Spoilers Avatar: The Way of Water (2022) - Full Spoiler & Review Thread

How would you rate this movie?

  • 10 out of 10 - Mighty.

    Votes: 11 23.9%
  • 9 out of 10 - This movie connects all things. Before your birth, and after your death.

    Votes: 11 23.9%
  • 8 out of 10 - Strong Heart.

    Votes: 13 28.3%
  • 7 out of 10 - Wherever we go, this movie is our fortress.

    Votes: 4 8.7%
  • 6 out of 10 - This is where we make our stand.

    Votes: 2 4.3%
  • 5 out of 10 - That's all you take, you just waste the rest?

    Votes: 1 2.2%
  • 4 out of 10 - I took you under my wing. You betrayed me.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 3 out of 10 - Outcast. That's all I see.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 2 out of 10 - That's why I drink.

    Votes: 1 2.2%
  • 1 out of 10 - I cannot allow you to bring your movie here.

    Votes: 3 6.5%

  • Total voters
That sets up an interesting potential hero’s journey for Sully, where in the end, he (or the kids) somehow saves Earth by saving Pandora, since the same people are destroying both worlds.
The Na’vi invade Earth to return it to its natural state.

There was a book published during the release of the original film that’s a guidebook to Pandora, it’s meant to be an in-universe document. It mentions that there are Na’vi inspired cults on Earth.
The first movie showed that Humans could already clone extinct animals, like the tiger. That could allow any Earth savers a potential solution.

So, if Kiri is the avatar of Eywa, that means Pandora's first Avatar is of the Water Tribe. The cycle begins. :D
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In terms of eyecandy, the movie delivered on promise.

I would put the sequel a little bit above the original. They had some interesting worldbuilding that made it a little bit more than just a descendent of colonizer savior fantasy. And now instead of Unobtanium they have to hunt space whales to become immortal, which is even more adorably on the nose.

I totally called the death in the first 20 minutes.

I can totally see the bad guy possibly being the next one to turn coat, as it seemed they might be going through after Spider led him through the whole flying creature ritual and then he relented at the threat of losing him.
I also liked the outcast whale's arc. "I was outcast for breaking the no killing rule. So tragic. Wait, wait. You know what? I was ****ing right, the no killing rule doesn't apply to sky people!"

I gave the movie 7/10 overall.
I also liked the outcast whale's arc. "I was outcast for breaking the no killing rule. So tragic. Wait, wait. You know what? I was ****ing right, the no killing rule doesn't apply to sky people!"

I gave the movie 7/10 overall.
Says a lot when the audience cheers for when the whaler gets his arm severed off before a brutal death.
The first movie showed that Humans could already clone extinct animals, like the tiger. That could allow any Earth savers a potential solution.

So, if Kiri is the avatar of Eywa, that means Pandora's first Avatar is of the Water Tribe. The cycle begins. :D
If you think about it, humans have some pretty amazing tech here. They can put your conscious into a different species which is then able to procreate with others.
They could probably give Sully and his wife a human body and have human kids down the line.
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It has come out that they had an overabundance of material for the second film, so they divided it into two parts.

'Avatar: The Way Of Water' Screenwriters Talk About Splitting Script Into 2 Films Due To 'Too Much Material' (ibtimes.com)

When I read or hear people say that this film is similar to the first, I am reminded of the first two Harry Potter books. With few exceptions, they had similar beats. It was the third book where the story really expanded outwards. Hopefully, the same can be said for Avater.

One criticism that I agree with, and that I saw on this YouTube video (starting at 26:47), is this one: setting up the ground for movies that might or might not be developed for whatever reasons.

Those whales are established to be sapient, so it's comparable to saying you'd kill a human to extend your own life.

I didn't mind the length of the second third of the movie, if anything I felt the redundant rescues went on a little long.
There are multiple parallels between her and Ani, but very fortunately they only go so far. Spider and the knife he got to his throat, among all else, are more of a motive to go Vader if Kiri is no longer around, but I don't feel such direction is planned at all, either. She seemed more rattled than he was when it happened. He was more like “Shrug. Mom wanted to kill me again. Whatevs. I will have a difficult decision myself in the next scene I need to focus on.”

Kiri so far is totally opposite of what the speculation after the first film was, because the visual effects seemingly indicated Grace's personality going to Eywa, and nothing going towards her avatar. Now the same visual effects seem to indicate anyone communing with a tree, so it no longer means anything so specific. (Then again, linking with an avatar didn't transfer consciousness, either, so that was a stretch to begin with.) It seems that's not a retcon, since Grace doesn't seem to have ever been planned to return. And the ponytail can communicate/transfer as little or as much as the plot requires, and about the same/similar way as the linker machine, and probably equally similar to whatever new thing they used for the recombinants.

For that reason, I wouldn't read too much with her oneness with the Force, though it probably means a little more than the [SPOCK]“Remember!”[/SPOCK] visuals, since Avatar 3 is already 90% filmed, so there wouldn't be anything so much to retcon. She likes plants better than people like her mother, she use her ponytail more extensively, and Eywa likes her as much as she liked Jake when they first met (Jake clearly wasn't a son of the planet), so she's also heard.
I guess for better or worse this is exactly what I would expect from an Avatar sequel. Once again, the visuals alone probably merit catching a big screen 3D viewing which I enjoyed. The rest of the movie propping up the visuals is fairly bolierplate but gets the job done well enough.

- I didn't know anything going in, thought it was odd bringing Stephen Lang back in but he does that type of bad guy rather well
- when even your characters notice you're repeating action beats maybe you might want to take another pass at it
- I was a bit surprised with the girls playing the traditional victim roles as much as they did
- the Na'vi modesty sometimes make for some odd clothes physics and hanging
- the behind the scenes of this one seems like it would be rather interesting
- I really like the way the Quantumania trailer pops in 3D