Bad Language in Discovery

I understand especially with the family thing and kids, but I kind of like it. This is how real people tend to talk, so it's kind of refreshing. In TNG and the other series, the way the characters talked or expressed themselves always seemed bland and safe. Too perfect in a way..

Exactly. They can't quote Shakespeare all the time. :)
That's not how the scene played to me. That's Tilly's exuberance getting the better of her, as it so often does, and then Stamets cutting her some slack. It was a nice character moment.

It's always nice when people who actually understand writing comment on things like this, instead of fanboys who THINK they know how shows are written. ;) ;)

AKA, Thanks Greg, for chiming in on a topic that really shouldn't even exist. ;)

It was announced early on that they could do "language" and stuff. Everything I saw here and other places were like "YEAH! FINALLY! BRING IT ON!"

So now that it's actually happened, some folks are surprised? Really? It's on a PAY service. If you don't like it, don't pay for it.

I'd be surprised if the same complainers aren't frequent watchers of other shows with frequent profanity and near-explicit sex scenes.

Really, just stop with the feigned puritanism.
As a non-American, I can tell you the rest of the world still kinda snickers a bit when you guys can buy guns in a friggin supermarket but freak out about the fucking fuck word. Let alone two men kiss!!!

Two women though is awesome appereantly, because hot lesbians are marketable.....
Supermarket? Like Safeway? :lol:

Come to America, dude. It ain't all Wyatt Earp here.
The only bad language I remember was the shit way the fucking Klingons talk. where's fucking chang to give these dickheads some lessons.
I do agree, my sons (6 and 5) watch star trek with me and the outburst on the show was just out of place. Some people will say get over it. However I would like to shield my kids from that sort of language as much as I can.

Errrr then dont let them watch discovery........ geez hardly rocket science is it?

Plenty of "soft" trek to let them watch.....

It was made clear all through development discovery would be for mature audiences and it has a clear age rating. If your delicate little ears cant take a few swear words you should stop watching......simple as.
A mature audience that yells at people and tells them to go away. Think they may be wasting their time.
Does anyone really believe it just wasn't a gimmick because the writers decided to do it.. somewhere, anywhere beforehand? They were going to do it because they want to be known for doing it. That's all. If it fits in a scene that's just a happy co-incidence. If it looked kind of clunky then - tough shit. (That's naughty language purely because I could BTW).
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Does anyone really believe it just wasn't a gimmick because the writers decided to do it.. somewhere, anywhere beforehand? They were going to do it because they want to be know for doing it. That's all. If it fits in a scene that's just a happy co-incidence. If it looked kind of clunky then - tough shit. (That's naughty language purely because I could BTW).
Ed, is that you with another account?
Now you're accusing people of being duals in order to carry on your existing grudge? You are not a mod, and you've been told by the actual mods to knock off the personal remarks and mini-modding numerous times now.

Infraction for trolling. Comments to PM.
I thought it was a stupid attempt to make the characters relate more with 21st century people. If they're going to drop it, drop it in a crisis. Interesting how none of the show runners have an issue with this. But they told Issacs never to use God. I have news for the show runners. Go back and watch TOS: Bread and Circuses.. Especially the end.
Does anyone really believe it just wasn't a gimmick because the writers decided to do it.. somewhere, anywhere beforehand? They were going to do it because they want to be known for doing it. That's all. If it fits in a scene that's just a happy co-incidence. If it looked kind of clunky then - tough shit. (That's naughty language purely because I could BTW).

It's not a "gimmick" if it fits the scene and the characters, which it did, IMHO. Every piece of dialogue is a choice. You choose the words that get the job done as opposed to whatever other words are available. Sure, because this particular word had never been used on a STAR TREK show before, it raised eyebrows, but it didn't feel forced to me. And the only reason it hadn't been used before was because of the broadcast Standards and Practices of the times. Those don't apply in this case, so there's no reason to subscribe to them anymore.

And now that we've got over this hump, they can say "fuck" again if it seems suitable. So what's the big deal?
If you want to shock your kids with language and visuals, sit them down in front of Trailer Park Boys.*

*RIP John Dunsworth
You want something really shocking, try watching the friendly-edited versions of Trailer Park Boys that Showcase did up so that they could air the show during daytime hours. It's more or less a constant string of bleeps, despite the fact the only words they bleeped in these versions were fuck and cock.