Boldy ranting where other rants have gone before

Discussion in 'Star Trek: Voyager' started by Gamma_Quadrant, May 31, 2007.

  1. exodus

    exodus Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Apr 18, 2003
    The Digital Garden
    I've never had a problem with any MOD here.

    As long as you behave yourself, nobody should.
  2. Jenna

    Jenna Vice Admiral Admiral

    Jun 10, 2004
    You have good points. A lot of those ideas would have made the show interesting. I particularly agree with you about the Borg - they should have been utterly terrifying - and about the provisions thing. I would have loved to see them have more trouble with that. Maybe find a few less perfect M-class planets rich in all the same minerals and ores they needed to run the ship.

    But I liked it and I thought it was already pretty interesting. It kept my attention through 7 seasons.
  3. RaulMacca

    RaulMacca Vice Admiral Admiral

    Feb 3, 2001
    Boldy ranting where other rants have gone before :lol:

    You missed the Voyager flame wars here, lasted, I'd say two years, at their peak someone was being warned once a thread.

    Voyager didn't fill it's potential but the same is true of all trek shows even tos went dodgy towards the end, but voyager for the main part stuck with the moral play in space theme and for me thats what trek is about, not space battles or superships
  4. exodus

    exodus Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Apr 18, 2003
    The Digital Garden
    I agree, except DS9 for me.

    I think theat show really gave it's all. I find TNG & Voy. pretty much equal. They both told great morality plays and both petered out between 6th and 7th season.

    Plus, I don't understand the complaining about the Borg. Every villian has a weakness, an Achilles Heal if you will. Hell, even Superman has Kryptonite. If beings like the Q can have a weakness, then of course the Borg would. Plus, "BOBW" explains that Starfleet wasn't ready for the Borg, so of course they ripped thru Starfleets ships like tissue paper. Voyager was built after the Defiant, so every ship made after WOLF 359 would be bulit to with the idea to withstand a Borg ship attack. Why would you keep buliding weak ships if you knew the Borg existed and were going to come after you?

    Look at how huge the Enterprise is, that ship isn't made for combat. It's too big and slow to be manuverable against a Borg Cube. Voyager on the other hand is 3x as small and 4x as fast. Voyager to a Borg Cube would be equal to a Gnat to an Ox, the Ox would swat at it but the Gnat is too small and fast to hit directly.

    If technology in the real world improves every 10 years or so, why would we believe the technology onboard the Enterprise-D that was new during "Farpoint" wouldn't have improved by "Caretaker"? Voyager was a far better and improved ship than the Enterprise.

    As for the Q. Gamma Quaderant , I don't think you understand the curse of being immortal or omnipotent. What good is living forever if everyone you know dies? How do you fall in love if you know you can never grow old with them? No friendship will ever last. How many people can you bury before it gets to you? Omnipotent is almost as equal to being filthy rich. After you bought everything you've always wanted, been every where you wanted to go 100 times over, what's left to do in the world? Life is fun and worth living because there is always a challenge, a goal to look forward too. If nothing challenges you and your goals have been met, what surprises does life have left?
  5. UssHell

    UssHell Lieutenant Red Shirt

    For Q and the Borg, I have something else 2 add. On Unimatrix Zero, Part I when Capt J and the troupes were beaming to the cube, Voyager's Port AND if i remember correctly starboard (not stated, but i think i saw it) necles were ruptured AND leaking plasma. But in the end, just as Voyager was warping out, the ship looked as new as ever, EVEN if it has sustained HEAVY damage, and was able to WARP out! WITH TWO NECLES RUPTURED AND LEAKING PLASMA (and yet when they were warping out the ship's nacles wearn't even damaged)!?!?? And they said, forward shield was down, and then after, we see a shot taken directly to the forward shields :vulcan: I mean... what the?...

    And the script, I think was horrible.... Even though Voyager is my fav ST, they blew it with this show... -_-"
  6. exodus

    exodus Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Apr 18, 2003
    The Digital Garden
    You can't blame Voyager, DS9 did the samething in "The Search" & TNG "BOBW".

    The Defiant was beaten to shit by the Jem Hadar before capturing it's crew. At the end the ship was good enough for them to leave in.

    "BOBW" the Borg used a tool to cut into the ship and remove a section & then cut into it again during battle. End of the ep., the ship is in perfect shape.

    The power of self sealing stem bolts. :lol:
  7. Kitty Worrier

    Kitty Worrier Vice Admiral Admiral

    Jul 13, 2002
    It was one nacelle that was damaged - as we've seen in ENT, the remaining one is enough to warp out, just not at top speed.
  8. UssHell

    UssHell Lieutenant Red Shirt

    Ok, even so, Harry said that the Port nacelle was ruptured and leaking plasma and after, you see the ship rushing toward the cube, the nacelle looking as clean as ever
  9. Kitty Worrier

    Kitty Worrier Vice Admiral Admiral

    Jul 13, 2002
    Since the nacelle was damaged when they left, I was under the impression they fixed the leak and did other repares before going back to the cub.

    in anycase, this falls on the heads of the graphics guys.
  10. Equinox

    Equinox Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Jan 25, 2006
    Delta Quadrant
    ^^^ You know how many SFX shots and clips of video it takes to create even a single episode of Trek? For all we know, it could have been edited correctly with the right shot and at the end when the producer realizes they need the ep to be :05 shorter that clip is swapped with another shot that is a second shorter. Who knows.

