A Call for Help with a Episode! Please Read


Red Shirt
I am looking for a few good writers to help out with an idea.

I am considering a Mirror Mirror style episode for my game, but with a twist. So in past Mirror Mirror Episodes, we saw the Mirror Mirror universe as this completely wrong place were everything is just opposite of what we know.

So I am hoping that you have read my current thread called [post=259393]The Journeys of the USS Thunderchild (Episode One: Loose Strings)[/post]. Knowing this story will help you understand what I am looking for.

So I figure that the universe in which my story takes place is not the prime universe, seeing how I have Marines and turned an Akira class ship in to a carrier. So I do accept this fact, but on the same note, not quite the Mirror Mirror Universe that everyone has come to love and enjoy.

What I am looking for, is a Mirror Mirror style episode with the prime universe. I would like a group of writers (I am hoping for three, but I will take what I can get) to help write the episode and play key characters from the prime universe during the game. This episode/game will be posted here as part of the over all story for the USS Thunderchild and you will be given complete credit for your work.

So far, I am planning for the Prime Crew of the USS Thunderchild to cross over in to my alternate universe. I haven't figured out the how just yet, but I have a few ideas. I am thinking of a ship to ship meeting in deep space. Maybe some kind of rift that would allow the USS Thunderchild from the Prime Universe to slip across. I was thinking that the alternate Thunderchild of my universe would be locked in a struggle for her life when the prime Thunderchild slips across. It would be enough to tip the odds in favor of alternate Thunderchild and the battle is won. But now, with a much larger threat looming, both Captains will have to come up with a plan to allow the Prime Thunderchild to return home while not leaving the alternate Thunderchild to her doom.

As for the crew, I have some ideas for changes but I am not sure I want to change any of the crew members. What are you thoughts on this?

I haven't figured out all the details and would love to hammer them out here with all of you. Even if you don't wish to help write the story or play in it. Please feel free to help out with making this idea work. I am eagerly waiting to hear what you have to say.

Well I am still looking for some help on this project. Please feel free to post your ideas or suggestions here.