Agents of SHIELD season 5

But, as @Christopher said, apparently not one dense or warm enough to support life as we know it. However, I'm no astrophysicist, so maybe it's still implausible anyway, I don't know...


It's all implausible. Blowing apart the Earth would be immensely difficult -- it'd take something like the Sun's entire energy output for a week. And a mass as large as the surviving chunk would probably collapse into a sphere, though I don't know how long that would take. At least, it would probably have been put into a spin by the explosion rather than just hanging there.
We haven't seen the last of the framework...

Tonight's the night!

There goes this season. I skipped the LMD/framework arc last season because it was shit, and I was excited for the show to move on. I guess I'll just have to drop the show if its just becoming a shitty Matrix rip off. Well, at least I won't have to waste two hours tonight just to watch a series become a full time ripoff of a mediocre movie. If Ghost Rider ever shows back up (in the real world) I'll check out the episode, but besides that I'm done with Matrix - The series.
I love how this show references pop culture! "no one can here you scream" ,"Sharknado" and from a few years ago "Crush Kill Destroy! (Lost In Space) .
There goes this season. I skipped the LMD/framework arc last season because it was shit, and I was excited for the show to move on. I guess I'll just have to drop the show if its just becoming a shitty Matrix rip off. Well, at least I won't have to waste two hours tonight just to watch a series become a full time ripoff of a mediocre movie. If Ghost Rider ever shows back up (in the real world) I'll check out the episode, but besides that I'm done with Matrix - The series.
The Framework was a tiny part. I think you will regret not checking out the premier. some great stuff going on in it.
There goes this season. I skipped the LMD/framework arc last season because it was shit, and I was excited for the show to move on. I guess I'll just have to drop the show if its just becoming a shitty Matrix rip off. Well, at least I won't have to waste two hours tonight just to watch a series become a full time ripoff of a mediocre movie. If Ghost Rider ever shows back up (in the real world) I'll check out the episode, but besides that I'm done with Matrix - The series.
That may be the case for you, which is fine. Literally any framework is an instant deathblow to the show for me.
:lol: :rolleyes: :lol:

You really must love being so overdramatic. You have no idea how the Framework relates to the season because you don't even know the context of its appearance. You're not just throwing out the baby with the bathwater, you're doing it because the water is slightly tepid.

How about this? For once, could you actually try something out while ignoring your preconceived notions about it? Would that be so miserable? Or do you prefer reserving the right to complain about something you have no idea about? And no, reading about it does not count.
All I'll say in this conversation is, the version of the framework we are getting here is completely different from what saw last season, and is barely even related to it.
Yeah, it's barely even the Framework -- it's just a generic VR simulation used as an escapist retreat. The technology is the same, but the content is unrelated, at least so far.
:lol: :rolleyes: :lol:

You really must love being so overdramatic. You have no idea how the Framework relates to the season because you don't even know the context of its appearance. You're not just throwing out the baby with the bathwater, you're doing it because the water is slightly tepid.

How about this? For once, could you actually try something out while ignoring your preconceived notions about it? Would that be so miserable? Or do you prefer reserving the right to complain about something you have no idea about? And no, reading about it does not count.

I literally stopped watching the show because of how much I hated Aida/the framework (and that was after I really, really enjoyed the Ghost Rider stuff). I hate the LMD/framework more then I hated the SHIELD vs SHIELD story from seasons ago, and I still loathe Mack because he was a mole against Coulson, so that tells you how much I hate the framework to say its even worse. Its just my opinion, though. Things I can't stand are ok to some people, which is fine.

All I'll say in this conversation is, the version of the framework we are getting here is completely different from what saw last season, and is barely even related to it.

