Avengers 2 News, Rumors, Etc. Pictures until release...

He didn't just find a motorcycle. He found his own.
Yes I gathered that.

But the director didn't show him getting on it.. or how he got air to make the jump.. or why a gate that shut from below was necessary and not excessive,

A real filmmaker would have known how to make a tense scene and put tit together...
I assume that we didn't get a special scene of Cap getting on his motorcycle because the writers and directors assume that the viewer doesn't need that explained to them. Especially when we already that Cap has a motorcycle. In regards to the other thing about the doors or whatever, it's an action movie about a guy who is a superhero, real physics don't apply.

I love how the extras act as though nothing is happening outside of the one guy leaning over looking at where they'll land, going "Oh, now that's something."

That's utterly ridiculous. They should be terrified/running away.

I love how the extras act as though nothing is happening outside of the one guy leaning over looking at where they'll land, going "Oh, now that's something."

That's utterly ridiculous. They should be terrified/running away.

Naw, because, you see this is a post Godzilla and MOS world. When superpowered beings decide to throw down in a civilian populated area you just have to...


When it's not in slow motion, I'm sure it's harder to notice, but I do agree that the director should have caught that and planned for where the CG monster was to land so as to avoid having people unconcerned.

I wonder if we've reached the point where we can just have CG extras so they can run away instead.
When it's not in slow motion, I'm sure it's harder to notice, but I do agree that the director should have caught that and planned for where the CG monster was to land so as to avoid having people unconcerned.

This would require Joss Whedon to be a competent director.
I believe the sequence is just as the director intended. Everyone scared shitless has already beat feet the hell out of there leaving the careless, adventure seeking looky-loos to stand gawking at the spectacle.

While I probably wouldn't get that close, I can see myself hanging around at whatever I felt was a comfortable distance to watch the Super Heroes at work. Wouldn't you?
Timby you don't think Whedon is a competent director?
I think he's a great director

I think his composition and camera movements are terrible and feel straight out of '90s television, yes. The Avengers is unspeakably ugly, easily the ugliest of the Marvel films thus far (and that's not easy with a series that has The Winter Soldier and its unrelenting gray).

For example, here's a shot from inside a skyscraper, of some onlookers staring helplessly as Hawkeye's plane spins out of control and almost hits them. Note that absolutely everything in this shot is motionless, except for the plane blurring past. The camera does not move at all. The people barely flinch.


Here's a small .gif of a similar scene in Godzilla 2014.


Note that these were shot by the same cinematographer. One is dynamic and intense. The other is The Avengers.

I mean, c'mon, look at this shit:


That's some bland, ugly-ass shit right there.

"Should we, you know, do anything with our arms?"


Whedon loves flat, even lighting and the result, again, looks straight out of '90s TV. The above shot could be from a failed Avengers pilot, for heaven's sake, it looks that bad.
Well, since movies aren't meant to be watched one screencap at a time, I'm going to give Joss Whedon a pass on this. I can only assume that the majority of moviegoers were not watching our heroes' arms at that particular moment.

Joss Whedon's experience may be largely based in television, and I'm sure that has an influence on his movie directing, but he has a better understanding of characters than most in the industry, and that's why people like him.
Well, since movies aren't meant to be watched one screencap at a time, I'm going to give Joss Whedon a pass on this. I can only assume that the majority of moviegoers were not watching our heroes' arms at that particular moment.

The point is the composition is terrible. I've often said that The Avengers feels like Whedon smashing his action figures together, and that shot above is probably one of the biggest examples of it. Everyone looks like plastic figures arranged in a semi-circle, with terribly flat lighting that conveys nothing. This is supposed to be an end-of-the-world hellscape (because that's what the movie keeps telling us, but it utterly fails to show it), and instead it feels like a bunch of people in shitty costumes (particularly Cap) chilling on a city block.

It's bad direction and it's bad photography (which is on Whedon; Seamus McGarvey went on to shoot Godzilla 2014, which is breathtakingly beautiful), which appears to be continuing with Avengers 2.

Whedon's a decent writer. He's a fucking God-awful director.
Well, since movies aren't meant to be watched one screencap at a time, I'm going to give Joss Whedon a pass on this. I can only assume that the majority of moviegoers were not watching our heroes' arms at that particular moment.

The point is the composition is terrible. I've often said that The Avengers feels like Whedon smashing his action figures together, and that shot above is probably one of the biggest examples of it. Everyone looks like plastic figures arranged in a semi-circle, with terribly flat lighting that conveys nothing. This is supposed to be an end-of-the-world hellscape (because that's what the movie keeps telling us, but it utterly fails to show it), and instead it feels like a bunch of people in shitty costumes (particularly Cap) chilling on a city block.

It's bad direction and it's bad photography (which is on Whedon; Seamus McGarvey went on to shoot Godzilla 2014, which is breathtakingly beautiful), which appears to be continuing with Avengers 2.

Whedon's a decent writer. He's a fucking God-awful director.
I agree. They call it the Marvel Cinematic Universe but there is nothing particularly cinematic about it. There's little artistry to the the shots and compositions.