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Bad Starship Names

USS I Told You Not To Call Me That

For the record, I'm trying to come up with names to which the Klingons would react poorly
I'm actually asking a serious question here....

Do you think it would be in bad taste to name a starship after Oskar Schindler?

Yes, the man was a Nazi (although, by all accounts, never a particularly enthusiastic one). But he eventually resisted Nazism and grew to help the Jewish cause extensively. And of course his list saved a lot of lives.
I personally wouldn't think so. It would simply be about honouring a man who did good things, saved many lives, even when he was also a member of an political party that stood for evil things.
Agreed, and for pretty much the same reason as you.

"I trust in individuals, not organizations."
Captain John Sheridan, "SPIDER IN THE WEB"
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