Well, if its in the show at all then I'm sure its going to be used in a big way at some point.
I literally stopped watching the show because of how much I hated Aida/the framework (and that was after I really, really enjoyed the Ghost Rider stuff).
There goes this season. I skipped the LMD/framework arc last season because it was shit, and I was excited for the show to move on. I guess I'll just have to drop the show if its just becoming a shitty Matrix rip off. Well, at least I won't have to waste two hours tonight just to watch a series become a full time ripoff of a mediocre movie. If Ghost Rider ever shows back up (in the real world) I'll check out the episode, but besides that I'm done with Matrix - The series.
Speaking as someone who wasn't a great fan of that storyline myself, and as one who's done it my own fair share, it's always endearing to see someone so proudly put their own ignorance on display as if it's a virtue.

...or wait, what's the opposite of endearing, again? The other thing.

It's an interesting take on things, sure, but I think it just shows that they're running out of steam. Maybe ABC's wanting to cancel the show and Disney stepping in prompted them to go for broke, so to speak. But if they struggled to make the core concept, a team of covert agents (later clandestine ones at that) mining the corners of the Marvel mythology headed by (a) Whedon, work, I think it's dubious that this will, ultimately work.

It's not a good sign, for me, that they're already falling into the same tropes that didn't excite me in the past: Jemma separated from the group (like when she was working undercover for HYDRA, or on an alien planet, or kept busy by the new SHIELD director, or one of two agents not put into the framework by AIDA), Mack saying he's quitting, Coulson quipping his way through not knowing what's going on, and, of course, Skye/Daisy being integral to the whole damned thing. Taken separately, some of these tropes do work, sparingly, but when each season seems to work them in, they become tiresome.
What about Doctor Strange?
That wasn't a reset button, it was a rewind button! ;)

It's all implausible. Blowing apart the Earth would be immensely difficult -- it'd take something like the Sun's entire energy output for a week. And a mass as large as the surviving chunk would probably collapse into a sphere, though I don't know how long that would take. At least, it would probably have been put into a spin by the explosion rather than just hanging there.

Well it's not as if superpowers exactly obey the laws of physics to begin with. I mean where does all that energy come from anyway?

That said, I think the way it would theoretically work with Daisy's powers is to somehow get *every* molecule and atom in the mantle resonating with each other until it generates enough heat that the iron core expands and throws off the upper crust like a popcorn kernel. For all we know that fragment they're hanging onto is at the tail end of a huge debris belt, trailing behind the orbital path of the still molten and mostly spherical core. In a few million years the planet might actually start to re-coalesce. has posted a post premiere interview with Jeffrey Bell and Jed Whedon.
Interesting bits:

  • They said that they will reveal exactly how far in the future they are in a later episode, but they did say it's 70-100 years from now.
  • Deke told Daisy the truth about her destroying the Earth, but that it isn't the whole story.
  • They didn't say when, but we will see Fitz and how he's dealing with the others' disappearance. How he feels about what he did in The Framework will also continue to impact him.

Good to know they're going to nail down the timeline later on...but it still bothers me that none of our heroes thought to ask.
Important note on the Framework:

Speaking of the Framework, will we see more of it this season? Might it be a way Fitz can communicate with them?
: This is a remnant of it. This guy has, in the same way that people have glued together aspects of past lives to meet current needs, taken something that was a very literal alternate reality and turned it into a joy palace for people to escape the drudgery of being stuck on a space station.
WHEDON: Right now we’re using it to say more about the world and this character than as a plot point necessarily.​

Nice observation on the show's connections with the films, while ruling out any direction connection to Infinity War (and they seem to have forgotten about Black Panther):

Will the show connect to the Marvel movies at all this season or is that too difficult since you’re so far into the future?
The literalness of it is logistically impossible. Last year, because of Doctor Strange, that allowed us to expand our universe to include Ghost Rider, and other dimensions, and the Darkhold.
WHEDON: And more magical aspects.
BELL: The Guardians movies have also now allowed us to expand into worlds that we really couldn’t before. So having aliens, having ships, having these other aspects does resonate with the movies, but the next movie doesn’t come out until May, which is after we’re done.​
Sure, but they specifically say "the next movie doesn't come out until May," not "the next movie that might have an impact on the show doesn't come out until May."