Are Time Lords still related after regeneration?


Fleet Captain
Fleet Captain
It's a question that's been bouncing around in my mind as of late. Considering when a Time Lord regenerates their entire body changes into some who can look vastly different than before, is that Time Lord still related to any parents, children, etc after the fact?

Since Time Lords are a telepathic species, I feel at least on a mental level they're related in some way. Especially since they can recognize each other no matter what body they now occupy. But is there still some sort of DNA marker that says this Time Lord is the Doctor, Master, Romana, and so on?
It's a question that's been bouncing around in my mind as of late. Considering when a Time Lord regenerates their entire body changes into some who can look vastly different than before, is that Time Lord still related to any parents, children, etc after the fact?
Yes, they're still related as they're the same person. Regeneration just alters their body's form and jumbles their brain bit. It doesn't alter their DNA.
No, which is why it’s okay for him to be married to his daughter.

Wait, what now?

I miss the good old days when overly long novels postulated otherworldly ideas for continuing a species, especially a complex one as the Time Lords, who were an elevated splinter of Gallifreyans. As if audiences aren't allowed the luxury of mystery or how phrases like "Grandfather", "Professor", and so on could be terms of endearment rather than mundanely literal interpretation. Now they just copulate like dust bunnies. This is what the show is about now?
It's a question that's been bouncing around in my mind as of late. Considering when a Time Lord regenerates their entire body changes into some who can look vastly different than before, is that Time Lord still related to any parents, children, etc after the fact?

I'd assume so. For all that we obsess over it, the genes that determine a person's outward appearance are a small fraction of the total genome. And a lot of our traits -- including sexual characteristics, to an extent -- are determined at least partly by epigenetic factors like hormones that influence how the genes are expressed, e.g. which genes are activated, which are dormant, and how they interact. I'd assume regeneration is something like that -- a Time Lord's genome is engineered to be capable of expressing itself in a range of different ways, so all the different outward forms are just different epigenetic expressions of the same genome.

That could explain the assumption some tie-in stories have made that the Doctor's future incarnations were already predetermined before they happened, that the Doctor's future selves were already in there. Although it contradicts the canonical assertions that regenerations' appearances can be chosen, as suggested in "The War Games" and "Destiny of the Daleks," or can be based on specific people, as was established with Twelve's appearance.
I miss the good old days when overly long novels postulated otherworldly ideas for continuing a species, especially a complex one as the Time Lords, who were an elevated splinter of Gallifreyans. As if audiences aren't allowed the luxury of mystery or how phrases like "Grandfather", "Professor", and so on could be terms of endearment rather than mundanely literal interpretation. Now they just copulate like dust bunnies. This is what the show is about now?

Ironically, the way dust bunnies clump up is probably a better metaphor for the "looms" than anything else, but I'm not going to go into the facts of life (or housekeeping) on a Doctor Who forum.
Yes, they're still related as they're the same person. Regeneration just alters their body's form and jumbles their brain bit. It doesn't alter their DNA.

Blond, brunette, xx, xy... Aren't these all genetic changes between doctors?
Blond, brunette, xx, xy... Aren't these all genetic changes between doctors?

There are both genetic and epigenetic factors that can go into such things, and slight genetic differences in surface appearance don't preclude people from being related. I've heard of cases where a biracial couple had one child who looked white and another child who looked black. Surface differences like that are a trivially small part of the genome.