Babylon 5

Which was over two years since TNG started coming out on Blu-ray.
By the time you're 60+, waiting a couple of years isn't a burden - either the thing you want to buy becomes available or you've died in the meantime. Carpe diem - meh - that's for young people. I admit that I wasn't so enamoured of TNG that I had to have the individual Blu-ray season sets as soon as they were released. I have bought B5 multiple times: on VHS, on DVD, streaming, and hopefully soon on Blu-ray. If I'm dead, that reduces WB's cash flow by an insignificant amount.
By the time you're 60+, waiting a couple of years isn't a burden - either the thing you want to buy becomes available or you've died in the meantime. Carpe diem - meh - that's for young people. I admit that I wasn't so enamoured of TNG that I had to have the individual Blu-ray season sets as soon as they were released. I have bought B5 multiple times: on VHS, on DVD, streaming, and hopefully soon on Blu-ray. If I'm dead, that reduces WB's cash flow by an insignificant amount.
Just to be clear, I'm not saying you that I think you should buy it right away or wait for years...just that both are options. One will cost more than the other, the choice is (y)ours. :)
Oh, I'm likely buying it straight away once it's available. Importing from region A is an option, I guess, but that only adds to the expense. No real point if I still have access to the version on iTunes. My preference for physical media is bit barmy, I admit. Amazon UK now has a placeholder for December 5th, but no price.
Random question here.... but what was Vorlon society like? Was the Vorlon Empire a name set up just to strike fear in the younger ones? It se ems like some of the names were "misleading",,,,so that the Centauri Republic was more of an empire (no senators named, Emperor had control).... Earth Alliance was more like Earth and its colonies, etc.
The Centauri Republic had an Emperor. :shrug: The Roman Empire used to be the Roman Republic before Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus became Imperator Augustus (the venerable commander). Perhaps JMS didn't think too deeply about whether it made sense. He obviously borrowed themes from I, Claudius for the Centauri. The Vorlons had no Emperor or even a hierarchy, so far as I'm aware - hence Ulkesh stating "We are all Kosh". I imagine that they were a gestalt entity or group mind in some respects, similar to the Founders in the Great Link in DS9. We know Kosh could implant part of his consciousness in sentient beings other than Vorlons, such as John Sheridan. Just my speculation though...
The Centauri Republic had an Emperor. :shrug: The Roman Empire used to be the Roman Republic before Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus became Imperator Augustus (the venerable commander). Perhaps JMS didn't think too deeply about whether it made sense. He obviously borrowed themes from I, Claudius for the Centauri. The Vorlons had no Emperor or even a hierarchy, so far as I'm aware - hence Ulkesh stating "We are all Kosh". I imagine that they were a gestalt entity or group mind in some respects, similar to the Founders in the Great Link in DS9. We know Kosh could implant part of his consciousness in sentient beings other than Vorlons, such as John Sheridan. Just my speculation though...
Or maybe JMS was trying to be ironic, at least with the Centauri?
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The Centauri did have the Centaurum though. Perhaps its power waxed and waned depending on who the emperor was at the time, or it generally handled legislation but the emperor was always in a position to ignore or overrule it?
There was a line in one of the Technomage novels, talking about the Technomages who blessed the first Emperor of the Republic, where a character observes that the Centauri Republic was pretty much a rebranding of the Centauri Empire it superceeded.
Like the Imperial Senate in the Roman Empire, the power of the Centaurum presumably waxed and waned according to the whims of the current Emperor. The "rebranding" bit in the Technomage Trilogy is perhaps a retrospective patch applied after the error was pointed out. Perhaps it could also be a mistranslation from an alien language. In the end, it doesn't make a heap of difference.
Random question here.... but what was Vorlon society like? Was the Vorlon Empire a name set up just to strike fear in the younger ones?

Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if "Vorlon Empire" was a name the younger races applied to the Vorlons that the Vorlons never corrected them on. It's not like we have any idea how the Vorlon state works, or even if there is a Vorlon state per se. Concepts like statehood may not apply to telepathic god-like Lovecraftian space jellyfish.

It se ems like some of the names were "misleading",,,,so that the Centauri Republic was more of an empire

In fairness, states do sometimes brand themselves inaccurately. The polity we call the Roman Empire continued to call itself "the Senate and People of Rome," and the office we call Roman Emperor was not referred to as such in the Western Roman Empire -- rather, the Roman Emperor is our modern name for the executive leader who accumulated a number of offices of the Roman Republic that had formerly been independent of one-another. A bit like if the President of the United States were to simultaneously become Speaker of the House of Representatives, Majority Leader of the Senate, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Mayor of the District of Columbia, Mayor of the City of New York, Mayor of the City of Chicago, Mayor of the City of Los Angeles, etc etc etc.

Another example: the North Korean state's formal name is the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, yet it clearly is not democratic and the people clearly have no power over the DPRK. It's not even a genuine republic, because its leadership is clearly a hereditary monarchy. And its leaders, again, become such by accumulating a number of different offices ("First Secretary/Chairman/General Secretary of the Worker's Party of Korea," "First Chairman of the National Defense Commission of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea," "Chairman/President of the State Affairs Commission of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea").

