Bad Language in Discovery

The real tragedy here is introducing children to Trek with the worst series in the franchise.
Is there a "worst series in the franchise"?
I believe there are lesser-liked series, but as this is totally subjective there is no definitive
answer. Just differences in opinion. It's ALL Star Trek.

Now back to the fucking silly conversation about the word 'fuck', for shits sake.

:whistle: :hugegrin:
I don't think it's seen as much as kiddie fare as it being seen as silly in general. I think for most, aliens, ray guns, spaceships, and people dressed in "space uniforms" is too far removed from reality to be taken seriously. It's an immediate turn-off, and probably why a spaceship show will never have humongous ratings on a broadcast network (or maybe any network)
That reminds me of when people say "Star Wars was Not for kids!" And I think to myself "laser swords? All powerful space wizards? Space battles? Evil cyborg?"

There was an interview with George Lucas on Conan O'brien maybe ten years ago, and he was talking about his new cartoon, and he says "And now this show on cartoon network is watched by a whole new generation of kids...uh..and 30 something's.."
That reminds me of when people say "Star Wars was Not for kids!" And I think to myself "laser swords? All powerful space wizards? Space battles? Evil cyborg?"
Why would those elements be restricted to kids entertainment?
As adults our view of what appeals to kids and what they'd understand is highly skewed.
I actually think the reason why Star Trek may not appeal to kids anymore is just that they find it boring, too talky, and a bit old hat. In the age of video games, social media, etc., there's far more things out there holds their interest more, IMO.
And Wal-Mart has seriously impacted the business of stores like Sears and JC Penny's because they sell the same products. So yeah Wal-Mart is very much like them, only with groceries so they can do the same to stores like Safeway, Albertson's, Raley's and Kroger's. To me, a supermarket is primarily a grocery store and that's not Wal-Mart.

However you like it. But all of your objections to the term 'supermarket' apply equally to the term 'dept. store'. As far as I'm concerned Wal-mart is a supermarket and a dept. store and several other things besides, and none of those things stop it from being any of the others.
However you like it. But all of your objections to the term 'supermarket' apply equally to the term 'dept. store'. As far as I'm concerned Wal-mart is a supermarket and a dept. store and several other things besides, and none of those things stop it from being any of the others.
Which was my point. It's not just a Supermarket.
I actually think the reason why Star Trek may not appeal to kids anymore is just that they find it boring, too talky, and a bit old hat. In the age of video games, social media, etc., there's far more things out there holds their interest more, IMO.

Thats partly where I've been surprised; I've had them sit down and watch the most unexpected things. I got two of them to not only sit and watch Beyond, but ask for more (they didn't like Nemesis or insurrection, but no one does so thats ok :p). I was incredibly surprised they voluntarily watched Duel, which has barely any dialogue or action!

Granted, not all kids have that long an attention span and some expect the same whimsy as a Harry Potter, or the action of Jurrassic World, but I think there is an audience of kids there who can still appreciate a good show.

With Discovery, what I think adds to that is pacing. In the handful of episodes so far I've been very surprised at how quickly time passes; even if it does seem talky or too sciencey.... it feels much quicker than it is.
That reminds me of when people say "Star Wars was Not for kids!" And I think to myself "laser swords? All powerful space wizards? Space battles? Evil cyborg?"

There was an interview with George Lucas on Conan O'brien maybe ten years ago, and he was talking about his new cartoon, and he says "And now this show on cartoon network is watched by a whole new generation of kids...uh..and 30 something's.."

George also repeated at, I think Celebration this year that star wars is for kids.
I agree with Jamie. Normalizing vulgar language especially for young viewers is unhelpful, and debases our society. I do not use that language myself in public, there is no need for it, as there are plenty of far more expressive words available to us in our rich language. I'll admit using "bad" language if I smash my toes into a table leg, but I don't use it regularly or publicly to express myself. I guess that just makes me uncool in the eyes of some people. So be it. I don't think being vulgar is being cool. As for the blood, gore, brutality, and torture seen in this trek incarnation more than in any other, even if it may be the new normal in videogames, etc., I think that makes this trek unsuitable for young viewers, unlike say TOS or TNG. (Though Picard was tortured in TNG.). Sure the real world has vulgar language and violence, but isn't it a good thing to maintain the innocence of young minds for at least some period of time, and let children discover the harsh realities gradually over time? On the other hand, children must be trained to detect and reject predation, but this is more taught by understanding respect for personal boundaries, than full disclosure of the detailed horrors of abuse, etc.
I personally hated it. A lot. It just feels unnecessary, fundamentally. I have never once, in 30 years of being a Trek fan, thought "This show is great, but the horrors of the Dominon war would be better with some swearing. And Voyager... it was stranded, but it'd feel much more real if Janeway swore". Never. Data's "shit" I found cheeky, but the limit.

I think Trek was a positive future, good for all ages. I watched it when I was nine... it got into it massively. I from there then got a modem... made my first Trek website, got into website design, got into marketing... it did play a big part in my career. It's not exaggeration - if I wasn't fueled into making those Trek sites, I'm not sure I would have gone that route. It was being able to show my Trek sites that got me my first job. I saw a friend last week that I met online about 20 years ago from my love of Trek and chatting in Trek chat rooms.

It saddens me that kids are being excluded from Star Trek, that it's making it an adults-only show... that it's excluding them from a slice of hope in a very dark desperate world. It's a shame they won't be able to be formed in a positive way from it.

And it added NOTHING to the story.

That said... the show is hardly spinning a positive future, so perhaps they're not missing out on much.
I personally hated it. A lot. It just feels unnecessary, fundamentally.

It seems that you guys are not really mad about the f-word, its the realization that this is a different star trek that is hard to swallow.

And i understand that, i wish there was two new shows at the same time. I am really happy about Discovery being this more adult serie, but i wouldnt mind a lighthearted, slightly silly and positive family show in addition.

Guess we cant have it all.
Unless disco becomes huge and someone jumps in to ride the trek wave.
I was 4 when I saw TNG for the first time. I don't specifically remember any of that scaring me, but Ursula in the Little Mermaid was terrifying to me. I also was very frightened of elements of Star Wars too. If Discovery was on when I was a kid and I watched it, I probably would've had nightmares for a month from the graphic violence. Kids also need good role models, and I don't see any of those in Discovery