Bad Language in Discovery

Which...I guess is kind of a shame because I think I was probably six years old when I first got into TOS. But Trek has been skewing older for decades now and really doesn't appeal to kids anymore anyway.
TOS wasn't always aimed at kids.... Miri gave me nightmares!!
I remember getting scared during the transporter accident scene in TMP when I was little. The rest of the movie put me to sleep so i guess it evened out
I can't think of anything Discovery has done which is worse than evil Kirk trying to rape Rand, and Spock joking about it afterward.
I know I wouldn't have been allowed to watch DIS as a kid.
TOS wasn't always aimed at kids.... Miri gave me nightmares!!
Even children's books can be scary to some kids, but TOS was aimed at a wide audience--kids could watch it too. I remember during a local one-day teacher's strike, the principal and staff gathered us in the auditorium and showed "Space Seed" on a projector reel before dismissing us. Cool way to end the school day.
Interesting how people can have such widely varying opinions on the same thing.
Not sure how it came across as "forced". Or why the "placement" was jarring. I'm sure people were expecting it to be used in anger, instead it was an exclamation of amazement and wonder. Maybe that was jarring.
I was jarred by the context. But, I'm personally much more likely to say "Fuck this!" than to say "Fuck yeah!" Making it humorous was actually the safest way to do it.
Really loving Discovery so far. I've been a fan of Trek since 1966 (I was all of 10 years old!) and was delighted when the new series began. Only 1 gripe. Is it really necessary to use language that I wouldn't use around younger fans? (Or anyone for that matter) My son (now 35) has grown up with a Trek dad and now his boy (8) is also being inducted into the Federation and all it's adventures. We were both very disappointed when an 'F-bomb' was dropped the other evening whilst watching with our cadet. I don't think I'm being prudish and I know "language" is heard everywhere but really..... It does nothing for the plot apart from lowering things.
What do my other Trek fan friends think?
I think it was fucking cool.
I do agree, my sons (6 and 5) watch star trek with me and the outburst on the show was just out of place. Some people will say get over it. However I would like to shield my kids from that sort of language as much as I can.
You DO realize that the rating of DSC is "TV-MA", don't you? "MA" means mature audiences.

It's right at the front of the show, so they let you know that it probably isn't appropriate for a five-year old.
Americans are weird. Hearing bad words don't harm kids. I'm a teacher and I only admonish kids if they use swear words as insults.

My only problem with the cursing in the show is literally a petty canon complaint: the people in the Federation haven't spoken like that in the past, and Star Trek IV confirms that this is not just because it is a TV show. (And no, this is not particularly serious complaint.)

I didn't like that they said 'fuck' because the context of the scene was very cliche and has been used so many times in other bad films and just didn't fit in the Trek-verse. Although didn't Data say 'shit' in Generations?

As for moral issues, who cares. Being concerned that your child just heard the work 'fuck' is a very First-World Problem.
Which...I guess is kind of a shame because I think I was probably six years old when I first got into TOS. But Trek has been skewing older for decades now and really doesn't appeal to kids anymore anyway.
If you were watching at 6, it was most likely syndicated and edited by then..........if DSC is ever presented at the afterschool hour like TOS was in the 70s & 80s in sure some things will get snipped and overdubbed.........
You DO realize that the rating of DSC is "TV-MA", don't you? "MA" means mature audiences.

It's right at the front of the show, so they let you know that it probably isn't appropriate for a five-year old.
Yeah, someone got stabbed in the same episode and someone got their face burned off. This isn't a show aimed at young children.
Which...I guess is kind of a shame because I think I was probably six years old when I first got into TOS. But Trek has been skewing older for decades now and really doesn't appeal to kids anymore anyway.
Trek always "skewed" for an older audience. GR wanted to "rescue" science fiction on TV from being seen as kiddie fare. He wanted do make an adult drama in a Science Fiction setting with adult situations and adult topics. And for the most part he succeeded with in the restrictions of US TV at that time. At the same time he failed because science fiction is still seen at kiddie fare. Something safe to show in the afternoon when the kids get out of school. Because ray guns, space ships and aliens are for kids. Another thing that happened was tastes changed. What was considered adult drama ( and comedy for that matter) changed. What was "Adult" in the late 60's was tame and safe in the 70's, 80's and on ward.
They sell groceries. It's one of the departments. They also sell consumer electronics, sporting goods, clothes and do automotive work. IIRC, groceries are a recent addition. Some supermarket and regular markets were quite concerned when Wal-Mart made the announcement.