Perhaps Centauri Emperor is an informal title and he's legally entitled President of the Centauri Republic, Speaker of the Centaurum, Supreme Justice of the High Court of the Centauri Republic, Supreme Governor of the Church of the Great Maker, etc.

(no senators named, Emperor had control)....

Well, no, the Centaurum clearly existed, and it clearly had times where it waxed and waned in terms of its level of power. Emperor Turhan described feeling powerless to act on his preferences earlier in his reign, and late in his reign and early in Cartagia's reign, it is clear that Lord Refa and Londo had a lot more control over the Republic than he did. For much of seasons two and three, Lord Refa seems to be the real leader of the Centauri Republic. It's only after Refa dies that Cartagia seems to take control.

Earth Alliance was more like Earth and its colonies, etc.

Oh, 100%. It's an "Alliance" (really more of a federal republic) of Earth polities, not of Earth's colonies. Earth Alliance Senators represent what used to be sovereign states on Earth, not the colony words.

The Vorlons had no Emperor or even a hierarchy, so far as I'm aware - hence Ulkesh stating "We are all Kosh".

In fairness, empire can also be used just to describe a system of domination and control over vassal states by a central power. But since no one knows how Vorlon society works, yeah, I suspect that either the Vorlons chose that name to intimidate others without regard for its accuracy, or that the younger races applied it to them without regard for its accuracy.

I imagine that they were a gestalt entity or group mind in some respects, similar to the Founders in the Great Link in DS9. We know Kosh could implant part of his consciousness in sentient beings other than Vorlons, such as John Sheridan. Just my speculation though...

Perhaps Centauri Emperor is an informal title and he's legally entitled President of the Centauri Republic, Speaker of the Centaurum, Supreme Justice of the High Court of the Centauri Republic, Supreme Governor of the Church of the Great Maker, etc.

And, while the Centauri throne seems to be influenced by the concept of hereditary nobility, it doesn't seem to be married to it. Turhan's son presumably would've been his successor if he hadn't been (probably) assassinated, but there's a decent chance Prime Minister Malachai would've actually been the successor, if he also hadn't been assassinated. Cartagia was Turhan's nephew, but we don't know how close that blood-relation is, there wasn't a big physical resemblance, and, after Cartagia, the Centaurum just completely threw out bloodline succession even though he had a living son (albeit one who was probably underage at the time) spent most a year talking it over, and picked a guy (albeit a noble, and descendant of a historical Emperor) who worked there (plus, Refa had already been counting on becoming Emperor himself with Morden's help once Cartagia ran his course). Mollari actually had a line of succession established, and it went "Prime Minister," "Ambassador to Babylon 5" (probably at Londo's own insistence), and then "the prior Emperor's son," which, in at least one alternate future, Vir would not see fit to revise after he became Emperor.

Oh, 100%. It's an "Alliance" (really more of a federal republic) of Earth polities, not of Earth's colonies. Earth Alliance Senators represent what used to be sovereign states on Earth, not the colony words.

In the backstory, the Earth Alliance's founding predates interstellar colonization (and even interplanetary colonization, the first Mars colonies weren't set up for another decade or two) after the United Nations fell apart due to World War III, and was intended to replace it with a strong worldwide government. "Earth" is very much the operative word in the name, and given that practical space-travel was a big surprise for everybody, they probably didn't set up the government with off-world member states in mind (though it's implied that there were human colonies that were full members of the Earth Alliance, equal in standing to the Russian Consortium, the North American State, and so on, Mars just didn't get that status until after the Civil War).
In the backstory, the Earth Alliance's founding predates interstellar colonization (and even interplanetary colonization, the first Mars colonies weren't set up for another decade or two) after the United Nations fell apart due to World War III, and was intended to replace it with a strong worldwide government. "Earth" is very much the operative word in the name, and given that practical space-travel was a big surprise for everybody, they probably didn't set up the government with off-world member states in mind (though it's implied that there were human colonies that were full members of the Earth Alliance, equal in standing to the Russian Consortium, the North American State, and so on, Mars just didn't get that status until after the Civil War).

I thought Mars became fully independent after the Earth Alliance Civil War?
The Centauri Republic had an Emperor. :shrug: The Roman Empire used to be the Roman Republic before Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus became Imperator Augustus (the venerable commander). Perhaps JMS didn't think too deeply about whether it made sense. He obviously borrowed themes from I, Claudius for the Centauri. The Vorlons had no Emperor or even a hierarchy, so far as I'm aware - hence Ulkesh stating "We are all Kosh". I imagine that they were a gestalt entity or group mind in some respects, similar to the Founders in the Great Link in DS9. We know Kosh could implant part of his consciousness in sentient beings other than Vorlons, such as John Sheridan. Just my speculation though...



The mere concept of such a union is insulting to both Canada AND the US.

I sure as hell wouldn't want it. I doubt anyone else does either.

Besides, the US and Canada would both be member nations of the Earth Alliance, so why the hell would they need a middleman?
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