Be Forever Yamato REBEL 3199

Saw a random Facebook post that Yamato Rebel 3199 is being released on blu-ray in Japan in October. Any official announcement or rumor?
All I am wonder is: Will the Japanese Blu-Ray have an English Subtitle track like the original Japanese Blu-Rays of SBY: 2199 did?

(The SBY: 2202 Blu-Rays didn't, but I bet that had something to do with the fact Funimation (now Crunchyroll), made a deal to Sub and Dub both 2199 and 2202 months before 2202 was released in Japan.)

Looks like Crunchyroll is no longer interested in SBY as it never made a deal to do anything with SBY: 2205.
There was also a thing with Voyager Entertainment back then, having (possibly) exclusive rights to an American release and maybe helped subsidize the cost of doing a professional sub/dub for Funimation and Crunchyroll. Now that they seem to be defunct, that source of income to future release sub/dub's became problematic. Not 100% sure on any of this, but it seems to coincide with what happened back then, to a degree, and why subsequent releases didn't have sub/dubs.
Looks like Crunchyroll is no longer interested in SBY as it never made a deal to do anything with SBY: 2205.

That's sad to hear, as I've been watching 2199 and 2202 on Crunchyroll. I was amazed at how good 2199 was. I'm generally not a fan of war stories or military SF, but this was just so well-written -- and nostalgia from my childhood fandom for Star Blazers is probably a factor, though I don't remember Star Blazers being quite this good. Certainly the fact that they reuse the classic music cues is a major source of pleasure for me. I'd expected a nearly note-for-note remake, but it seems to start out that way and diverge radically as it goes. What I particularly love is that they've replaced the absurdly bad science and astronomy of the original series (at least in the dub) with surprisingly good science and astrophysics. (The Wave Motion Gun is Hawking radiation from microsingularities generated from vacuum energy! Amazing!) They also seem to be much more judicious about the good guys using the Wave Motion Gun. I remember it blowing up at least two whole planets in the original. (And I was impressed by how they animated planets exploding, as a slow, gradual process as you'd expect of something on that scale, rather than the silly way Star Wars did it in a split second.)

I'm currently near the middle of the 2202 season, and I don't remember the original Comet Empire season well enough to know how similar the remake is. (For some reason, I remember one moment vividly -- Zordar's daughter yelling "We've got to get out of here, Father, Father!" as the throne room collapses -- but the rest is vague.) But I'm not finding the second season as good as the first.

But Crunchyroll's lack of interest might explain why the video tends to be glitchy, sometimes jumping forward a second or so. That hasn't happened with most of the shows I've watched on it so far.

So is there anywhere else that a subtitled version of SBY 2205 can be found legally?
That's sad to hear, as I've been watching 2199 and 2202 on Crunchyroll. I was amazed at how good 2199 was. I'm generally not a fan of war stories or military SF, but this was just so well-written -- and nostalgia from my childhood fandom for Star Blazers is probably a factor, though I don't remember Star Blazers being quite this good. Certainly the fact that they reuse the classic music cues is a major source of pleasure for me. I'd expected a nearly note-for-note remake, but it seems to start out that way and diverge radically as it goes. What I particularly love is that they've replaced the absurdly bad science and astronomy of the original series (at least in the dub) with surprisingly good science and astrophysics. (The Wave Motion Gun is Hawking radiation from microsingularities generated from vacuum energy! Amazing!) They also seem to be much more judicious about the good guys using the Wave Motion Gun. I remember it blowing up at least two whole planets in the original. (And I was impressed by how they animated planets exploding, as a slow, gradual process as you'd expect of something on that scale, rather than the silly way Star Wars did it in a split second.)
And Analyzer is no longer a sex offender!

Small steps Japan, small steps
I'm currently near the middle of the 2202 season, and I don't remember the original Comet Empire season well enough to know how similar the remake is. (For some reason, I remember one moment vividly -- Zordar's daughter yelling "We've got to get out of here, Father, Father!" as the throne room collapses -- but the rest is vague.) But I'm not finding the second season as good as the first.
It's a quite common opinion.
So is there anywhere else that a subtitled version of SBY 2205 can be found legally?
Legally? No.
And Analyzer is no longer a sex offender!