In my experience, a dept. Store Is a Sears, JC Penny's, Kohls, etc. Walmart is as much like them as it is like save a lot. It is obviously not just a supermarket, but is still a supermarket. And it may be a recent development compared to other parts of the store, but its still at least 20 years ago.
In my experience, a dept. Store Is a Sears, JC Penny's, Kohls, etc. Walmart is as much like them as it is like save a lot. It is obviously not just a supermarket, but is still a supermarket. And it may be a recent development compared to other parts of the store, but its still at least 20 years ago.
And Wal-Mart has seriously impacted the business of stores like Sears and JC Penny's because they sell the same products. So yeah Wal-Mart is very much like them, only with groceries so they can do the same to stores like Safeway, Albertson's, Raley's and Kroger's. To me, a supermarket is primarily a grocery store and that's not Wal-Mart.
Trek always "skewed" for an older audience. GR wanted to "rescue" science fiction on TV from being seen as kiddie fare. He wanted do make an adult drama in a Science Fiction setting with adult situations and adult topics. And for the most part he succeeded with in the restrictions of US TV at that time. At the same time he failed because science fiction is still seen at kiddie fare. Something safe to show in the afternoon when the kids get out of school. Because ray guns, space ships and aliens are for kids
I don't think it's seen as much as kiddie fare as it being seen as silly in general. I think for most, aliens, ray guns, spaceships, and people dressed in "space uniforms" is too far removed from reality to be taken seriously. It's an immediate turn-off, and probably why a spaceship show will never have humongous ratings on a broadcast network (or maybe any network).
Another thing that happened was tastes changed. What was considered adult drama ( and comedy for that matter) changed. What was "Adult" in the late 60's was tame and safe in the 70's, 80's and on ward.
I think there's still a difference between things everyone can watch and stuff only for adults. It doesn't mean stuff "just for kids," because that's something Trek truly never was, but it did have stuff for everyone.
I don't think it's seen as much as kiddie fare as it being seen as silly in general. I think for most, aliens, ray guns, spaceships, and people dressed in "space uniforms" is too far removed from reality to be taken seriously. It's an immediate turn-off, and probably why a spaceship show will never have humongous ratings on a broadcast network (or maybe any network).
That's just sad
I think there's still a difference between things everyone can watch and stuff only for adults. It doesn't mean stuff "just for kids," because that's something Trek truly never was, but it did have stuff for everyone.
The meaning of "only for adults" has changed over the years.
That's just sad
The meaning of "only for adults" has changed over the years.
Not really. We still have R-movies, NC-17 movies, and TV-MA tv shows. An argument could be made, though, that what's considered PG has changed and that there's more TV-MA fare on cable TV these days.
Which...I guess is kind of a shame because I think I was probably six years old when I first got into TOS. But Trek has been skewing older for decades now and really doesn't appeal to kids anymore anyway.

As adults our view of what appeals to kids and what they'd understand is highly skewed. When I was still doing live performance stuff, I got a load of abuse for changing the tone of the show from what we traditionally see as kiddie friendly, to challenging and more complex tones (well, as much as I could in the format).

The entire reason I changed it was watching kids reactions: It was so purified by a generation that watches grown up(ish) TV and play Call of Duty. Even then I still underestimated my own kids and they've surprised me on more than one occasion on how well they can consume, follow and understand.

kids are far more adaptable and smarter than they're given credit for.

Right, that's it! It's ON!!!!! Come at me!! ;) ;)

You have my axe!