News CBS Making new animated shorts for the 50th Anniversary of TAS

Setting the bar low with Skin a Cat. Wasn't sure what to make of it really. Joke should've skipped from M'ress and the Fish-based crew person being offended to one who looked like a butt I think. Another fitting the phrase "Knickers in a twist" broke reality somewhat. I mean, why would that or a guy for screw for a head, even be a thing?

Sure these are just bits of nonsense... but I'm actually worried what Connor might've signed up for, with what's likely to be the only ever revival of Trip. :lol:
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Sorry, that was just stupid. It was like someone decided to give Kirk's voice actor a way to do his crappy stand-up routine in the form of a TAS skit.
We'll see what the other shorts are like. I'm not going to get in a twist over this, but it's a weird "cake and eat" approach of "Hey, there's an anniversary that we can market, but we all know TAS is stupid, right? And for that matter, TOS was no great shakes either. Damn it, why is SNW doing so WELL?!?"
I watched it with sound on now. The dialog of the ..Knickerian? felt on point for a minor species that has been a staunch member of the Federation for decades. That one line of dialog won me over that the events of this episode could represent reality within Star Trek, in another corner of the multiverse. The ship may easily have slipped into a "Subspace Rhapsody"-like anomaly that turned thoughts into reality.

The Dumbass alien looked more like a Human scrotum, Imho.
Didn't like the ending with the Enterprise getting blown up.
I mean, I didn't either until the framing device at the end. Then it reminded me of a Trek comic and any issue faded.
I think there might be less outrage if people kept in mind that these shorts are about as canon as the old KFC commercial.

Maybe not much less, but some. ;)