50th Anniversary Rewatch Thread

The Ultimate Computer was really the first episode of Trek to show us that Kirk wasn't really needed on many of the away teams! You need a medical officer, but it didn't have to be McCoy, a science officer and that didn't need to be Spock and a chief geologist that didn't need to be D'Amato! :lol: TNG had this type of thing with Picard rarely going down to any unknown planets or even known ones and leaving it all to his team of experts instead! Kirk just had a taste for the action and he wanted his mates with him!
Kirk didn't have a taste for action, WE did.
Well, it wasn't until the upcoming 50+ 3rd season that we got landing parties comprised exclusively of Kirk, Spock, and McCoy. Hell, even entire episodes like "Plato's Stepchildren", "Requiem for Methusala", and "All our Yesterdays" where we never even see the rest of the crew, or the Enterprise for that matter.
Damn those budget cuts!
Well, it wasn't until the upcoming 50+ 3rd season that we got landing parties comprised exclusively of Kirk, Spock, and McCoy. Hell, even entire episodes like "Plato's Stepchildren", "Requiem for Methusala", and "All our Yesterdays" where we never even see the rest of the crew, or the Enterprise for that matter.
Damn those budget cuts!

It didn't bode well for a fourth season...
Perhaps getting ahead of things 50th anniversary-wise, but working out my schedule of 50th anniversary viewing, I noticed something about the airdate of "Turnabout Intruder"...it aired in June, the better part of two months after "All Our Yeseterdays." By that point Trek was in its 1969 Summer rerun slot of Tuesday at 7:30 (and The Saint was running in Trek's former Friday slot). Most shows aired their last new episodes in March or April in those days. It seems that the NBC suits had the good sense to bury that stinker.
I've started a rewatch of TOS it's amazing i never get tired of the original. I've gone back to my original DVD's the first box set of the complete first season, i think even the originals on the blu ray sets have some alterations, the DVD's are nicely remastered and in line with how i remember watching the series in the 70's, sometimes the clarity of the Blu rays are distracting if that makes sense
I was at a ST watch party on FB. The group watched "Man Trap and Doomsday Machine." it was fun It was for the 52nd Anniversary
For the anniversary I watched my favorite episode of the entire franchise. "The City on the Edge of Forever."

I really, really, love that episode. It's perfect in almost every way. It's what makes Star Trek, Star Trek.
For the anniversary I watched my favorite episode of the entire franchise. "The City on the Edge of Forever."

I really, really, love that episode. It's perfect in almost every way. It's what makes Star Trek, Star Trek.
Heh. Not according to Mission Log.
Yeah, I know about the stuff behind the scenes with it, but I don't care. If I were trapped on a desert island with only one episode of Star Trek I could "take with me" to watch, it'd be this one.

It's really just a beautiful, beautiful, episode.
No, it's the hosts of Mission Log (a fantastic podcast, now with more DS9!) think that while CotEoF is a fantastic story it doesn't hold the "ideals" of Star Trek.

I disagree, of course.

And while I totally get the original "Hero with feet of clay" take of the original, the televised version is just about Shatner's finest moment.
rewatching the 1st season i realize that without a doubt its my favorite season of the show, followed in order by the 2nd and third. The first season really has that creepiness factor where it feels like they are out in uncharted space and Kirk is at his best in this season. I really appreciate the effects too for their time i think they also add to the show and the 1st season with the updated effects just doesnt have the same feel currently on Dagger of the Mind, great episode even the did reuse some of the sets way to often
Those uniforms were shrinking all the time so it's a good job that Kirk never visited any real draughty planets back then! :nyah:
Season premiere is a week from...last night if you're going strictly by calendar date. Because it's only a day off, I prefer to go by the same day of the week, as it was when we started this.

50 Years Ago This Week