    Point is, stop nitpicking over little stuff. If Harry was killed in one shot and in the next is walking around having some coffee, then you have a valid argument.
  11. Kitty Worrier

    Kitty Worrier Vice Admiral Admiral

    Jul 13, 2002

    Like in Space Mutiny?
  12. UssHell

    UssHell Lieutenant Red Shirt

    uhhh NO they were still in the battle, I ment, so u have a auto healing nacelle in the middle of the battle... wtf? :vulcan: What is this? The awesome power of self-sealing stem bolts?
    And geesh, hey could have been at least less lazy... a few scorches on the outer hull won't exactly kill the budget in Unimatrix Zero, Part I near the end

    And cmon, in part II when VOY was going back to retreave the cap't they took a direct hit on the outer bull, from a borg tactical cube and what did we see? a big black scortch ... hmmm somehow I think that a BIG rip in the outer hull would be more approprete, considering VOY's hull be able to take on borg fire like abbative armor, why even bother bringing the shields online? At that rate of hull disentagration, just put a few extra meters of hull on the ship, maybe increase the yeild of the structural integeraty shield and then u can just ram it though a borg cube no problemo -_-" Why even bother with the heavy fleets? :vulcan:
  13. exodus

    exodus Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Apr 18, 2003
    The Digital Garden

    After all Trek is Science Fiction, the main word here being "fiction".
  14. Kitty Worrier

    Kitty Worrier Vice Admiral Admiral

    Jul 13, 2002
    Whatever man. Either I don't recall correctly (could be), or you are. I just watched the shows recently on Spike, so I thought I had a good memory of them, but purhaps not.

    Either way, I don't care anymore. The only thing I'm going to add to this thread is this: The issue of how the ship looked during the show was something for the FX guys to deal with, not the writers or producers. If they were at fault, THEY were at fault, no one else. And also, I believe UPN wanted the show to be episodic, ie, a clean ship through out the run.
  15. Equinox

    Equinox Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Jan 25, 2006
    Delta Quadrant
    ^^^ I'd rather have an episodic series than a soap-opera-ish Trek like DS9. Have you ever tried watching a random episode of DS9 and attempted getting into it? Almost impossible (unless you have an excellent memory) because you need to watch DS9 eps in chunks of three or four usually.

    With Voyager you can do that or just sit back, pick out any episode (two parters, excluded, of course) and know exactly what's going on!

    This was a huge part of TOS & TNG's appeal - ease of access by everyone.
  16. exodus

    exodus Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Apr 18, 2003
    The Digital Garden
    Which is why I say, with 5 Trek shows, each one had a different style to fit all types of sci-fi fans.

    I actually can watch one ep. of DS9 and remember exactly how it fits into the grand scheme of things but I do understand your point. I honestly have to watch some Voyager eps. over again sometimes to catch moments when they mention breifly about how the technology works. For example: I totally missed in "Innocence" that Chakotay mentions how Voyager's warp core is designed to use and reform the crystals the core uses, so they don't have to continually look for energy to keep it running. It's basically self sustaining .....up to a point.
  17. Unicron

    Unicron Boss Monster Mod Moderator

    May 8, 2003
    The Crown of the Moon
    "Graphics by Kenner." :D

  18. presence

    presence Lieutenant Junior Grade Red Shirt

    Jun 2, 2007
    It seems like we sometimes bring our expectataions of how Voyager "should be" and then fault the show for not living up to our wishes. Why come to it with an agenda at all? Why not enjoy it, just as it is? It doesn't have to be like TNG, DS9, or even something my Aunt Martha said. When I first heard about the series, I groaned. It sounded to me like the Federation meets "Lost In Space". Now that I'm watching it, I think GR would be smiling.
  19. exodus

    exodus Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Apr 18, 2003
    The Digital Garden

  20. MacLeod

    MacLeod Admiral Admiral

    Mar 8, 2001
    Great Britain
    Which is all very well and good, but after the highs of DSN and TNG, for me VOY fell somewhat flat. Sure it had it's moments but I found them far too few. As for Charatcers the only one I found remotly interesting was the Doctor.

    Sure VOY had a great premise that many myself included think it failed to live up to. For those that enjoyed it the way it was that's great, but perhaps if some of the things that annoy the people who think Voyager failed to live up to its premise where included perhaps for you it would have turned from a great show in to a truly excellent show.