And the Next Cancelled Show is...

Disappointed but not surprised by the Dallas cancellation. That it lived this long beyond Hagman's death is a real treat. There's a petition to Save Dallas! that I signed, but it doesn't happen, oh well.
I wonder if the mysteries of Laura will be next? It is just so bad I wonder how it made it to air.

To pretty much everyone's surprise, it's getting great ratings so far.

The number of people who want a more equal footing in what's on TV is increasing exponentially, and "Laura" offers a taste of what a lot of folks are desperate for. The simple fact of it being set around an over 40 female lead, who is both a good mother and a successful professional, is enough for a lot of people who are well and truly tired of the default white male lead shows.

I'll admit, that's half the reason I've watched thus far. It's different in the way that it departs from the same old tired formula. Even though it's mediocre at best in quality, that departure from the norm is enough for a lot of people.

If you really look at the statistics on race and gender diversity in television, you suddenly realize the big picture of 90% (or more) of shows being a white male lead show with women and people of non-caucasian ethnicity always secondary to them. So when TV offers something like "Laura" that departs from that now days? The internet spreads the word and people take note and tune in.
I liked the story but there wasn't any heat between the two leads.

Who I was drawn to was the chubby sister.

The vacant space is being filled up with a second episode of Selfie for the Night.
Manhattan Love Story

A to Z is next on the chopping block. They'll probably just burn the rest of the episodes to save face at this point. Interesting premise, but the supporting cast is HORRIBLE.
Bad Judge is in equally horrible condition.
Gracepoint might get pushed to Saturdays
CSI won't be coming back after this 18 episode stretch, I guarantee it.
Too bad about Dallas, but the writers killed it with terrible work that even many daily soaps wouldn't have accepted.
In the way most of it was over the top. All that was missing was tomeone turning out to actually be his own until then never mentioned gay evil twin that had come back from the dead to replace the regular character and turn everything upside down.
In the way most of it was over the top. All that was missing was tomeone turning out to actually be his own until then never mentioned gay evil twin that had come back from the dead to replace the regular character and turn everything upside down.

You know it's a soap opera, right? :lol:

Besides, despite how the season ended, I don't necessarily disagree with you. The reboot made quick work of reusing old plots from the original series (Sue Ellen's alcoholism, the search for Pam, Southfork set on fire and Bobby saving the day, etc.) and I got to be convinced that

If we were to believe Christopher was indeed killed in that car explosion, it could just as likely be that the show would let us believe him dead for all of season four, only to resurrect him at the end of the season (either as Jesse Metcalfe or some other look-alike actor) a la the famous shower scene from the 1986 cliffhanger with Bobby and Pam. I doubt it would be a dream this time but rather one of the same alternatives the show explored in 1986 - a lookalike trying to get Ewing money (ie like what Wes Parmalee tried to do) or perhaps just an amnesiac Christopher trying to return home after being surgically altered/"repaired" after the explosion.

Either way, it's a shame the show got cancelled. Event at its worst, I quite enjoyed it and was hoping to see more. Especially about the little revelation John Ross gave us at the end of the episode.
The new Dallas simply tried to do too much in too short a time, overdoing it as a result, which often dragged it down to the credibility levels of daily soaps and telenovelas.
A franchise with that much power deserved better than that.