32nd-century Milli Vanilli outfit during the "Battle of the Binary Stars"?
