Aliens, Badges, and Uniforms... oh my!


Lieutenant Commander
Red Shirt
Some Photomanipulations and such I've done...

A badge for my RP ship, the USS Cerberus:

Cerberus is a SCIS simm, so I made an SCIS badge as well:

Ming-Na Wen as a Trill:

Then a friend of mine complained that I needed to make a Vulcan one, so I did:

Finally, I made a quick "warm up" piece of Emma Watson as an Orion:
I love the badges.

Wen's shoulder patch doesn't realistically wrap around the contours of her arm. The Trill version seems effective, and the Vulcan one ain't bad, though maybe if there was a bit more green around her eyes? She does look paler and I suppose that's the right direction.

Watson's done in the perfect tone of green. You nailed it. Orion's have shown up in numerous different hues, but yours looks natural in a way a lot of them don't.

Keep up the good work!