Small steps Japan, small steps

Yeah... On the one hand, 2199 deserves credit for including more female characters, but on the other hand, points off for fanservicing the hell out of them with tight uniforms and prurient camera angles. Although that sort of thing is hardly uncommon in anime.
Yeah... On the one hand, 2199 deserves credit for including more female characters, but on the other hand, points off for fanservicing the hell out of them with tight uniforms and prurient camera angles. Although that sort of thing is hardly uncommon in anime.
I don't even know what to think of the nurse's "uniform". it would perhaps be more suited to some Berlin underground club...
I'd expected a nearly note-for-note remake, but it seems to start out that way and diverge radically as it goes.
I'm currently near the middle of the 2202 season, and I don't remember the original Comet Empire season well enough to know how similar the remake is. (For some reason, I remember one moment vividly -- Zordar's daughter yelling "We've got to get out of here, Father, Father!" as the throne room collapses -- but the rest is vague.) But I'm not finding the second season as good as the first.

The remake picks up on a couple of minor ideas that had to be discarded when the idea for a 52 week series done in "real-time" was cut down to 39, then 26 episodes, most notibly the mutiny/rebellion amongst some of the crew is a little more fleshed out than the original.

As for the second series, I've checked it out a couple of times from the library, and I find myself having to power through to the end. For whatever reason, IMO, by the time the series reaches the Battle of Saturn, it starts to drag and I find myself skipping over a couple of episodes just to reach the end.
I've struggled to find them illegally. They just aren't out there, that I can find.
When I was young and dinosaurs roamed the Earth, there were passionate fans who patiently translated anime from Japanese to sell VHS bootlegs at conventions or the like.

Now there are people who just put episodes taken from Crunchyroll or similar on pirate channels, including subtitles.

Both activities are technically illegal, but at least in the first case they put their heart into it.
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By the way @Christopher , here you can watch (LEGALLY) the first part of The Era of Space Battleship Yamato: Choice of 2202, the recap movie of 2199 and 2202 told in form of documentary
Since the narrative voice speaks clearly and slowly (well, like a documentary!) the automatically generated subtitles are of excellent quality and I understood about 90% of the story.

Other inconsistencies of the original series are explained here, for example why the wreck of the Yamato was not separated into three pieces or why United Earth had such a large fleet at its disposal when the clashes with Garmillas began.
Other inconsistencies of the original series are explained here, for example why the wreck of the Yamato was not separated into three pieces or why United Earth had such a large fleet at its disposal when the clashes with Garmillas began.

I think those were both established clearly enough in 2199. The "wreck" was established in dialogue to be merely camouflage. I read somewhere that in this version, it's actually a larger ship modeled on the original, to reconcile some scale discrepancies from the original show. Although that leaves the question of why they'd build a new ship in the shape of a WWII battleship.

As for the fleet, there was some mention of a war between Earth and Mars where Captain Avatar, err, Okita lost his son. I figured that was why they had such a large fleet and so many combat veterans.
When the original Space Cruiser Yamato aired in 1974, the wreck of the Yamato hadn't been discovered yet, so it was speculation on the animators part that the Yamato had sunk relatively intact; even though there was photographic evidence taken by the US and Japanese that the Yamato was destroyed in a massive explosion when the magazines detonated as the ship rolled over and sank.

As for the fleet in the first episode, in both versions, only Okita's flagship was a battleship and the rest were missle cruisers or light auxiliary craft.

The background supplemental material says that Okita's ship had been extensively repaired and modernized after the UEDF's first encounter with the Gamalons to be able to withstand the attack from Gamalon vessels.
The first chapter Blu-ray will be out in October. It seems rather late though I wonder when Chapter two is supposed to hit theaters.

At this time I do not by 3199 will have subtitles on release. However, since it will be a full 26 episode series there is a greater chance that someone will pick it up for subs and/or dubs in English. If the Japanese are wise they might want to try for a package deal with Yamato 2205 as well for 34 episodes.
When the original Space Cruiser Yamato aired in 1974, the wreck of the Yamato hadn't been discovered yet, so it was speculation on the animators part that the Yamato had sunk relatively intact; even though there was photographic evidence taken by the US and Japanese that the Yamato was destroyed in a massive explosion when the magazines detonated as the ship rolled over and sank.

