Alien in The Chase(TNG) changling ancestor?


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Red Shirt
I know this has probably already been talked about before , but do you think that the alien contained in the holo image from Picards tricorder could have been an ancestor of the founders? It sounds like the same actress that plays the female founder. Has anything like this ever been hinted at in a novel? It would have been a cool plotline for a DS9 episode to follow up on. Thoughts and comments please.
It was the same actress, Salome Jens, but I think that's it. It would never occur to me that it was the Founders' ancestor - this was a humanoid that seeded life all around the galaxy, and the Founders are everything but humanoids (although eons ago they probably had been, just evolved beyond).
I doubt she was a Changeling ancestor...I'm not sure how even in the Trekiverse that would be possible from an evolutionary standpoint.
I always had a dumb little notion that the Changelings, being old as sin itself, had internalized the Salome Jensians' form as the prototype of "humanoid," and this wound up even subconsciously expressed by Odo.

This also explains why Odo could only do a truly awful approximation of a presumably Bajoran or Cardassian face, yet could do a rather accurate bird. He is being accurate with his humanoid shape, but he can only do ideal forms. He's doing the ideal form of "humanoid," which Changelings learned four billion years ago.

...But wait a minute, I hated "The Chase." The hell with it!
I dont think it could have been out of the question. It would have been an ironic kind of plot twist i think.
The Female Founder said that they were once Solids themselves.

I think it's possible, and maybe even probable, that the species that became the Founders were one of the first species to emerge from the Progenitors' genetic seeding.
If the ramifications of the events of "The Chase" had ever been discussed on-screen, I could imagine the writers following that to some potential degree...

...but they weren't.
Nah just the same actor. I would love if the Ferengi, Vorta and Andorians were related though!
The Female Founder said that they were once Solids themselves.
The Founder were once slug people, then some solids poured a bucket of salt on them and they became liquid people.

That's why they hate solids.
The slugs were peaceful explorers, but the solids continued to persecute them. Wherever those slugs did go, a solid, often in the form of a child, would pour salt.

But the liquefying slugs had revenge in mind...

An exciting new tale set in a time of uncertainty and slugs.
FALL 2011
The Female Founder said that they were once Solids themselves.

I think it's possible, and maybe even probable, that the species that became the Founders were one of the first species to emerge from the Progenitors' genetic seeding.

I agree.... my wife and I just watched the episode last night where the female changling said that eons ago, the founders were once solids..... and in a previous episode it is stated that they're also ageless, so to speak.

I could see the possibility that the alien Picard saw was indeed the very same female changling we encounter in DS9, only the message was made prior to their evolution into changlings.

Since we don't know a great deal about the alien species that we're all supposed to be descendant from, we don't know their life span, their abilities, or anything else for that matter, other then what they look like...... one can not exactly discount the possibility that they are one in the same.

Also note that the female changling also referred to us solids as being like "Children"

Perhaps during the founder's development over the eons, they gradually forgot their origins due to being in the great link for so long and the link making them feel that nothing else really matters.
Trek seems to imply that species that were like us billions of years ago end up as Energy Beings like the Organians.

So I'm guessing that the Progenitors became energy beings while the Founders were just one of the first of their "Children".

If they WERE the Progenitors, then I'd think they'd be far more advanced by the time of DS9 than the Dominion.
Trek seems to imply that species that were like us billions of years ago end up as Energy Beings like the Organians.

Well, it's not like the Changelings aren't close enough. If your person can bend relativity and flatly violate thermodynamics and conservation, you're pretty godlike. "Energy being" might be a bit of a step backward.

I always reckoned the Salome Jensians died. That was, like, their whole deal; there is no reason to bother with seeding other worlds, otherwise. Indeed, I rather suspect they were never superluminal.

(If, of course, I accepted the premise. Which I don't!)