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Anyone still build models?

Possible. I've also seen similar roll bar designs on Chris Craft yachts with radar/GPS systems mounted on them. But yeah, that thing looks close.

Fun with iridescent powders mixed with acrylics. Starting to build up the layers of different colours as washes to get a semi-metallic, semi-ceramic finish. I don’t want to go for azteking in the traditional trek sense. It’s a beautiful effect, and gives a wonderful sense of scale. For this model, though, I’m trying for the kind of finish that you’d almost see in a painting.

There are only two layers of washes so far. Working with pink, purple, green, gold, and white iridescent powders. I’m going a little heavy on most of them (except gold) as a base. Subsequent washes will tone down the pink and violet hues with more white.
More Prints!




One fine model of the TOS Enterprise was made from scratch:

The top of the saucer is…interesting…but the secondary hull has a proper teardrop shape.

LEDs that are less harsh
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Been a minute, but I thought I'd give a little update on my 1/1000 NX-01. Paint is mostly done and I couldn't resist just placing the two halves together. I've started the lighting, which shouldn't take me too long as my process is pretty simple. She'll still need some seam work and touching up before decals, but she's getting there.

I also couldn't resist putting her next to the NX refit I made a few years ago after just getting back into the hobby after an over 20 year hiatus. It's been a long road.....
I still have a Revell 1971 Hemi Cuda model that I still haven't put together. That and a 1958 car that's the same as the Christine car from the Stephen King movie.

Model glue and trying to find good brown paint is hard to get these days since the downtown Ben Franklin/B&F store in my hometown closed two months ago.

one time when I was at the Hobby Lobby store I was browsing the model paints and noticed there was a brown paint called rust brown something which was pretty cool.
That and a 1958 car that's the same as the Christine car from the Stephen King movie.
1958 Plymouth Fury
one time when I was at the Hobby Lobby store I was browsing the model paints and noticed there was a brown paint called rust brown something which was pretty cool.
I've been to stores that probably had 30 different varieties of rust paint. These days I generally stick to Tamiya and mix my own colours.
One fine model of the TOS Enterprise was made from scratch:

The top of the saucer is…interesting…but the secondary hull has a proper teardrop shape.

LEDs that are less harsh

Technology Connections is a great channel
It's got bigger gaps than Elton John's smile and more light leaks than I care to even think about.... but it's in one piece.

The quality of the mold was absolute crap, so I knew I was in for a struggle getting it all sealed up, but I don't think it's anything I can't handle. Just glad to finally have it together after so long. Still much to do!
Should also note that the previous pictures were taken in total darkness, which is why the light looks very blown out and yellow. With just a little bit of light in the room, it looks a whole lot better.
~ Oh, I dont know? I prefer the "previous pictures" - especially the final one. I do have rather rubbish eyesight, though - colourblind! :lol:

It looks like you've done a marvellous job with the kit, @HotRod. Enterprise looks beautiful!
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