The same thing happened with the Titanic. There were numerous works of fiction about its wreck being found intact, notably the book and film Raise the Titanic!, and they were all invalidated when it was found broken in two.
I just finished SBY2202 on Crunchyroll, which I guess means that's it for the foreseeable future. Its heart was in the right place, more or less, and the animation was terrific, but it definitely wasn't as good as season 1. There was too much emphasis on huge, cluttered space battles, and a lot of the supporting cast was just kind of there, not getting as much development as in season 1. We didn't get as much of the slice-of-life crew scenes this time.

I was particularly struck by how little either season developed Daisuke Shima. I remember him (as "Mark Venture") being the second lead to Kodai/Wildstar and getting a lot of character development, but here he isn't given nearly as much to do despite being billed third in the cast list. His romance with Teresa (Trelayna) in season 2 is completely dropped, and he isn't given anything to take its place. It's surprising. I remember "Venture" being just about my favorite character, along with Sandor (Sanada).
The slice of life aspect is back a bit for the cadets in Yamato 2205. As part of the series is about them in a training cruise that is heading out to Iscandar for a peaceful diplomatic mission. The story progresses along the lines of the OG A New Voyage film from 1979 and sets up for the soon to release Rebel 3199.
I just finished SBY2202 on Crunchyroll, which I guess means that's it for the foreseeable future. Its heart was in the right place, more or less, and the animation was terrific, but it definitely wasn't as good as season 1. There was too much emphasis on huge, cluttered space battles, and a lot of the supporting cast was just kind of there, not getting as much development as in season 1. We didn't get as much of the slice-of-life crew scenes this time.

I was particularly struck by how little either season developed Daisuke Shima. I remember him (as "Mark Venture") being the second lead to Kodai/Wildstar and getting a lot of character development, but here he isn't given nearly as much to do despite being billed third in the cast list. His romance with Teresa (Trelayna) in season 2 is completely dropped, and he isn't given anything to take its place. It's surprising. I remember "Venture" being just about my favorite character, along with Sandor (Sanada).

Back in the Yamato 2202 thread, I commented that the biggest waste of storyline was not having Knox (sorry I can't think of his Japanese name) be the traitor who shuts down the Wave Motion engine when the Yamato is confronting Gatlantis at Saturn.

The writers had already established that Knox was a clone of the real Knox and that, thanks to a telepathic link to Gatlantis and Zodar, that could have been used to "activate" Knox and have him disable the engine and frame Conroy in the process, thus giving both men reason for actions later in the series.

My other big pet peeve is the whole 'Time Fault' used to (re) build Earth's space fleet. We see thousands of ships being built; where are the resources coming from to build them? Are they coming from the asteroid belt or the Oort Cloud which surrounds the solar system. If so, how are they being transported to Earth?

At least in the first episode of the second series, we're shown the Yamato on convoy duty, escorting freighters back to Earth with material being used to rebuild Earth's fleet. We're not given any explanation in Yamato 2202, only that the time fault is the reason.

My other complaint is that Kodai seems completely surprised by this development. Yet at the beginning of the series, we see a combined fleet of Earth and Garmillas forces facing off against Gatlantis forces. There are hundreds of Earth ships in that opening battle. Where did Kodai think they came from in the two short years since the end of 2199? Earth hadn't fully recovered.
The resources for the Time Fault shipyard were being supplied by Gamilas systems given over to Earth as part of the deal to get Gamilas ships made in there as well. I suspect the Gamilas were using automated transports to warp into the Time Fault to cover up the supply chain.

As for the large 2201 fleet of Kongos and Marusames. I suspect they were built at regular yards. The Time Fault's thing was that it was building ships ten times faster than normal (and allowed the AI coordinator inside the ability to process much faster for the Automated ships). But if the Time Fault is producing new battleships in ten days, the regular yards can do it in a hundred days. The Kongos and Marusames are smaller than the Dreadnoughts, so they likely wouldn't take as long to build regularly if done assembly line/modular style. It has been three years since Yamato returned to Earth by the time of the start of Yamato 2202 (since the opening battle is December 2, 2202).